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The society reflected in the film--"Good bye,Lenin"

“Good bye, Lenin”

In the context of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Berlin Wall was established, and the split between capitalist Germany and socialist Germany further intensified. In 1989, the Federal Republic of Germany seized the historic opportunity of the Berlin Wall being overthrown and reunified Germany. Against this historical background. Director Wolfgang Baker created the film "Goodbye, Lenin".

The society reflected in the film--"Good bye,Lenin",第1张

The dramatic plot does not directly explain the existence of the two regimes of socialist Germany and capitalist Germany. This film condenses the grand political concept into a small family, and all historical backgrounds naturally come through the life of the mission. Show it. Through the news on TV at the beginning of the film, people can see that the Germans became the first Germans to fly into space. This is a great event to be proud of for a family living in East Germany.

The society reflected in the film--"Good bye,Lenin",第2张

Unfortunately, at the same time, his father defected to West Germany. The creator used this ingenious technique to infiltrate the contradictions and conflicts between capitalist Germany and socialist Germany into a small home, and split a happy family by the conflicts between the two systems, directly mapping the coexistence of the two systems. Germany is in a state of incompatibility.

The society reflected in the film--"Good bye,Lenin",第3张

Wan (2009) expand on the theory that: "At that time. Berlin was similar to an isolated island in eastern Germany. It was connected to West Germany by two long and narrow highways. Guarded by barbed wire, inspection posts and armed soldiers. Berlin is looks like a cage". This huge cage separates two completely different ideologies, West Germany and East Germany. The division of a country into two is a disharmony situation, but for people who believe in communism or capitalism. "Two Germanys" is the best situation for them, because this way they can stick to their beliefs and devote themselves to their lives. Go in the career they love.

The society reflected in the film--"Good bye,Lenin",第4张

?Alex’s mother was illness during the demolition of the Berlin Wall. In the months since her mother fell ill, Germany has undergone earth-shaking changes. West Germany and East Germany began to accept each other, and everyone began to live in harmony.

The society reflected in the film--"Good bye,Lenin",第5张

?However, his mother, as an activist of East German socialism, was destined to find it difficult for him to accept the coexistence of socialism and capitalism for the revolutionary cause that he had worked hard for all his life and the beautiful fantasy of GDR. Therefore, as a son, after the mother was discharged from the hospital, in order to prevent the mother from receiving any stimulation. He made a "cage" for the mother that belongs to the mother, but this cage is warm. It is a son's deepest love for his mother, and is also the son's greatest lie. The 79-square-meter “Germany” built by the son for his mother is similar to the Berlin Wall between the mother and the outside world. It is a continuation of the GDR. The culture on this side of the wall and the other side of the wall is?in fierce collision.

The society reflected in the film--"Good bye,Lenin",第6张

The confrontation between the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany is similar to a competition between the Soviet Union and the United States. Sigmund Jean is a GDR. As the first German to fly into space, he is the pride of the GDR. He was the first The Germans who flew into space inspired the entire GDR citizens and convinced the citizens of GDR to believe in the communist system of GDR. Chen?(2014)?expand on the theory that: "The film has repeatedly presented rocket elements, which seems to be the spiritual sustenance of the East Germans". The rocket in the universe during the original GDR period. The rocket jacket worn by Alex. Taxi drivers in the Federal Republic of Germany after reunification-the first German Democratic Republic to fly into space. The ashes of Eric’s mother during the Federal Republic of Germany were put into a model rocket and launched into the sky. The rocket as a symbol symbolizes the development direction of East Germany.

The society reflected in the film--"Good bye,Lenin",第7张
The society reflected in the film--"Good bye,Lenin",第8张
The society reflected in the film--"Good bye,Lenin",第9张

?The East German government has inherited the will of the Soviet Union, focusing on the development of heavy industry, ignoring agriculture and people's livelihood, dreaming of ideal socialism, and economic development becoming deformed. Yue (2011) expanded on the theory that: "East Germany was founded in 1949, and its leaders hid under the auspices of the Soviet Union. At that time, the statues of Lenin that were everywhere were an external manifestation of capitalist ideology". East Germany merged with West Germany. The shortcomings of East German socialism slowly manifested. The socialist ideology was gradually replaced by capitalist ideology, and the statue of Lenin would also be instantly disintegrated because he was capitalist consciousness. The physical performance of the form. The merger of East and West Germany is actually similar to the West Germany's annexation of East Germany. In "Goodbye Lenin", the audience can see when Alex's mother wakes up and walks out. Under the shroud of sunlight. The helicopter hoists the statue of Lenin slowly flying past her eyes. This seems to tell him that although the times have changed.

The society reflected in the film--"Good bye,Lenin",第10张

Xu (2009?)expand on the theory that:“German people cannot integrate into the free world they yearn for. Cannot enjoy the many benefits of capitalism, and it is even difficult to gain the respect of compatriots in West Germany.” After the reunification of Germany, East Germans felt that they were The whole country is repelled, because the GDR government that once recognized their existence has disappeared, and the new Federal German government cannot accept them well. East Germans who have lost their sense of international identity began to have deep doubts about themselves. Longing to integrate into West Germany to enjoy a better life, but now they start to miss the former East Germany again, because at least there, they can enjoy a sense of country and national presence.

Reference list

Chen, B, M. (2014). The Change of Ideology from the View of the Common People--The Film Review of "Goodbye Lenin". Charming China, 8(2), pp.104-105

Wan J. B. (2009). How Wolfgang Baker's "Goodbye Lenin" was made. Southern People Weekly, (45), pp.72-74.

Xu, N. (2009). The Wounds of East and West Germany and the Possibility of Healing——"Goodbye, Lenin" and the psychological identity of contemporary East Germans. ?Movie review,?(03), pp. 39-40

Yue, Y.?(2011). Lost faith and tangled hope: a review of the German film "new wave": Goodbye?To?Lenin.?Journal of Jiamusi Institute of Education, (05), pp.36-36.

