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雅思写作7.5分语料- 社会生活类:生活质量的提高

雅思写作历年大作文真题:People living in the 21st century have a better life quality than the people who lived in the previous centuries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?生活在21世纪的人比生活在前几个世纪的人有更好的生活质量。你在多大程度上同意或不同意

have a better life quality than those who lived in previous centuries拥有比前几个世纪的人更好的生活质量advancements in medical technology 医疗技术的进步have led to longer life expectancies导致了更长的预期寿命the availability of vaccines and medicines疫苗和药品的可得性has reduced the impact of many deadly diseases减少了许多致命疾病的影响technological innovations技术创新such as the internet and social media比如互联网和社交媒体have made communication easier and more accessible使沟通变得更容易connect people across the world连接世界各地的人们improvements in living standards提高生活标准such as access to clean water, improved sanitation, and better housing conditions例如获得清洁水、改善卫生设施和改善住房条件have contributed to a higher quality of life为提高生活质量做出了贡献

have access to better medical care, communication technology, and living standards有更好的医疗、通讯技术和生活水平face new challenges and problems面对新的挑战和问题pollution and climate change污染和气候变化major concerns重大问题threaten the health and well-being of individuals and communities威胁个人和社区的健康和福祉the pace of modern life 现代生活的节奏can be stressful and overwhelming会有压力struggle with mental health issues与心理健康问题作斗争global economic inequalities and political instability全球经济不平等和政治不稳定create social and economic disparities造成社会和经济差距negatively impact quality of life对生活质量产生负面影响

have access to many technological, medical, and social advancements有机会获得许多技术、医疗和社会进步previous generations上几代人recognize that new challenges and problems also arise认识到新的挑战和问题也会出现depend on their perspective and how they weigh the benefits and drawbacks of modern life这取决于他们的观点,以及他们如何权衡现代生活的利弊

雅思写作7.5分语料- 社会生活类:生活质量的提高,第1张
雅思写作7.5分语料- 社会生活类:生活质量的提高,第2张
雅思写作7.5分语料- 社会生活类:生活质量的提高,第3张
雅思写作7.5分语料- 社会生活类:生活质量的提高,第4张
雅思写作7.5分语料- 社会生活类:生活质量的提高,第5张

