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OpenStack是一个开源的云计算管理平台项目,是一系列软件开源项目的组合。由NASA(美国国家航空航天局)和Rackspace合作研发并发起,以Apache许可证(Apache软件基金会发布的一个自由软件许可证)授权。 OpenStack为私有云和公有云提供可扩展的弹性的云计算服务。项目目标是提供实施简单、可大规模扩展、丰富、标准统一的云计算管理平台。 对于Openstack运维人员来说,需要掌握Openstack云平台系统资源的整体运行情况,包括域(AZ)的cpu/menmory等资源使用情况;本文将介绍使用zabbix结合openstack python-api对openstack系统资源进行监控,详情如下:



nova availability-zone-list +-----------------------+----------------------------------------+ | Name | Status | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------+ | internal | available | | |- computer03 | | | | |- nova-storage | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:07.000000 | | |- computer04 | | | | |- nova-storage | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:08.000000 | | |- computer05 | | | | |- nova-storage | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:13.000000 | | |- computer06 | | | | |- nova-storage | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:05.000000 | | |- computer07 | | | | |- nova-storage | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:05.000000 | | |- computer08 | | | | |- nova-storage | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:07.000000 | | |- controler02 | | | | |- nova-conductor | enabled XXX 2017-10-09T09:46:27.000000 | | | |- nova-consoleauth | enabled XXX 2017-10-09T09:46:37.000000 | | | |- nova-monitor | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:11.000000 | | | |- nova-scheduler | enabled XXX 2017-10-09T09:46:37.000000 | | | |- nova-cert | enabled XXX 2017-10-09T09:46:37.000000 | | |- controller01 | | | | |- nova-conductor | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:11.000000 | | | |- nova-consoleauth | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:04.000000 | | | |- nova-monitor | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:07.000000 | | | |- nova-scheduler | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:09.000000 | | | |- nova-cert | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:12.000000 | | IMS | available | | |- computer03 | | | | |- nova-compute | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:07.000000 | | |- computer04 | | | | |- nova-compute | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:05.000000 | | |- computer08 | | | | |- nova-compute | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:13.000000 | | paas | available | | |- computer05 | | | | |- nova-compute | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:07.000000 | | |- computer06 | | | | |- nova-compute | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:13.000000 | | |- computer07 | | | | |- nova-compute | enabled :-) 2018-10-18T10:56:04.000000 | +-----------------------+----------------------------------------+

由结果可以看出,该系统含有两个域: IMS 和 paas 。 但是该命令结果不太直观,不容易提取,我们也可以使用如下命令:

nova aggregate-list +----+---------+-------------------+ | Id | Name | Availability Zone | +----+---------+-------------------+ | 1 | IMS+RCS | IMS | | 4 | paas | paas | +----+---------+-------------------+

根据 aggregate-list ,我们可以查看域对应的计算节点:

nova aggregate-details paas +----+------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ | Id | Name | Availability Zone | Hosts | Metadata | +----+------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ | 4 | paas | paas | 'computer07', 'computer05', 'computer06' | 'availability_zone=paas' | +----+------+-------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------+


nova hypervisor-show computer07 +---------------------------+------------+ | Property | Value | +---------------------------+------------+ | free_disk_gb | 55 | | free_ram_mb | 126156 | | host_ip | | | hypervisor_hostname | computer07 | | hypervisor_type | QEMU | | id | 9 | | local_gb | 445 | | local_gb_used | 390 | | memory_mb | 257740 | | memory_mb_used | 131584 | | npt_ept | ept | | pci_pools | - | | running_vms | 8 | | service_disabled_reason | - | | service_host | computer07 | | service_id | 27 | | state | up | | status | enabled | | vcpus | 48 | | vcpus_used | 32 | +---------------------------+------------+ #截取部分信息

我们可以得知,该节点的vcpu总数及其使用情况,memory_mb总数及其使用情况。 将每个节点的使用情况均获取后,经过计算,就可以得出域的资源整体使用情况。对于云平台的整体使用情况,我们也可以通过命令行获取:

nova hypervisor-stats +----------------------+---------+ | Property | Value | +----------------------+---------+ | count | 6 | | current_workload | 0 | | disk_available_least | 304 | | free_disk_gb | 518 | | free_ram_mb | 961736 | | local_gb | 2670 | | local_gb_used | 2152 | | memory_mb | 1546440 | | memory_mb_used | 584704 | | running_vms | 42 | | vcpus | 288 | | vcpus_used | 172 | +----------------------+---------+


3 使用 openstack python-api 获取域监控信息 程序代码如下:

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #imports import json from optparse import OptionParser from novaclient import client as noclient from novaclient import utils #登录及授权 keystone = {} keystone['os_username']='admin' keystone['os_password']='keystone' keystone['os_auth_url']='http://lb-vip:5000/v2.0/' keystone['os_tenant_name']='admin' nova_client = noclient.Client(2, keystone['os_username'], keystone['os_password'], keystone['os_tenant_name'], keystone['os_auth_url']) def main(): #获取云平台整体信息并打印 total_info = nova_client.hypervisor_stats.statistics()._info.copy() print "total_info_vcpus:", total_info["vcpus"] print "total_info_vcpus_used:", total_info["vcpus_used"] print "total_info_memory_mb:", total_info["memory_mb"] print "total_info_memory_mb_used:", total_info["memory_mb_used"] print "total_info_running_vms:", total_info["running_vms"] #获取域列表信息 aggregates = nova_client.aggregates.list() for aggregate in aggregates: #初始化每个域的资源统计变量 vcpus = 0 vcpus_used = 0 memory_mb = 0 memory_mb_used = 0 running_vms = 0 #获取每个aggregate信息,并保存对应的hostscomputer节点列表 aggregate_info = aggregate._info.copy() print aggregate_info["id"], aggregate_info["name"], aggregate_info["availability_zone"], aggregate_info["hosts"] aggregate_hosts = aggregate_info["hosts"] #循环计算节点,保存相关资源信息 for aggregate_host in aggregate_hosts: hypervisor_info = utils.find_resource(nova_client.hypervisors, aggregate_host)._info vcpus = vcpus + hypervisor_info["vcpus"] vcpus_used = vcpus_used + hypervisor_info["vcpus_used"] memory_mb = memory_mb + hypervisor_info["memory_mb"] memory_mb_used = memory_mb_used + hypervisor_info["memory_mb_used"] running_vms = running_vms + hypervisor_info["running_vms"] #打印域资源信息 print "vcpus:", vcpus print "vcpus_used:", vcpus_used print "memory_mb:", memory_mb print "memory_mb_used:", memory_mb_used print "running_vms:", running_vms if __name__ == "__main__": main()


total_info_vcpus: 288 total_info_vcpus_used: 172 total_info_memory_mb: 1546440 total_info_memory_mb_used: 584704 total_info_running_vms: 42 1 IMS+RCS IMS [u'computer04', u'computer03', u'computer08'] vcpus: 144 vcpus_used: 84 memory_mb: 773220 memory_mb_used: 243200 running_vms: 20 4 paas paas [u'computer07', u'computer05', u'computer06'] vcpus: 144 vcpus_used: 88 memory_mb: 773220 memory_mb_used: 341504 running_vms: 22

经过适当的计算,我们就可以获取各个域分配及使用比例等信息。 上面我们就使用 python-api 打印出了所有需要的信息,但是对于监控来说,我们需要提取的是各个监控项的信息,这样才能方便的搜索和做图表展示;下面我们讨论结合zabbix进行相关信息的监控。

4 结合zabbix获取域相关监控信息

4.1 获取可用域信息列表 上面我们已经获取了所有的可用域信息,但对于zabbix来说,我们还需要返回固定格式的数据,供zabbix进行解析:

#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #imports import json from optparse import OptionParser from novaclient import client as noclient from novaclient import utils #登录及授权 keystone = {} keystone['os_username']='admin' keystone['os_password']='keystone' keystone['os_auth_url']='http://lb-vip:5000/v2.0/' keystone['os_tenant_name']='admin' nova_client = noclient.Client(2, keystone['os_username'], keystone['os_password'], keystone['os_tenant_name'], keystone['os_auth_url']) def main(): r = {"data":[]} aggregates = nova_client.aggregates.list() for aggregate in aggregates: aggregate_info = aggregate._info.copy() r['data'].append( {"{#NAME}":aggregate_info["name"]} ) print(json.dumps(r, indent=2, sort_keys=True, encoding="utf-8")) if __name__ == "__main__": main()


{ "data": [ { "{#AVAILABLE_ZONE}": "IMS", "{#NAME}": "IMS+RCS" }, { "{#AVAILABLE_ZONE}": "paas", "{#NAME}": "paas" } ] }

4.2 zabbix,Item及自动发现LLD配置 云平台整体信息,Item设置如下:

openstack.total[vcpus] openstack.total[vcpus_used] openstack.total[memory_mb] openstack.total[memory_mb_used] openstack.total[running_vms]




openstack.zone[hosts,{#NAME}] openstack.zone[vcpus,{#NAME}] openstack.zone[vcpus_used,{#NAME}] openstack.zone[memory_mb,{#NAME}] openstack.zone[memory_mb_used,{#NAME}] openstack.zone[running_vms,{#NAME}]


?4.3 zabbix-agent配置与对应的脚本 对应的zabbix-agent.conf配置如下:

# /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/userparameter_openstack-system.conf UserParameter=openstack.system.discovery,python /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/openstack-system.py --item discovery UserParameter=openstack.total[*],python /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/openstack-system.py --item total --moniter $1 UserParameter=openstack.zone[*],python /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/openstack-system.py --item $1 --aggregate $2


# /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/openstack-system.py #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #imports import json from optparse import OptionParser from novaclient import client as noclient from novaclient import utils #登录及授权 keystone = {} keystone['os_username']='admin' keystone['os_password']='keystone' keystone['os_auth_url']='http://lb-vip:5000/v2.0/' keystone['os_tenant_name']='admin' nova_client = noclient.Client(2, keystone['os_username'], keystone['os_password'], keystone['os_tenant_name'], keystone['os_auth_url']) def main(): options = parse_args() if options.item=="discovery": zone_list() elif options.item=="total": total_moniter(options) else: zone_moniter(options) #判断入参合法性 def parse_args(): parser = OptionParser() valid_item = ["discovery", "total", "hosts", "vcpus", "vcpus_used", "memory_mb", "memory_mb_used", "running_vms"] parser.add_option("", "--item", dest="item", help="", action="store", type="string", default=None) parser.add_option("", "--moniter", dest="moniter", help="", action="store", type="string", default=None) parser.add_option("", "--aggregate", dest="aggregate", help="", action="store", type="string", default=None) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.item not in valid_item: parser.error("Item has to be one of: "+", ".join(valid_item)) return options #获取可用域列表 def zone_list(): r = {"data":[]} aggregates = nova_client.aggregates.list() for aggregate in aggregates: aggregate_info = aggregate._info.copy() r['data'].append( {"{#NAME}":aggregate_info["name"], "{#AVAILABLE_ZONE}":aggregate_info["availability_zone"]} ) print(json.dumps(r, indent=2, sort_keys=True, encoding="utf-8")) #获取云平台整体监控信息 def total_moniter(options): total_info = nova_client.hypervisor_stats.statistics()._info.copy() print (total_info[options.moniter]) #获取可用域对应的监控信息 def zone_moniter(options): aggregate = utils.find_resource(nova_client.aggregates, options.aggregate) aggregate_info = aggregate._info.copy() aggregate_hosts = aggregate_info["hosts"] if options.item=="hosts": print (aggregate_hosts) else: monitor_data = 0 for aggregate_host in aggregate_hosts: hypervisor_info = utils.find_resource(nova_client.hypervisors, aggregate_host)._info monitor_data = monitor_data + hypervisor_info[options.item] print (monitor_data) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

在zabbix上进行对应的配置后重启,将模版应用于主机,此时应当监控获取所有的可用域,并监控对应的信息。 5 参考资料 Openstack 中的zone ,aggregates和host及其应用,https://blog.csdn.net/ztejiagn/article/details/8948688 nova 命令汇总四 ——计算相关命令,http://blog.51cto.com/13788458/2129157 The novaclient Python API,https://docs.openstack.org/python-novaclient/latest/reference/api/index.html GitHub - larsks/openstack-api-samples,https://github.com/larsks/openstack-api-samples


