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Stable-diffusion Ubuntu搭建记录

Stable-diffusion Ubuntu鎼缓璁板綍

鈿狅笍 娉ㄦ剰闇€瑕佸厛瀹夎Anaconda3! 娉ㄦ剰纭欢閰嶇疆锛?/p>

toonyou_beta3 缁樺埗鏁堟灉鍥?/strong>

Stable-diffusion Ubuntu搭建记录,第1张

1. 涓嬭浇Stable Diffusion UI v2婧愮爜鍖?/strong>

Stable Diffusion UI v2

2. 鎸夊涓嬫楠ゅ畨瑁?/strong>

馃挕 Linux

  1. Download for Linux
  2. Extract:
    • Extract the file with your favourite file manager, or use unzip Easy-Diffusion-Linux.zip in a terminal.
    • After extracting the .zip file, please open a terminal, and go to the easy-diffusion directory.
  3. Run:
    • In the terminal, run ./start.sh (or bash start.sh)
      This will automatically install Easy Diffusion, set it up, and start the interface. No additional steps are needed.

3. 閬囪sdkit module not found閿欒

馃挕 sdkit鍖呮湭鎴愬姛瀹夎锛屽湪Stable-diffusion鍒涘缓鐨刢onda鐜涓墜鍔ㄥ畨瑁?code>sdkit鍖?/p>

  1. cd xxxx/easy-diffusion/installer_files
  2. conda activate ./env
  3. pip install sdkit

4. 妯″瀷涓嬭浇鎱?/strong>

馃挕 绉戝鍔犻€熶笅杞藉悗鏀惧叆瀵瑰簲鏂囦欢澶?/p>

5. 璁剧疆绔彛骞跺厑璁稿悓缃戞鍐呭叾浠朠C璁块棶

  • 鎵撳紑Easy Diffusion缃戦〉锛堥粯璁ocalhost:9000锛?/li>
  • 杩涘叆Settings锛岃缃?strong>绔彛
  • 璁剧疆鍏佽鍚岀綉娈靛唴鍏朵粬PC璁块棶

6. 涓嬭浇璁粌鐨勬彃鐢绘ā鍨嬫斁鍏?code>easy-diffusion/models/stable-diffusion鏂囦欢澶?/strong>


7. 鎺ㄨ崘妯″瀷涓庨厤缃?/h2>


Stable-diffusion Ubuntu搭建记录,第2张

majicMIX realistic

Stable-diffusion Ubuntu搭建记录,第3张


Stable-diffusion Ubuntu搭建记录,第4张


Stable-diffusion Ubuntu搭建记录,第5张

