If you would be busy and fg/1710.html" class="superseo">ill your pitcher, come, O come to my lake.The water will cling round your feet and babble its secret.The shadow of the coming rain is on the sands, and the clouds hang low upon the blue lines of the trees like the heavy hair above your eyebrows. I know well the rhythm of your steps, they are beating in my heart. Come, O come to my lake, if you must fill your pitcher.
If you would be idle and sit listless and let your pitcher float on the water, come, O come to my lake.The grassy slope is green, and the wild flowers beyond number.Your thoughts will stray out of your dark eyes like birds from their nests.Your veil will drop to your feet.Come, O come to my lake if you must sit idle.
If you would leave off your play and dive in the water, come, O come to my lake. Let your blue mantle lie on the shore; the blue water will cover you and hide you.The waves will stand a-tip toe to kiss your neck and whisper in your ears. Come, O come to my lake, if you would dive in the water.
If you must be mad and leap to your death, come, O come to my lake.It is cool and fathomlessly deep.It is dark like a sleep that is dreamless.There in its depths nights and days are one, and songs are silence. Come, O come to my lake, if you would plunge to your death.
聽 聽 澶╄摑娌欑櫧娴锋按娓咃紝缁濋厤鎭嬩汉鐗垫墜琛屻€?br>
聽 聽 韪忔氮杩庨鐩歌绗戯紝浠婄敓涓嶆笣鏄埍鎯呫€?/p>
聽 聽 聽 聽 锛堟劅璋㈣洰鍔涢厤璇楅紦鍔辨敮鎸侊紒锛?/b>
聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 姘存偁涓囨尝骞筹紝浜戝北鐓у€╁奖
聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 澶╅珮楦ュ幓杩滐紝浼奸椈缈呴楦?/p>
聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 鈥斺€擻涓€涓濇€康缁勫悎馃ぉ馃
聽 聽 锛堟劅璋㈠簮闃崇涓€鎬厤璇楅紦鍔辨敮鎸侊紒锛?/b>