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it will close?more than?200?stores?nationwide, which may?result in?the?layoffs?of an?estimated?2,000 employees.

more than英 [m??(r) e?n] 比…更;比…更重要;超出需要;超乎寻常

stores英 [st??z] n.(大型)百货商店;商店;店铺;贮存物;备用物

nationwide英 [?ne??n?wa?d] ?



result in英 [r??z?lt ?n] 导致;终于(失败)

layoffs英 [?le???fs] ?n.(通常指因工作岗位不足的)解雇,裁员,下岗;休养;疗养;养伤

estimated英 [?est?me?t?d] ?v.估价;估算

2 the?crowds?that listen to the?candidates?are?bored or ecstatic,?depending largely on?how long they?speak for.

crowds 英 [kra?dz] n.人群;观众;一伙人;一帮人;群众;民众;老百姓;凡夫俗子

candidates英 [?k?nd?d?ts] n.(竞选或求职的)候选人,申请人;投考者;应试者;参加考试的人;被认定适合者;被认定有某种结局者

bored英 [b??d] adj.无聊的;(对某人 / 事物)厌倦的;烦闷的

ecstatic英 [?k?st?t?k] ?adj.欣喜若狂;狂喜的;热情极高的

depending on英 [d??pend?? ?n] 依据,根据

depending largely on很大程度上

speak for英 [spi?k f??(r)] ?代表…讲话;为…辩护

3 The customer expressed her?distaste?for that broad hat.

distaste 英 [d?s?te?st]n.不喜欢;反感;厌恶

broad hat宽边帽

4 his dealing with?the troublesome problem?attested to his managerial ability.

dealing with 处理;对待

Troublesome problem英 [?tr?bls?m ?pr?bl?m] 麻烦问题

attested英 [??test?d] v.证实;是…的证据;作证,证明(如在法庭上)

managerial ability英 [?m?n??d???ri?l ??b?l?ti] ?管理能力;管理才能

5 all we ever see is the wreckage after the plane crash, not the crash itself.

wreckage英 [?rek?d?] ?n.(车辆等的)残骸;(建筑物等的)废墟

6 the wrong medicines can kill people; the wrong financial products only impoverish.

impoverish英 [?m?p?v?r??] ? vt.使贫穷;使贫瘠;使枯竭

7 diamonds have little intrinsic value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.

intrinsic value英 [?n?tr?nz?k ?v?lju?] ?内在价值

scarcity英 [?ske?s?ti] n.稀缺;缺乏;不足;稀少

8?Access to?some parts of?South?America ?is still difficult, because part of the continent are still covered with thick forests.

access to英 [??kses tu] 接近,去…的通路,使用…的机会(权利)

9 the?native Canadians?lived in harmony with nature, for they repeated nature as a provider of life.

harmony 英 [?hɑ?m?ni] ?n.融洽;和睦;和声;和谐;协调

Harmony brings wealth英 [?hɑ?m?ni br??z welθ] 和气生财;家和万事兴

provider英 [pr??va?d?(r)] n.供应者;提供者;供养人

10?some educators?try to put students of similar abilities into the same class because they believe this kind of?homogeneous grouping?is advisable.

homogeneous grouping英 [?h?m??d?i?ni?s ?ɡru?p??] ?同质分组

advisable英 [?d?va?z?bl] ?adj.明智的;明智;可取

11?encouraged by?their culture to voice their?opinions freely, the Canadians are not afraid to go?against the group consensus, and will?argue?their viewpoints enthusiastically, though rarely aggressively.

to voice their opinions freely畅所欲言

group consensus英 [ɡru?p k?n?sens?s] 群体共识

viewpoints英 [?vju?p??nts] n.观点;看法;角度

enthusiastically ?adv.热情地;热心地;激动地;滔滔不绝地

aggressively ?adv.侵略地;攻击地;有闯劲地;积极地;进取地;有进取心地

12 unfortunately I must have moved the camera, because the picture is rather?blurred.

blurred英 [bl??d]???美 [bl??rd] ?



13 the?ascent?of the mountain is?arduous, but anyone who makes it to the top is rewarded by a?spectacular view.

ascent英 [??sent] ?n.上升;升高;登高;上坡;上坡路;前进;提高;进步

arduous英 [?ɑ?dju?s]adj.艰苦的;艰难的

spectacular view英 [spek?t?kj?l?(r) vju?] ?引人入胜的景色

14 this project would?entail?a huge increase in?defense spending.

entail英 [?n?te?l] ?



defense spending英 [d?'fens ?spend??] ? 国防开支

15 Californians and New Englanders speak the same language and?abide by?the same?federal laws.

abide by英 [??ba?d ba?] 遵守,遵照(法规、协议、判决等)

abide by one's promise英 [??ba?d ba? w?nz ?pr?m?s] 遵守诺言

federal laws英 [?fed?r?l l??z] ? 联邦法律;联邦法

16 the rest of the day was?entirely?at his?disposal?for reading or?recreation.

entirely英 [?n?ta??li] adv.完全;全部地;完整地

disposal英 [d??sp??zl] n.处置;处理;去掉;清除;(企业、财产等的)变卖,让与

entirely satisfactory 英 [?n?ta??li ?s?t?s?f?kt?ri] 尽如人意

recreation英 [?ri?kri?e??n]n.娱乐;消遣;娱乐活动;游戏

17 the nurse?consoled?the patient by telling him stories of how many very ill persons survived with?perseverance?in thestruggle against?illnesses.

consoled英 [k?n?s??ld] v.安慰;抚慰;慰藉

perseverance英 [?p??s??v??r?ns] n.毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神

struggle against英 [?str?ɡl ??ɡenst] ?同…作斗争

18 if the bill at last makes its way after years of?deliberation and lobbying, that could further dent Blackstone’s profits and share price.

bill英 [b?l] ?n.账单;(餐馆的)账单;(提交议会讨论的)议案,法案


deliberation英 [d??l?b??re??n] ? ?n.细想;考虑;商议;审议;(说话或办事)缓慢,从容,审慎

lobbying英 [?l?bi??] v.游说(从政者或政府)

share price英 [?e?(r) pra?s] ?n.股价;股票价格

19 the?novelty?of the situation intrigued him.

novelty英 [?n?vlti] ? n.新颖性;新奇;新颖;新鲜;新奇的事物(或人、环境);廉价小饰物;小玩意儿

intrigued英 [?n?tri?ɡd] ?



20 many languages have?perished,?and many?remaining aboriginal languages?may disappear in the face of pressure to speak more prevalent language.

perished 英 [?per??t]?



remaining英 [r??me?n??] ?



aboriginal 英 [??b??r?d??nl] ?



in the face of英 [?n e? fe?s ?v] ?面对

prevalent英 [?prev?l?nt] ?adj.流行的;盛行的;普遍存在的

21?above all, during more than a year of life as a?fugitive,?why did she not take the many opportunities to escape-or even call her distraught family

above all英 [??b?v ??l] 首先;尤其是

during more than a year of life在一年多的生活

as a fugitive英 [?z ? ?fju?d??t?v]形色仓皇

fugitive英 [?fju?d??t?v] ? ?



distraught英 [d??str??t] adj.心烦意乱的;心急如焚的;发狂的

22 when the girl?sat glumly, the parent was?instructed?not to?coax?her into playing, but simply describe what she was doing.

glumly adv.忧郁地

instructed英 [?n?str?kt?d] v.指示;命令;吩咐;教授,传授(技能等);告知;通知

simply describe简述

coax 英 [k??ks] v.哄劝;劝诱

