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inventor导入unity inventor怎么导入excel





Public Sub ExportWorkPoints()
  ' Get the active part document.    Dim partDocAs PartDocument
     IfThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType = kPartDocumentObject Then
        Set partDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
        MsgBox "A part must be active."
        Exit Sub
     End If
  ' Check to see if any work points areselected.    Dim points()As WorkPoint
     DimpointCount As Long
     pointCount =0
     IfpartDoc.SelectSet.Count > 0 Then
      ' Dimension the array so it can contain the full
        ' list of selected items.       ReDim points(partDoc.SelectSet.Count - 1)
        Dim selectedObj As Object
        For Each selectedObj In partDoc.SelectSet
            If TypeOf selectedObj Is WorkPoint Then
                Set points(pointCount) = selectedObj
                pointCount = pointCount + 1
            End If
        ReDim Preserve points(pointCount - 1)
     End If
  ' Ask to see if it should operate on the selected points
     ' or allpoints.    DimgetAllPoints As Boolean
     getAllPoints= True
     IfpointCount > 0 Then
        Dim result As VbMsgBoxResult
        result = MsgBox("Some work points are selected.  "& _
                "Do you want to export only the " & _
                "selected work points?  (Answering "& _
                """No"" will export all work points)", _
                vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel)
        If result = vbCancel Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If result = vbYes Then
            getAllPoints = False
        End If
        If MsgBox("No work points are selected.  All workpoints" & _
                  " will be exported.  Do you want to continue?",_
                  vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
     End If
     Dim partDefAs PartComponentDefinition
     Set partDef= partDoc.ComponentDefinition
     IfgetAllPoints Then
        ReDim points(partDef.WorkPoints.Count - 2)
      ' Get all of the workpoints, skipping the first,
        ' which is the origin point.       Dim i As Integer
        For i = 2 To partDef.WorkPoints.Count
            Set points(i - 2) = partDef.WorkPoints.Item(i)
     End If
  ' Get the filename to write to.    Dim dialogAs FileDialog
     Dim filenameAs String
        .DialogTitle = "Specify Output .CSV File"
        .Filter = "Comma delimited file (*.csv)|*.csv"
        .FilterIndex = 0
        .OptionsEnabled = False
        .MultiSelectEnabled = False
        filename = .filename
     If filename<> "" Then
      ' Write the work point coordinates out to a csvfile.       On Error Resume Next
        Open filename For Output As #1
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            MsgBox "Unable to open the specified file. " &_
                   "It may be open by another process."
            Exit Sub
        End If
      ' Get a reference to the object to do unitconversions.       Dim uom As UnitsOfMeasure
        Set uom = partDoc.UnitsOfMeasure
      ' Write the points, taking into account the current default
        ' length units of the document.       For i = 0 To UBound(points)
            Dim xCoord As Double
            xCoord = uom.ConvertUnits(points(i).Point.X,_ 
                 kCentimeterLengthUnits, kDefaultDisplayLengthUnits)
            Dim yCoord As String
            yCoord = uom.ConvertUnits(points(i).Point.Y,_ 
                 kCentimeterLengthUnits, kDefaultDisplayLengthUnits)
            Dim zCoord As String
            zCoord = uom.ConvertUnits(points(i).Point.Z,_ 
                 kCentimeterLengthUnits, kDefaultDisplayLengthUnits)
            Print #1, points(i).Name & "," &_
                Format(xCoord, "0.00000000") & ","& _
                Format(yCoord, "0.00000000") & ","& _
                Format(zCoord, "0.00000000")
        Close #1
        MsgBox "Finished writing data to """ & filename& """"
     End If
 End Sub


