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雅思写作7.5分语料- 教育类:家庭对小孩的影响是最大的吗?

雅思写作历年真题:The family has a great influence on children's development, but the influence outside the home plays a bigger part in children's life. Do you agree or disagree?家庭对孩子的发展有很大的影响,但家庭以外的影响在孩子的生活中起着更大的作用。你同意还是不同意

have a significant impact on a child's life对孩子的生活有重大影响

plays a bigger part than the family in children's development在孩子的成长过程中,父母比家庭更重要

holds the primary and most influential role in shaping a child's upbringing在塑造一个孩子的成长过程中扮演着最主要和最有影响力的角色

is exposed to? the first social environment from birth从出生起就暴露在第一个社会环境

learn about values, ethics, and cultural practices学习价值观、道德规范和文化习俗

shape their identity and behavior塑造他们的身份和行为

provide physical care提供身体护理

act as role models作为榜样行事

teach essential life skills教授基本的生活技能

instill core values灌输核心价值观

early experiences form the foundation of a child's character早期的经历形成了孩子性格的基础

shape their worldview and approach to life塑造他们的世界观和生活方式

the strength of family relationships and the emotional support家庭关系的强度和情感支持

have a profound impact on a child's overall development对孩子的全面发展有深远的影响

a supportive and loving family environment一个充满支持和爱的家庭环境

helps build a child's self-esteem and confidence帮助孩子建立自尊和自信

provides a safe space for emotional expression为情感表达提供一个安全的空间

nurtures positive mental health培养积极的心理健康

fosters healthy relationships培养健康的人际关系

contribute significantly to a child's social, emotional, and cognitive development对孩子的社交、情感和认知发展有重大贡献

shape their success in various aspects of life塑造他们在生活各个方面的成功

external influences such as peers, teachers, and community外部影响,如同伴、老师和社区

be secondary to the family's influence不要受家庭的影响

acts as a buffer against negative influences作为对负面影响的缓冲

provides a strong support system提供强大的支持系统

guide children in making informed choices引导儿童作出明智的选择

select positive friends选择积极的朋友

maintain healthy boundaries in their interactions outside the home在家庭之外的互动中保持健康的界限

the values and principles imparted by the family由家庭传授的价值观和原则

act as a compass 充当指南针

helps children navigate the complexities of the world beyond their home帮助孩子驾驭家庭之外复杂的世界

雅思写作7.5分语料- 教育类:家庭对小孩的影响是最大的吗?,第1张
雅思写作7.5分语料- 教育类:家庭对小孩的影响是最大的吗?,第2张
雅思写作7.5分语料- 教育类:家庭对小孩的影响是最大的吗?,第3张
雅思写作7.5分语料- 教育类:家庭对小孩的影响是最大的吗?,第4张
雅思写作7.5分语料- 教育类:家庭对小孩的影响是最大的吗?,第5张
雅思写作7.5分语料- 教育类:家庭对小孩的影响是最大的吗?,第6张

