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那不勒斯四部曲IV-失踪的孩子 中英双语版21

老年 坏血统的故事




I left Naples definitively in 1995, when

? everyone said that the city was reviving. But I no longer believed in its

? resurrections. Over the years I had seen the advent of the new railway

? station, the dull tower of the skyscraper on Via Novara, the soaring

? structures of Scampia, the proliferation of tall, shining buildings above the

? gray stone of Arenaccia, of Via Taddeo da Sessa, of Piazza Nazionale. Those

? buildings, conceived in France or Japan and rising between Ponticelli and

? Poggioreale with the usual breakdowns and delays, had immediately, at high

? speed, lost all their luster and become dens for the desperate. So what

? resurrectionIt was only cosmetic, a powder of modernity applied randomly,

? and boastfully, to the corrupt face of the city.


It happened like that every time. The

? scam of rebirth raised hopes and then shattered them, became crust upon

? ancient crusts. Thus, just as the obligation arose to stay in the city and

? support the revival under the leadership of the former Communist party, I

? decided to leave for Turin, drawn by the possibility of running a publishing

? house that at the time was full of ambition. Once I turned forty, time had

? begun to race, I couldn’t keep up. The real calendar had been replaced by one

? of contract deadlines, the years leaped from one publication to the next;

? giving dates to the events that concerned me, and my daughters, cost me a

? lot, and I forced them into the writing, which took me more and more time.

? When had this or that happenedIn an almost heedless way I oriented myself

? by the publication dates of my books.


I now had quite a few books behind me,

? and they had won me some authority, a good reputation, a comfortable life.

? Over time the weight of my daughters had greatly diminished. Dede and

? Elsa—first one, then the other—had gone to study in Boston, encouraged by

? Pietro, who for seven or eight years had had a professorship at Harvard. They

? were at ease with their father. Apart from the letters in which they

? complained about the cruel climate and the pedantry of the Bostonians, they

? were satisfied, with themselves and with escaping the choices that, in the

? past, I had compelled them to confront. At that point, since Imma was

? desperate to do what her sisters had, what was I doing in the neighborhood

? If at first the image of the writer who, although able to live elsewhere, had

? stayed in a dangerous outlying neighborhood to continue to nourish herself on

? reality, had been useful to me, now there were many intellectuals who prided

? themselves on the same cliché. And my books had taken other paths, the

? material of the neighborhood had been set aside. Wasn’t it therefore

? hypocritical to have a certain fame, and many advantages, and yet to limit

? myself, to live in a place where I could only record uneasily the

? deterioration of the lives of my siblings, my friends, their children and

? grandchildren, maybe even of my last daughter


Imma was then fourteen; I didn’t deprive

? her of anything, and she studied hard. But if necessary she spoke in a harsh

? dialect, she had schoolmates I didn’t like, I was so worried if she went out

? after dinner that often she decided to stay home. I, too, when I was in the

? city, had a limited life. I saw my friends from cultured Naples, I let myself

? be courted and embarked on relationships, but they never lasted. Even the

? most brilliant men sooner or later turned out to be disillusioned, raging at

? a cruel fate, witty and yet subtly malicious. At times I had the impression

? that they wanted me mainly so that they could give me their manuscripts to

? read, ask me about television or the movies, in some cases borrow money that

? they never paid back. I made the best of it, exerting myself to have a social

? and emotional life. But going out at night, dressed up, wasn’t a pleasure, it

? was a cause of anxiety. On one occasion I didn’t have time to close the

? street door behind me before I was beaten and robbed by two kids who were no

? more than thirteen. The taxi driver, who was waiting right out front, didn’t

? even look out the window. So in the summer of 1995 I left Naples with Imma.


I rented an apartment on the Po, near the

? Isabella Bridge, and my life and that of my third daughter immediately

? improved. From there it became simpler to reflect on Naples, to write about

? it and let myself write about it with lucidity. I loved my city, but I

? uprooted from myself any dutiful defense of it. I was convinced, rather, that

? the anguish in which that love sooner or later ended was a lens through which

? to look at the entire West. Naples was the great European metropolis where

? faith in technology, in science, in economic development, in the kindness of

? nature, in history that leads of necessity to improvement, in democracy, was

? revealed, most clearly and far in advance, to be completely without

? foundation. To be born in that city—I went so far as to write once, thinking

? not of myself but of Lila’s pessimism—is useful for only one thing: to have

? always known, almost instinctively, what today, with endless fine

? distinctions, everyone is beginning to claim: that the dream of unlimited

? progress is in reality a nightmare of savagery and death.


In 2000 I was left alone; Imma went to

? study in Paris. I tried to convince her that there was no need, but since

? many of her friends had decided to go, she didn’t want to be left out. At

? first it didn’t bother me, I had a busy life. But within a few years I began

? to feel old age, it was as if I were fading along with the world in which I

? had established myself. Although I had won, at various times and with various

? works, some prestigious prizes, my books were now hardly selling at all: in

? 2003, for example, the thirteen novels and two volumes of essays I had

? published earned altogether twenty-three hundred and twenty-three euros

? before taxes. I had to acknowledge, at that point, that my audience expected

? nothing more from me and that younger readers—it would be more accurate to

? say younger women readers; from the start it was mainly women who read my

? books—had other tastes, other interests. The newspapers were no longer a

? source of income, either. They weren’t interested in me; they rarely asked

? for articles, and paid nothing or next to nothing. As for television, after

? some successful experiences in the nineties, I had tried to do an afternoon

? show devoted to classics of Greek and Latin literature, an idea that was

? accepted only thanks to the regard of some friends, including Armando

? Galiani, who had a show on Channel 5 but good relations with public

? television. It was an unquestionable fiasco and I had not had other

? opportunities. Things also deteriorated at the publishing house I had run for

? many years. In the fall of 2004 I was pushed out by a clever young man,

? scarcely over thirty, and reduced to an external consultant. I was sixty, I

? felt my journey was ending. In Turin the winters were too cold, the summers

? too hot, the cultured classes unwelcoming. I was anxious, I didn’t sleep

? much. Men no longer noticed me. I looked out at the Po from my balcony, at

? the rowers, the hill, and I was bored.


I began to go more frequently to Naples,

? but I had no wish to see friends and relatives, and friends and relatives had

? no wish to see me. I saw only Lila, but often, by my choice, not even her.

? She made me uneasy. In recent years she had become passionate about the city

? with a chauvinism that seemed crude, so I preferred to walk alone on Via

? Caracciolo, or go up to the Vomero, or walk through the Tribunali. So it

? happened that in the spring of 2006, shut up in an old hotel on Corso

? Vittorio Emanuele during an incessant rain, I wrote, in a few days, to pass

? the time, a narrative of scarcely eighty pages that was set in the

? neighborhood and told the story of Tina. I wrote it rapidly in order not to

? give myself time to invent. The pages were terse, direct. The story took off

? imaginatively only at the end.


I published the book in the fall of 2007

? with the title A Friendship. It was very well received, and it still sells

? well today; teachers recommend it to students as summer reading.


But I hate it.


Just two years earlier, when Gigliola’s

? body was found in the gardens—she had died of a heart attack, in solitude, a

? death terrible in its bleakness—Lila had made me promise that I would never

? write about her. Instead, here, I had done it, and I had done it in the most

? direct way. For a few months I believed that I had written my best book, and

? my fame as a writer took off again; it was a long time since I’d had such

? success. But already by the end of 2007—during the Christmas season—when I

? went to Feltrinelli in Piazza dei Martiri to present A Friendship, I suddenly

? felt ashamed and was afraid of seeing Lila in the audience, maybe the front

? row, ready to interrupt and make trouble for me. But the evening went very

? well, I was much celebrated. When I returned to the hotel, a bit more

? confident, I tried to telephone her, first on the regular phone, then on the

? cell, then again on the other. She didn’t answer, she hasn’t answered me

? since.



I don’t know how to recount Lila’s grief.

? What befell her, what had perhaps been lying in wait in her life forever, was

? not the death of a daughter through illness, an accident, an act of violence,

? but her daughter’s sudden disappearance. The grief couldn’t coagulate around

? anything. She had no lifeless body to cling to in despair, there was no one

? for whom to hold a funeral, she couldn’t linger before a corpse that had

? walked, run, talked, hugged her, and had ended up a broken thing. Lila felt,

? I think, as if a limb, which until a moment before had been part of her body,

? had lost form and substance without undergoing any trauma. But I don’t know

? the suffering that derived from it well enough, nor can I imagine it.


In the ten years that followed the loss

? of Tina, although I continued to live in the same building, although I met

? Lila every day, I never saw her cry, I never witnessed a crisis of despair.

? After at first rushing through the neighborhood, day and night, in that vain

? search for her daughter, she gave in as if she were too weary. She sat beside

? the kitchen window and didn’t move for a long period, even though from there

? you could see only a slice of the railroad and a little sky. Then she pulled

? herself together and began normal life again, but without resignation. The

? years washed over her, her nasty character got even worse, she sowed

? uneasiness and fear, she grew old screeching, quarreling. At first she talked

? about Tina on every occasion and with anyone, she clung to the name of the

? child as if uttering it would serve to bring her back. But later it was

? impossible even to mention that loss in her presence, and even if it was I

? who did so she got rid of me rudely after a few seconds. She seemed to appreciate

? only a letter from Pietro, mainly—I think—because he managed to write to her

? lovingly without ever mentioning Tina. Even in 1995, before I left, except on

? very rare occasions she acted as if nothing had happened. Once Pinuccia spoke

? of the child as a little angel watching over us all. Lila said: Get out.



No one in the neighborhood put faith in

? the forces of order or in the journalists. Men, women, even gangs of kids

? spent days and weeks looking for Tina, ignoring the police and television.

? All the relatives, all the friends were mobilized. The only one who turned up

? just a couple of times—and by telephone, with generic phrases that existed

? only to be repeated: I have no responsibility, I had just handed the child

? over to Lina and Enzo—was Nino. But I wasn’t surprised, he was one of those

? adults who when they play with a child and the child falls and skins his knee

? behave like children themselves, afraid that someone will say: It was you who

? let him fall. Besides, no one gave him any importance, we forgot about him in

? a few hours. Enzo and Lila trusted Antonio above all, and he put off his

? departure for Germany yet again, to track down Tina. He did it out of

? friendship but also, as he himself explained, surprising us, because Michele

? Solara had ordered him to.


The Solaras undertook more than anyone

? else in that business of the child’s disappearance and—I have to say—they

? made their involvement highly visible. Although they knew they would be

? treated with hostility they appeared one evening at Lila’s house with the

? attitude of those who are speaking for an entire community, and they vowed

? they would do everything possible to return Tina safe and sound to her

? parents. Lila stared at them the whole time as if she saw them but didn’t

? hear them. Enzo, extremely pale, listened for a few minutes and then cried

? that it was they who had taken his daughter. He said it then and on many

? other occasions, he shouted it everywhere: the Solaras had taken Tina away

? from them because he and Lila had refused to give them a percentage of the

? profits of Basic Sight. He wanted someone to object so that he could murder

? him. But no one ever objected in his presence. That evening not even the two

? brothers objected.


“We understand your grief,” Marcello

? said. “If they had taken Silvio I would have gone mad, just like you.”


They waited for someone to calm Enzo and

? they left. The next day they sent on a courtesy call their wives, Gigliola

? and Elisa, who were welcomed without warmth but more politely. And later they

? multiplied their initiatives. Probably it was the Solaras who organized a

? sort of roundup of all the street peddlers who were usually present in the

? neighborhood on Sundays and holidays and of all the Gypsies in the area. And

? certainly they were at the head of a real surge of anger against the police

? when they arrived, sirens blasting, to arrest Stefano, who had his first

? heart attack at that time and ended up in the hospital, and then Rino, who

? was released in a few days, and finally Gennaro, who wept for hours, swearing

? that he loved his little sister more than any other person in the world and

? would never harm her. Nor can it be ruled out that they were the ones

? responsible for surveillance of the elementary school—thanks to which the

? “faggot seducer of children,” who until then had been only a popular fantasy,

? materialized. A slender man of around thirty who, although he didn’t have

? children to deliver to the entrance and pick up at the exit, appeared just

? the same at the school, was beaten, managed to escape, was pursued by a

? furious mob to the gardens. There he would surely have been murdered if he

? hadn’t managed to explain that he wasn’t what they thought but a trainee at

? Il Mattino looking for news.


After that episode the neighborhood began

? to settle down, people slowly slipped back into the life of every day. Since

? no trace of Tina was found, the rumor of the truck hitting her became

? increasingly plausible. Those who were tired of searching took it seriously,

? both police and journalists. Attention shifted to the construction sites in

? the area and remained there for a long time. It was at that point that I saw

? Armando Galiani, the son of my high-school teacher. He had stopped practicing

? medicine, had lost in the parliamentary elections of 1983, and now, thanks to

? a scruffy local television station, he was attempting an aggressive type of

? journalism. I knew that his father had died a little over a year earlier and

? that his mother lived in France but wasn’t in good health, either. He asked

? me to take him to Lila’s, I said Lila wasn’t at all well. He insisted, I

? telephoned. Lila struggled to remember Armando, but when she did she—who

? until that moment hadn’t spoken to journalists—agreed to see him. Armando

? explained that he had been investigating the aftermath of the earthquake and

? that traveling around to the construction sites he had heard of a truck that

? was scrapped in a hurry because of a terrible thing it had been involved in.

? Lila let him speak, then said:


“You’re making it all up.”


“I’m saying what I know.”


“You don’t care a thing about the truck,

? the construction sites, or my daughter.”


“You’re insulting me.”


“No, I’ll insult you now. You were

? disgusting as a doctor, disgusting as a revolutionary, and now you’re

? disgusting as a journalist. Get out of my house.”


Armando scowled, nodded goodbye to Enzo,

? and left. Out on the street he looked annoyed. He said: Not even that great

? sorrow has changed her, tell her I wanted to help. Then he did a long

? interview with me and we said goodbye. I was struck by his kind manners, by

? his attentiveness to words. He must have been through some bad times both

? when Nadia made her decisions and when he separated from his wife. Now,

? though, he seemed in good shape. His old attitude, of a know-it-all who

? follows a strict anticapitalist line, had turned into a painful cynicism.


“Italy has become a cesspool,” he said in

? an aggrieved tone, “and we’ve all ended up in it. If you travel around, you

? see that the respectable people have understood. What a pity, Elena, what a

? pity. The workers’ parties are full of honest people who have been left

? without hope.”


“Why did you start doing this job?”


“For the same reason you do yours.”


“What’s that?”


“Once I was unable to hide behind

? anything, I discovered I was vain.”


“Who says I’m vain?”


“The comparison: your friend isn’t. But

? I’m sorry for her, vanity is a resource. If you’re vain you pay attention to

? yourself and your affairs. Lina is without vanity, so she lost her daughter.”


I followed his work for a while, he

? seemed good at it. He tracked down the burned-out wreck of an old vehicle in

? the neighborhood of the Ponti Rossi, and connected it to Tina’s

? disappearance. The news caused a certain sensation, it reverberated in the national

? dailies, and remained in the news for several days. Then it was ascertained

? that there was no possible connection between the burned vehicle and the

? child’s disappearance. Lila said to me:


“Tina is alive, I never want to see that

? piece of shit again.”



? Sight”的经营情况,他一定是想要让他们用钱把孩子赎回去。这也是安东尼奥的看法,不知道有什么具体的依据。警察当然觉得这是有可能的,但他们从来都没有接到要钱的电话,最后也只能不了了之。

I don’t know how long she believed that

? her daughter was still alive. The more Enzo despaired, worn out by tears and

? rage, the more Lila said: You’ll see, they’ll give her back. Certainly she

? never believed in the hit-and-run truck, she said that she would have noticed

? right away, that before anyone else she would have heard the collision, or at

? least a cry. And it didn’t seem to me that she gave credence to Enzo’s

? thesis, either, she never alluded to involvement on the part of the Solaras.

? Instead for a long period she thought that one of her clients had taken Tina,

? someone who knew what Basic Sight earned and wanted money in exchange for the

? child. That was also Antonio’s thesis, but it’s hard to say what concrete

? facts inspired it. Of course the police were interested in that possibility,

? but since there were never any telephone calls asking for ransom they finally

? let it go.


The neighborhood was soon divided into a

? majority that believed Tina was dead and a minority that thought she was

? alive and a prisoner somewhere. We who loved Lila dearly were part of that

? minority. Carmen was so sure of it that she repeated it insistently to

? everyone, and if, as time passed, someone was persuaded that Tina was dead

? she became that person’s enemy. I once heard her whisper to Enzo: Tell Lina

? that Pasquale is with you, he thinks the child will be found. But the

? majority prevailed, and those who kept on looking for Tina seemed to the

? majority either stupid or hypocritical. People also began to think that

? Lila’s intelligence wasn’t helping her.


Carmen was the first to intuit that the

? respect our friend had inspired before Tina’s disappearance and the

? solidarity that arose afterward were both superficial, an old aversion toward

? her lurked underneath. Look, she said to me, once they treated her as if she

? were the Madonna and now they pass by her without even a glance. I began to

? pay attention and saw that it was true. Deep inside, people thought: we’re

? sorry you lost Tina, but it means that if you had truly been what you wanted

? us to believe, nothing and no one would have touched you. On the street, when

? we were together, they began to greet me but not her. They were put off by

? her troubled expression and the cloud of misfortune they saw around her. In

? other words, the part of the neighborhood that had become used to thinking of

? Lila as an alternative to the Solaras withdrew in disappointment.


? Sight”门口,刚开始几个星期出现了一些写给莉拉,或者是写给蒂娜的纸条,甚至是一些从课本上抄的诗歌,后来开始有一些妈妈、奶奶和孩子送来的玩具、发卡、彩色的皮筋,还有穿过的鞋子,最后出现了手工缝制的表情很可怕的娃娃,上面有红色的墨水,还有一些包在肮脏的破布里小动物的尸体。莉拉静静地把每样东西都捡了起来,扔到了垃圾桶里,但忽然间,她开始叫喊,大声咒骂经过那里的任何人,尤其是骂那些从远处看着她的小孩子,她从一个让人同情的母亲,变成了一个让人害怕的疯子。有一次莉拉狠狠骂了一个女孩,那个女孩用粉笔在门上写了一句:“蒂娜被鬼吃了。”后来这个女孩得了重病,之前关于莉拉的那些谣传又回来了,就好像看她一眼都会带来不幸。

Not only that. An initiative was

? undertaken that at first seemed kind but then became malicious. In the early

? weeks, flowers, emotional notes addressed to Lila or directly to Tina, even

? poems copied from schoolbooks appeared at the entrance to the house, at the

? door of Basic Sight. Then there were old toys brought by mothers,

? grandmothers, and children. Then barrettes, colorful hair ribbons, old shoes.

? Then puppets sewed by hand, with ugly sneers, stained with red, and animal

? carcasses wrapped in dirty rags. Since Lila calmly picked everything up and

? threw it into the trash, but suddenly began screaming horrible curses at

? anyone who passed by, especially the children, who observed her from a

? distance, she went from being a mother who inspired pity to a madwoman who

? spread terror. When a girl she had been angry with because she had seen her

? writing with chalk on the doorway, the dead are eating Tina, became seriously

? ill, old rumors joined the new and people avoided Lila, as if just to look at

? her could bring misfortune.


Yet she seemed not to realize it. The

? certainty that Tina was still alive absorbed her completely and it was what,

? I think, pushed her toward Imma. In the first months I had tried to reduce

? the contact between her and my youngest daughter, I was afraid that seeing

? her would cause more suffering. But Lila soon seemed to want her around

? constantly, and I let her keep her even to sleep. One morning when I went to

? get her the door of the house was half open, I went in. My child was asking

? about Tina. After that Sunday I had tried to soothe her by telling her that

? Tina had gone to stay for a while with Enzo’s relatives in Avellino, but she

? kept asking when she would return. Now she was asking Lila directly, but Lila

? seemed not to hear Imma’s voice, and instead of answering was telling her in

? detail about Tina’s birth, her first toy, how she attached herself to her

? breast and never let go, things like that. I stopped in the doorway for a few

? seconds, I heard Imma interrupt her impatiently:


“But when is she coming back?”


“Do you feel lonely?”


“I don’t know who to play with.”


“I don’t, either.”


“Then when is she coming back?”


Lila said nothing for a long moment, then

? scolded her:


“It’s none of your business, shut up.”


Those words, uttered in dialect, were so

? brusque, so harsh, so unsuitable that I was alarmed. I said something,

? brought my child home.


I had always forgiven Lila her excesses

? and in those circumstances I was inclined to do so even more than in the

? past. She often went too far, and as much as possible I tried to get her to

? be reasonable. When the police interrogated Stefano and she was immediately

? convinced that he had taken Tina—so that at first she refused even to visit

? him in the hospital after the heart attack—I mollified her, and we went

? together to visit him. And it was thanks to me that she hadn’t attacked her

? brother when the police questioned him. I had also done all I could on the

? awful day when Gennaro was summoned to the police station and, once at home,

? felt himself accused; there was a quarrel, and he went to live at his

? father’s house, shouting at Lila that she had lost forever not only Tina but

? also him. The situation, in other words, was terrible and I could understand

? why she fought with everyone, even me. But with Imma, no, I couldn’t allow

? it. From then on, when Lila took the child I became anxious, I pondered, I looked

? for ways out.


But there was little to do; the threads

? of her grief were tangled and Imma was for a time part of that tangle. In the

? general chaos where we had all ended up, Lila, despite her weariness,

? continued to tell me about my daughter’s every little difficulty, as she had

? done until I decided to insist that Nino visit. I felt angry, I was

? irritated, and yet I tried also to see a positive aspect: she’s slowly

? shifting onto Imma—I thought—her maternal love, she’s saying to me: Since

? you’ve been lucky, and you still have your daughter, you ought to take

? advantage of it, pay attention to her, give her all the care you haven’t

? given her.


But that was only the appearance of

? things. Soon I had a different theory: that, more deeply, Imma—her body—must

? be a symbol of guilt. I thought often of the situation in which the little

? girl had been lost. Nino had handed her over to Lila but Lila hadn’t attended

? to her. She had said to her daughter, You wait here, and to my daughter, Come

? with your aunt. She had done it, perhaps, to show off Imma to her father, to

? praise her to him, to stir his affection, who knows. But Tina was lively, or

? more simply she had felt neglected, offended, and had wandered off. As a

? result Lila’s suffering had made a nest in the weight of Imma’s body in her

? arms, in the contact, in the living warmth it still gave off. But my daughter

? was fragile, slow, different in every way from Tina, who was shining,

? vivacious. Imma could in no way become a substitute, she was only holding

? back time. I imagined, in other words, that Lila kept her nearby in order to

? stay within that terrible Sunday, and meanwhile thought: Tina is here, soon

? she’ll pull on my skirt, she’ll call me, and then I’ll pick her up in my

? arms, and everything will return to its place. That was why she didn’t want

? the child to upset everything. When the little girl kept asking for her

? friend, when she merely reminded Lila that in fact Tina wasn’t there, Lila

? treated her with the same harshness with which she treated us adults. But I

? couldn’t accept that. As soon as she came to get Imma, I found some excuse or

? other to send Dede or Elsa to watch her. If she had used that tone when I was

? present, what might happen when she took her away for hours



Every so often I escaped from the

? apartment, from the flight of stairs between my rooms and hers, from the

? gardens, the stradone, and left for work. These were moments when I sighed

? with relief: I put on makeup, stylish clothes, even the slight limp that

? remained from the pregnancy was a sort of pleasingly distinctive trait.

? Although I frequently made sarcastic remarks about the ill-humored behavior

? of literary people and artists, at the time everything having to do with

? publishing, cinema, television—every type of aesthetic display—seemed to me a

? fantastic landscape in which it was marvelous to appear. I liked being

? present in the extravagant, festive chaos of big conventions, big

? conferences, big theater productions, big exhibitions, big films, big operas,

? and I was flattered on the few occasions when I had a place in the front

? rows, the reserved seats, from which, sitting among famous people, I could

? observe the spectacle of powers large and small. Lila, on the other hand,

? remained at the center of her horror, without any distraction. Once I had an

? invitation to an opera at the San Carlo—a magnificent place where not even I

? had been—and I insisted on taking her; she didn’t want to go, and persuaded

? Carmen to go instead. The only distraction, if that is the right word for it,

? she would allow was another reason for suffering. A new affliction acted on

? her as a sort of antidote. She became combative, determined, she was like

? someone who knows she has to drown but in spite of herself agitates her arms

? and legs to stay afloat.


One night she discovered that her son had? started shooting up again. Without saying a word, without even telling Enzo,? she went to get him from Stefano, in the house in the new neighborhood where? decades earlier she had lived as a bride. But he wasn’t there: Gennaro had? quarreled with his father, too, and a few days earlier had moved to his uncle? Rino’s. She was greeted with open hostility by Stefano and Marisa, who now? lived together. That once handsome man was now skin and bones, and very pale;? his clothes seemed several sizes too big.?


The heart attack had crushed him, he was

? frightened, he scarcely ate, he didn’t drink, he no longer smoked, he wasn’t

? supposed to get upset, because of his bad heart. But on that occasion he

? became extremely upset and had reason to be. He had closed the grocery

? because of his illness. Ada demanded money for herself and their daughter.

? His sister Pinuccia and his mother, Maria, also demanded money. Marisa

? demanded it for herself and her children. Lila understood immediately that

? Stefano wanted that money from her and that the excuse for getting it was

? Gennaro. In fact, although he had thrown his son out of the house, he took

? his side; he said, and Marisa supported him, that it would take a lot of

? money to get treatment for Gennaro. And since Lila replied that she would

? never give a cent to anyone, she didn’t give a damn about relatives, friends,

? or the whole neighborhood, the quarrel became furious. With tears in his

? eyes, Stefano listed all he had lost over the years—from the grocery stores

? to the house itself—and for those losses he in some obscure way blamed Lila.

? But the worst came from Marisa, who yelled at her: Alfonso was ruined because

? of you, you’ve ruined us all, you’re worse than the Solaras, whoever stole

? your child did a good thing.


Only at that point did Lila become

? silent, she looked around for a chair to sit on. She couldn’t find one and

? leaned against the living room wall, which, decades earlier, had been her

? living room, a white room at the time, the furniture brand-new, nothing yet

? damaged by the havoc of the children who had grown up there, by the

? carelessness of the adults. Let’s go, Stefano said to her, perhaps realizing

? that Marisa had gone too far, let’s go get Gennaro. And they left together;

? he took her by the arm, and they went to Rino’s house.


Once they were outside, Lila recovered,

? and freed herself. They walked, she a few steps ahead. Her brother lived in

? the Carraccis’ old house, with his mother-in-law, Pinuccia, their children.

? Gennaro was there and as soon as he saw his parents he began shouting. So

? another fight broke out, first between father and son, then between mother

? and son. For a while Rino was silent, then, his eyes dull, he began whining

? about the harm his sister had done since they were children. When Stefano

? intervened Rino got angry at him, insulted him, insisted that all the trouble

? had started when he wanted to make people think he was someone and instead he

? had been cheated first by Lila and then by the Solaras. They were about to

? come to blows and Pinuccia had to restrain her husband, muttering, You’re

? right, but calm down, this isn’t the moment, while the old lady, Maria, had

? to restrain Stefano, wheezing: That’s enough, son, pretend you didn’t hear

? him, Rino is sicker than you. At that point Lila grabbed her son forcefully

? by the arm and took him away.


But Rino followed them to the street,

? they heard him limping after them. He wanted money, he wanted it at all

? costs, right away. He said: You’ll kill me if you leave me like this. Lila

? kept walking while he pushed her, laughed, moaned, held her back by the arm.

? Gennaro began to cry, he yelled at her: You have money, Ma, give it to him.

? But Lila drove her brother away and brought her son home, hissing: You want

? to become like that, you want to end up like your uncle



With the return of Gennaro the apartment

? below became an even worse inferno; at times I was compelled to go down

? because I was afraid they’d kill each other. Lila opened the door, said

? coldly: What do you want. I answered just as coldly: You’re overdoing it,

? Dede’s crying, she wants to call the police, and Elsa is scared. She

? answered: Stay in your own home and plug up your children’s ears if they

? don’t want to hear.


In that period she showed less and less? interest in the two girls; with explicit sarcasm she called them the young? ladies. But my daughters’ attitude toward her changed as well. Dede? especially stopped feeling her fascination, as if in her eyes, too, Tina’s? disappearance had taken away Lila’s authority.?


One evening she asked me:


“If Aunt Lina didn’t want another child

? why did she have one?”


“How do you know she didn’t want one?”


“She told Imma.”




“Yes, I heard it with my own ears. She

? talks to her as if she weren’t a child, I think she’s insane.”


“It’s not insanity, Dede, it’s grief.”


“She’s never shed a tear.”


“Tears aren’t grief.”


“Yes, but without tears how can you be

? sure that the grief is there?”


“It’s there and often it’s an even

? greater suffering.”


“That’s not her case. You want to know

? what I think?”


“All right.”


“She lost Tina on purpose. And now she

? also wants to lose Gennaro. Not to mention Enzo, don’t you see how she treats

? himAunt Lina is just like Elsa, she doesn’t love anyone.”


Dede was like that, she wanted to be

? someone who is more perceptive than everyone else, and loved to formulate

? judgments without appeal. I forbade her to repeat those terrible words in

? Lila’s presence and tried to explain to her that not all human beings react

? in the same way, Lila and Elsa had emotional strategies different from hers.


“Your sister, for example,” I said,

? “doesn’t confront emotional issues the way you do; she finds feelings that

? are too intense ridiculous, and she always stands back a step.”


“By standing back a step she’s lost any

? sensitivity.”


“Why are you so annoyed with Elsa?”


“Because she’s just like Aunt Lina.”


A vicious circle: Lila was wrong because

? she was like Elsa, Elsa was wrong because she was like Lila. In reality at

? the center of this negative judgment was Gennaro. According to Dede,

? precisely in this crucial situation Elsa and Lila were making the same

? mistaken assessment and showed the same emotional disorder. Just as for Lila,

? for Elsa, too, Gennaro was worse than a beast. Her sister—Dede reported to

? me—often told her, to offend her, that Lila and Enzo were right to beat him

? as soon as he tried to stick his nose out of the house. Only someone as

? stupid as you—she taunted her—who doesn’t know anything about men, could be

? dazzled by a mass of unwashed flesh without a crumb of intelligence. And Dede

? replied: Only a bitch like you could describe a human being that way.


Since they both read a lot, they

? quarreled in the language of books, so that, if they didn’t slip suddenly

? into the most brutal dialect to insult each other, I would have listened to

? their squabbling almost with admiration. The positive side of the conflict

? was that Dede’s rancor toward me diminished, but the negative side burdened

? me greatly: her sister and Lila became the object of all her malice. Dede was

? constantly reporting to me Elsa’s disgraceful actions: she was hated by her

? schoolmates because she considered herself the best at everything and was

? always humiliating them; she boasted of having had relations with adult men;

? she skipped school and forged my signature on the absence slips. Of Lila she

? said: She’s a fascist, how can you be her friendAnd she took Gennaro’s side

? with no equivocation. In her view drugs were a rebellion of sensitive people

? against the forces of repression. She swore that sooner or later she would

? find a way of getting Rino out—she always called him that, and only that,

? habituating us to call him that, too—from the prison in which his mother kept

? him.


I tried whenever I could to throw water

? on the flames, I reprimanded Elsa, I defended Lila. But sometimes it was hard

? to take Lila’s part. The peaks of her bitter grief frightened me. On the

? other hand I was afraid that, as had happened in the past, her body wouldn’t

? hold up, and so, even though I liked Dede’s lucid and yet passionate

? aggression, even though I found Elsa’s quirky impudence amusing, I was

? careful not to let my daughters set off crises with reckless words. (I knew

? that Dede would have been more than capable of saying: Aunt Lina, tell things

? as they are, you wanted to lose Tina, it didn’t happen by chance.) But every

? day I feared the worst. The young ladies, as Lila called them, although they

? were immersed in the reality of the neighborhood, had a strong sense that

? they were different. Especially when they returned from Florence they felt

? they were of superior quality and did all they could to demonstrate it. Dede

? was doing very well in high school and when her professor—a very cultivated

? man no more than forty, awestruck by the surname Airota—interrogated her he

? seemed more worried that he would make a mistake in the questions than that

? she would make a mistake in the answers. Elsa was less brilliant

? scholastically, and her midyear report cards were generally poor, but what

? made her intolerable was the ease with which at the end she shuffled the

? cards and came in among the top. I knew their insecurities and terrors, I

? felt them to be fearful girls, and so I didn’t put much credence in their

? domineering attitudes. But others did, and seen from the outside they must

? surely have seemed odious. Elsa, for example, gleefully bestowed offensive

? nicknames in class and outside, she had no respect for anyone. She called

? Enzo the mute bumpkin; she called Lila the poisonous moth; she called Gennaro

? the laughing crocodile. But she was especially irked by Antonio, who went to

? Lila’s almost every day, either to the office or to her house, and as soon as

? he arrived drew her and Enzo into a room to conspire. Antonio, after the

? episode of Tina, had become cantankerous. If I was present he more or less

? explicitly took his leave; if it was my daughters, he cut them off by closing

? the door. Elsa, who knew Poe well, called him the mask of yellow death, because

? Antonio had a naturally jaundiced complexion. It was obvious, therefore, that

? I should fear some blunder on their part. Which duly happened.


I was in Milan. Lila rushed into the

? courtyard, where Dede was reading, Elsa was talking to some friends, Imma was

? playing. They weren’t children. Dede was sixteen, Elsa almost thirteen; only

? Imma was little, she was five. But Lila treated all three as if they had no

? autonomy. She dragged them into the house without explanation (they were used

? to hearing explanations), crying only that staying outside was dangerous. My

? oldest daughter found that behavior unbearable, she said:


“Mamma entrusted my sisters to me, it’s

? up to me to decide whether to go inside or not.”


“When your mother isn’t here I’m your

? mother.”


“A shit mother,” Dede answered, moving to

? dialect. “You lost Tina and you haven’t even cried.”


Lila slapped her, crushing her. Elsa

? defended her sister and was slapped in turn, Imma burst into tears. You don’t

? go out of the house, my friend repeated, gasping, outside it’s dangerous,

? outside you’ll die. She kept them inside for days, until I returned.


When I returned, Dede recounted the whole

? episode, and, honest as she was, on principle, she also reported her own ugly

? response. I wanted her to understand that what she had said was terrible, and

? I scolded her harshly: I warned you not to. Elsa sided with her sister, she

? explained to me that Aunt Lina was out of her mind, she was possessed by the

? idea that to escape danger you had to live barricaded in the house. It was

? hard to convince my daughters that it wasn’t Lila’s fault but the Soviet

? empire’s. In a place called Chernobyl a nuclear power plant had exploded and

? emitted dangerous radiation that, since the planet was small, could be

? absorbed by anyone. Aunt Lina was protecting you, I said. But Elsa shouted:

? It’s not true, she beat us, the only good thing is that she fed us only

? frozen food. Imma: I cried a lot, I don’t like frozen food. And Dede: She

? treated us worse than she treats Rino. I said: Aunt Lina would have behaved

? the same way with Tina, think of what torture it must have been for her to

? protect you, imagining that her daughter is somewhere and no one’s taking

? care of her. But it was a mistake to express myself like that in front of

? Imma. While Dede and Elsa looked skeptical, she was upset, and ran away to

? play.


A few days later Lila confronted me in

? her direct way:


“Is it you who tell your daughters that I

? lost Tina and never cried?”


“Stop it, do you think I would say a

? thing like that?”


“Dede called me a shit mother.”


“She’s a child.”


“She’s a very rude child.”


At that point I committed errors no less

? serious than those of my daughters. I said:


“Calm down. I know how much you loved

? Tina. Try not to keep it all inside, you should let it out, you should say

? whatever comes into your mind. I know the birth was difficult, but you

? shouldn’t elaborate on it.”


I got everything wrong: the past tense of

? “you loved,” the allusion to the birth, the fatuous tone. She answered

? curtly: Mind your own business. And then she cried, as if Imma were an adult:

? Teach your daughter that if someone tells her something, she shouldn’t go

? around repeating it.

