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1. against the grain 逆着潮流,与众不同

grain n. 谷物; v. 使表面粗糙
ex: She is the girl who likes against the grain.

2. accuse sb. of doing 控告某人

ex: He accused his classmate of stealing his homework.

3. all but = almost 相当于,几乎

it + be + impossible / possible to do sth. 做某事可能、不可能
ex: It was all but impossible to read his writing.

4. at large 一般的,自由自在

ex: Her killer is still at large.

5. attach to ... 把...放在; 对... 赋予

ex: He was attached to a tree.

6. be accustomed to doing sth. 习惯于

ex: I am usually accustomed to playing phone games in evening.

7. be applied to 适用于

ex: This plan can be applied to any situation.

8. be at home in 熟悉

ex: You will be quickly at home in these rules.

9. be committed to 致力于

ex: He said that he will be committed to the homeland development.

10. by no means 决不

ex: By no means she will give up her dreams.

11. can't help but 不能防止做,忍不住,不得不

ex: When their children completed their homework by themself, the mother couldn't help but praise them.

12. cast off 抛弃

ex: He finally cast off his girlfriend.

13. cater to 满足...的需求

ex: The secretary will cater to your requirement.

14. cling to 坚持

ex: I will cling to go to school, even though I hurt my back yesterday.

15. cope with = take care of = deal with = handle 处理

ex: The boy didn't know how to cope with the depression at work.

16. correspond to 与...相应

ex: The answers on the next paper correspond to these questions.

17. dedicate oneself to 致力于

ex: He is quite dedicated to his students.

18. deprive of 剥夺

ex: The government has deprived of his wealth and right.

19. dispose of 处理、处置

ex: I will dispose of these problems by myself.

20. every walk of life 各行各业

ex: These students will be work on every walk of life.

21. fall into 陷入、进入

ex: Don't fall into electronic games.

22. first rank 一流的

ex: He is the first rank in cooking.

23. follow one's lead 听某人的话,跟某人行事

ex: These students will follow the teacher's lead.

24. from one's point of view 从某人的观点

ex: From his point of view, the plan will be failed.

25. get rid of 消除

ex: The fireman has gotten rid of the forest fire.

26. get ... in tune 使...和谐

ex: Singers and instrumentalists have to be able to get every note perfectly in tune.

27. give way to 让步于

ex: The dream is always giving way to the realism.

28. graze on (牛羊等)吃草

ex: Thousands of cows and sheep are grazing on the grass.

29. have ... in common 有共性,有共同点

ex: The twins have many behaviors in common.

30. hold back 阻止

ex: My mom is always holding back my father smoke in the bedroom.

31. in addition to 除...外

ex: In addition to washing dishes, there are many housework I haven't done.

32. in advance 预先

ex: The emcee will appear in advance to the stage.

33. in favor of 倾向于

ex: The law will in favor of the right side.

34. in harmony with 与...协调一致

ex: These dancers give a performance in harmony with the song's tunes.

35. in high gear 高速的

ex: With the approaching the vacations deadline, the girl has to finish her homework in high gear.

36. in significant measure 在很大程度上

ex: The success of the project was due in significant measure to the hard work of the team.

37. in so far as 再...的范围内

ex: It's a good idea, in so far as we known.

38. jibe with 与...一致

ex: Your statement doesn't jibe with the facts.

39. keep abreast with = keep up with 跟上

ex: We must keep abreast with the pace of the times.

40. make attribute to 对...做贡献

ex: The scientist has made attribute to developing economy.

41. make an impact on 对...产生影响

ex: Bad behavior of the mother will make a bad impact on her children.

42. make one's way to 转向

ex: The car should have made its way to the right.

43. make way for 让步于

ex: The eloquence should make way for the realism.

44. notwithstanding 虽然,尽管

ex: Notwithstanding in the winter, the poor girl has to sell matches in the street.

45. on the whole 总体上

ex: On the whole, the girl's grades have improved.

46. only that 因为

ex: Only that you have never been to Beijing, I will arrange a trip for you.

47. per capita 人均

ex: This set meal per capita $5.

48. pick up 沿着...,捡起

ex: He will pick up his brother at the airport.

49. play a part in 在...中扮演角色,在...中起作用

ex: He plays an important part in this plan.

50. preside over 管理,监控

ex: The guard will preside over the camera of the building.

51. prior to 在...前

ex: Prior to the dinner, we must wash our hands.

52. provided with 提供...

ex: Many companies will provide food with the government.

53. put an end to 结束

ex: If all problems have been solved, I will put an end to the meeting.

54. regardless of 不管,不顾

ex: Regardless of the worker's benefits, the boss insists on closing the company.

55. shoot up 迅速成长,增长

ex: After we irrigate the garden, the plants are shooting up.

56. subject to 取决于...,受...控制

ex: The task's progress was subject to the manager.

57. take advantage of 利用

ex: I will take advantage of this grades to get my parent's award.

58. subsist on 依靠

ex: The mobile phone subsists on electric power to function.

59. take on 呈现,承担

ex: After her father died, her brother has to take on the responsibility of taking care of the family.

60. take sth. for granted 想当然的认为

ex: The mother always takes her children for granted as if they are the best.

61. tip the scale at 称重...,体重...

ex: The smart boy put forward an idea to tip the scale at the lowest.

62. to the extreme 达到极点

ex: The water's temperature has been to the extreme.

63. to the point of 到...程度

ex: He plays honors of kings to the point of madly.

64. to the extent of 到...的程度

ex: With the experiment's development, the problem is approaching to the extent of clearly.

65. up to 达到

ex: I have never up to the standard performance.

66. usher in 带来,开始

ex: With the race usher in, the competitor is running.

67. wipe out 消除

ex: My grandpa wipes out his experiences slowly.

68. with respect to 考虑到、关于、就...而言

ex: With respect to the result, there are many different opinions.

