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kernel net

  1. Module (模块) - A self-contained unit of code that can be dynamically loaded and unloaded into the Linux kernel.

  2. Networking (网络) - The practice of connecting computers to share resources and information, involving the exchange of data between devices.

  3. Kernel (内核) - The core component of an operating system that manages system resources and provides essential services.

  4. Driver (驱动程序) - A software component that facilitates communication between the operating system and a specific hardware device.

  5. Protocol (协议) - A set of rules governing the format and transmission of data between devices in a network.

  6. Packet (数据包) - A unit of data transmitted over a network, typically containing both the actual data and control information.

  7. Interface (接口) - The point of interaction between different software components or between software and hardware.

  8. Socket (套接字) - A software endpoint for network communication, identified by an IP address and port number.

  9. Routing (路由) - The process of determining the optimal path for data to travel between devices in a network.

  10. Firewall (防火墙) - A security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules.

  11. Ethernet (以太网) - A widely used standard for wired local area network (LAN) communication.

  12. DNS (域名系统) - Domain Name System, a hierarchical naming system that translates domain names into IP addresses.

  13. IP Address (IP地址) - A numerical label assigned to each device participating in a computer network.

  14. Subnet (子网) - A segment of a larger network, identified by a unique IP address range.

  15. Port (端口) - A specific endpoint of communication in an operating system, often associated with a particular service or application.

  16. MAC Address (物理地址) - Media Access Control address, a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communication at the data link layer.

  17. ARP (地址解析协议) - Address Resolution Protocol, used to map an IP address to a MAC address in a local network.

  18. MTU (最大传输单元) - Maximum Transmission Unit, the largest size of a data packet that can be transmitted over a network.

  19. Bridge (桥接) - A device that connects and filters traffic between different network segments at the data link layer.

  20. VLAN (虚拟局域网) - Virtual Local Area Network, a logical grouping of devices within a network, regardless of their physical location.

  21. NAT (网络地址转换) - Network Address Translation, a technique that modifies network address information in packet headers while in transit.

  22. QoS (服务质量) - Quality of Service, a set of technologies to manage and prioritize network traffic to ensure a certain level of performance.

  23. Socket API (套接字API) - Application Programming Interface for network communication using sockets.

  24. DHCP (动态主机配置协议) - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, used to assign IP addresses and other network configuration parameters dynamically.

  25. Proxy (代理) - An intermediary server that acts as a gateway between a local network and the internet, forwarding requests and responses.

  26. SSL/TLS (安全套接层/传输层安全) - Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security, protocols for secure communication over a computer network.

  27. RAID (磁盘阵列) - Redundant Array of Independent Disks, a storage technology that combines multiple disk drives for performance and/or fault tolerance.

  28. BGP (边界网关协议) - Border Gateway Protocol, a standardized exterior gateway protocol used to exchange routing and reachability information on the internet.

  29. ICMP (Internet控制消息协议) - Internet Control Message Protocol, used for error reporting and diagnostics in network communication.

  30. VPN (虚拟专用网络) - Virtual Private Network, a secure and encrypted connection over a public network, typically the internet.

  31. Congestion (拥塞) - The state in which network resources are overloaded, leading to a degradation in performance.

  32. Load Balancing (负载均衡) - The distribution of network traffic or computing workload across multiple servers to optimize resource utilization.

  33. Multicast (组播) - A communication paradigm where data is sent from one sender to multiple receivers simultaneously.

  34. Unicast (单播) - Communication between a single sender and a single receiver in a network.

  35. Broadcast (广播) - Sending data to all devices within a network, typically in a local area network.

  36. Proxy Server (代理服务器) - A server that acts as an intermediary between client devices and other servers, forwarding requests and responses.

  37. Latency (延迟) - The time delay between the initiation of a network request and the receipt of the corresponding response.

  38. Bandwidth (带宽) - The maximum rate of data transfer across a network, often measured in bits per second (bps).

  39. Socket Programming (套接字编程) - The process of developing applications that communicate over a network using sockets.

  40. Wireshark (Wireshark) - A popular open-source network protocol analyzer for capturing and analyzing network traffic.

  41. Ping (ping) - A network utility tool used to test the reachability of a host and measure the round-trip time for messages.

  42. Trace Route (跟踪路由) - A diagnostic tool that displays the route and measures transit delays of packets across a network.

  43. DHCP Server (DHCP服务器) - A server that dynamically assigns IP addresses and network configuration to devices on a network.

  44. Firewall Rules (防火墙规则) - Configurations that dictate how a firewall should handle incoming and outgoing network traffic.

  45. IP Forwarding (IP转发) - The process of routing data from one network to another based on IP addresses.

  46. VPN Tunnel (VPN隧道) - A secure, encrypted connection established over an insecure network, like the internet.

  47. DNS Resolution (DNS解析) - The process of converting human-readable domain names into IP addresses.

  48. IP Tables (IP表) - A user-space utility program that allows a system administrator to configure IP packet filter rules.

  49. Network Topology (网络拓扑) - The arrangement of various elements (links, nodes, etc.) in a computer network.

  50. MAC Spoofing (MAC欺骗) - A technique where an attacker changes the Media Access Control address of a network interface to impersonate another device.

  51. Port Forwarding (端口转发) - The redirection of network traffic from one port to another, often used to enable remote access to a specific service.

  52. Ethernet Frame (以太网帧) - The basic unit of data transmission in an Ethernet network, containing source and destination MAC addresses.

  53. SSL Handshake (SSL握手) - The process of establishing a secure communication channel between a client and a server using SSL/TLS protocols.

  54. Ingress (入口) - Network traffic entering a device or network, often associated with filtering and security policies.

  55. Egress (出口) - Network traffic leaving a device or network, subject to monitoring and control measures.

  56. MTU Discovery (最大传输单元发现) - The process of determining the maximum size of data packets that can be transmitted over a network.

  57. Bridge Protocol Data Unit (桥接协议数据单元) - The data unit used in bridged networks to facilitate communication between connected segments.

  58. VLAN Trunking (虚拟局域网干线) - The transmission of VLAN information between network devices to extend VLANs across a network.

  59. Network Address Translation (NAT) - (网络地址转换) - The process of modifying IP addresses in packet headers to enable communication between different networks.

  60. Port Mirroring (端口镜像) - A network switch feature that copies incoming and outgoing traffic on a specific port for monitoring or analysis.

  61. IPsec (IP安全) - Internet Protocol Security, a suite of protocols to secure internet communication at the IP layer.

  62. PoE (Power over Ethernet) - 通过以太网传输电力,用于为网络设备提供电力的技术。

  63. Broadcast Storm (广播风暴) - Excessive broadcast or multicast traffic that overwhelms a network, causing performance issues.

  64. LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol) - 用于将多个物理网络连接组合成一个逻辑连接以增加带宽和冗余性的协议。

  65. Jumbo Frame (巨型帧) - Ethernet frames that exceed the standard maximum frame size, often used to improve network efficiency.

  66. Network Sniffing (网络嗅探) - The practice of intercepting and examining data packets on a network for troubleshooting or malicious purposes.

  67. Forward Error Correction (前向纠错) - A technique to detect and correct errors in transmitted data before reaching the destination.

  68. Stateless Firewall (无状态防火墙) - A firewall that filters network traffic based solely on predefined rules without maintaining session information.

  69. Dynamic Routing (动态路由) - The process of automatically updating routing tables in response to network topology changes.

  70. Network Segmentation (网络分割) - Dividing a network into smaller segments to improve performance, security, and manageability.

  71. IP Spoofing (IP欺骗) - A technique where an attacker sends IP packets from a false (or "spoofed") source address to deceive the recipient about the origin of the message.

  72. Broadcast Address (广播地址) - A special address used to send data to all devices in a network segment.

  73. Microsegmentation (微分割) - Dividing a network into smaller, isolated zones to enhance security by restricting lateral movement of threats.

  74. SSL Certificate (SSL证书) - A digital certificate that authenticates the identity of a website and enables secure, encrypted communication.

  75. Quality of Service (QoS) - (服务质量) - Mechanisms used to prioritize and manage network traffic to ensure a certain level of performance for critical applications.

  76. Tunneling (隧道) - Encapsulating one network protocol within another to enable communication between incompatible networks.

  77. Broadcast Domain (广播域) - A logical division of a network where broadcast traffic is contained, helping manage network efficiency.

  78. IP Masquerading (IP伪装) - A technique used in NAT to hide internal IP addresses by substituting them with the external IP address.

  79. Network Isolation (网络隔离) - The practice of separating different parts of a network to enhance security and prevent unauthorized access.

  80. NTP (Network Time Protocol) - (网络时间协议) - A protocol used to synchronize the clocks of computers within a network.

  81. Redundancy (冗余) - The inclusion of extra components or resources to ensure system reliability in case of failure.

  82. Proxy ARP (代理ARP) - A technique where a device answers ARP requests on behalf of another device to redirect traffic.

  83. Trunk Port (干线端口) - A network port configured to carry traffic for multiple VLANs, facilitating communication between them.

  84. Port Security (端口安全) - A feature that restricts the number and type of devices that can access a switch port.

  85. SYN Flood (SYN洪水) - A type of denial-of-service attack that exploits the three-way handshake in the TCP protocol.

  86. Broadcast Suppression (广播抑制) - Limiting the amount of broadcast traffic on a network to prevent performance degradation.

  87. Network Protocol (网络协议) - A set of rules defining how data is transmitted over a network, including format, timing, and error handling.

  88. Half-Duplex (半双工) - A communication mode where data can be transmitted and received, but not simultaneously.

  89. Full-Duplex (全双工) - A communication mode where data can be transmitted and received simultaneously.

  90. VLAN Hopping (虚拟局域网跳跃) - Exploiting vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access between VLANs on a network.

  91. Flood Guard (洪水防护) - Protective measures against network flooding attacks, such as broadcast or multicast storms.

  92. SLAAC (Stateless Address Autoconfiguration) - (无状态地址自动配置) - A method in IPv6 where devices automatically configure their own IP addresses without the need for a DHCP server.

  93. Wire-speed (线速) - The ability of a networking device to handle data at the maximum possible data rate of the network medium.

  94. Black Hole (黑洞) - A network location where incoming traffic is silently discarded, commonly used for security or traffic filtering purposes.

  95. GRE Tunnel (GRE隧道) - Generic Routing Encapsulation, a tunneling protocol used to encapsulate a wide variety of network layer protocols.

  96. Honeypot (诱饵) - A decoy system designed to attract and detect unauthorized access, helping to study and mitigate security threats.

  97. ICMP Redirect (ICMP重定向) - A message used by routers to inform hosts about a better next-hop for a particular destination.

  98. Stateless DHCP (无状态DHCP) - A DHCP configuration where devices receive only the basic network parameters without the server maintaining lease information.

  99. NAC (Network Access Control) - (网络访问控制) - Security technology that controls access to a network based on device health and compliance.

  100. Hardening (加固) - The process of securing a system by reducing its vulnerabilities, eliminating unnecessary services, and implementing best practices for security.

