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脚磨破了|Remember the ChineseImmigrants to buildAmerica's first transcontinental横贯大陆的 railroad.


脚磨破了|Remember the ChineseImmigrants to buildAmerica's first transcontinental横贯大陆的 railroad.,第1张

Remember the Chinese immigrants who built America's first transcontinental railway.

The nation's first transcontinental railway complete 150 years ago , connected the vast United States and brought America into the modern age. Chinese immigrants contributed mightily贡献卓著 to this feat. But the historical? accounts that followed often? Marginalized边缘化? their role.

Between 1863 and 1869, as many as 20000 Chinese workers helped build the treacherous险阻重重的 western portion of the railroad railroad,a? Winding ribbon ribbon of track蜿蜒曲折的铁路 known as the Central Pacific.

The Chinese workers cut through dense forests filled deep revenge and built in all enormous retaining walls, some of which remain intact today. All work was done by hand using carts, shows and picks but no machinery.

Progress came at great cost and estimated 1200 Chinese laborers died along the center pacific route.

The transcontinental railways completion around travelers to January across the country in a week, a trip that had previously taken more than a month. Politicians pointed to the achievement as they declared the United States, the leading nation of the world.

The transcontinental railway has been viewed in a? Nationalistic way ever since. But Chinese workers were often left out of the official story because there are language and suffering did not fit well with celebration.

And attitudes towards toward them soon scored with anti Chinese rules sweeping the country, the Chinese exclusion act of 1882 by the Chinese laborers from entering the United States. Federal immigration law prohibits Chinese citizens from being American into1943.

