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豹豹与你一起读纳尼亚–The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe 6



“I WISH THE MACREADY WOULD HURRY up and take all these people away,” said Susan presently,...

I wish…would的用法在这本书中也是出现了多次,以前也贴出来过,它是说希望某事发生或希望某人做某事,别看是would,表达的是说话者现在的状态,对现状不满意。


I know I’ve met a Faun in there and—I wish I’d stayed there and you are all beasts, beasts.


I don’t want to go a step further and I wish we’d never come.

And what a filthy smell of camphor!

之前提到的樟脑味,是moth-ball的主要原料,filthy难闻的,其实意思和之前说的nasty foul更接近。这里可以用stink(v.n.)代替

The place stinks of spicy camphor..

或者It stinks.

“Now that you mention it, it is cold,” said Peter, “and hang it all, it’s wet too. What’s the matter with this place..."


本书中还出现了Now you come to speak of it,...

hang it all (Inf. Damn it all! )

Oh, hang it all! I'm late.


在后面还出现了By jove (表示惊讶或强调)啊

以及罗尔德大爷的"Great Scott!""By golly""Jeepers""Cripes"等等等等。

And now there was no mistaking it, ...


“I apologize for not believing you,” he said, “I’m sorry. Will you shake hands?”

shake hands 和好吧,之前出现过Make it Pax.

apologize for not believing you属于v.+preposition(介词)+-ing

1. many verbs have the structure v.+preposition(in/for/about etc.)+object

eg. You must apologise for what you said.

2.If the object is another verb, it ends in -ing

eg. She apologised for not telling the truth.

类似还有succeed in, insisit on, approve of 等。(参考英语在用语法中级)

另外注意的是apologise to sb. for(not telling...)

apologise apologize一个英式一个美式

What about putting on some of these coats

what about +n./pron./ving

下文还有What about going to see Mr. Tumnus

Of course, now you put it that way, I see. No one could say you had bagged a coat as long as you leave it in the wardrobe where you found it.

when you put it that way ...

如果这么说的话, put 有表达陈述之意,在此处有点explain的味道,但是这个短语还有就按这么处理的意思

bag a coat 此处bag的词条是

vt. 未经许可而拿走 take (sth) without permission

They immediately carried out Susan’s very sensible plan.

执行计划,carry out a/the/ one's plan/program/project

The moment the words were out of his mouth he realized that he had given himself away.


give oneself away 露马脚

There was a dead silence.

silence和light fire一样,有时候可数有时候不可数,其实有时候看到这类词挺头大的。基本上是看一个记一个,忘一个看见了再记。没办法。

silence泛指安静不可数,有一段时间可数,in silence固搭不可数,口语中用silence太正式,不太常用,一般用Be quiet就行可以了。

but she recognized an odd-looking tree on one place and a stump in another and brought them ...

recognize recognise一个美式一个英式,豹豹目前看到的构词法中,英式以se结尾(例如organise)

在大范围中一个…另一个one ...another


另外本书中(chapter 9)出现了:He took a stump of lead pencil out of his pocket and scribbled a mustache on the lion's upper lip...

爱德蒙掏出一小截铅笔给院子里的石狮子画胡子。(stump在此处就变成了残段的意思,其实主要的意思是一致的)另外lead作为n.发音有变化。lead pencil虽然叫铅笔,但它是石墨做的。

The door had been wrenched off its hinges and broken to bits.


had been done (过去完成时被动)

active: had (done)→passive: had been (done)

eg.The room looked nice. Sb. had cleaned it.

The room? looked nice.It had been cleaned.

The crockery lay smashed on the floor and ...

crockery 陶器


lie(位于,躺着)lay lain

lie(说谎)lied lied

lay(放下,下蛋)laid laid

“Is there anything written on it?” asked Susan.



What did she say in the letter

我们会说what’s on TV?但是具体内容In a TV drama,


The former occupant of these premises, the Faun Tumnus, is under arrest and awaiting his trial on a charge of High Treason against her Imperial Majesty Jadis, Queen of Narnia, Chatelaine of Cair Paravel, Empress of the Lone Islands, etc., ...



be arrested for sth. = be under arrest for sth

on a charge of High Treason 这个上章见过啦,嘿嘿。

her Imperial Majesty 就是陛下的意思

Majesty 是尊称。如果是面对面直接称呼, 用 Your Majesty; 如果对使节称呼, 男性称 His Majesty, 女性称 Her Majesty。(此段来自百度)

Imperial -adj.例如Imperial Palace? imperial army 某种原因原谅我把中文都删除了。

帝国大厦则是(Empire State Building)



武则天就可以说 7th Century? Chinese Empress Wu

或者白话一点,Empress Wu(Zetian)in/of Tang Dynasty

“I—I wonder if there’s any point in going on,” said Susan. “I mean, it doesn’t seem particularly safe here and it looks as if it won’t be much fun either.

在这有什么意义(no point)

seem 的用法只要记住一般情况下

1. seem+adj.也可是seem to+adj.

2.seem to +n.


It is all on my account that the poor Faun has got into this trouble.

与第二章结尾对应,Lucy 对Faun 说

I hope you won't get into dreadful trouble on mu account .

因为某人的缘故,on one's account

“What?” said Peter, lowering his voice to a whisper.

查理的爷爷用过这句话(第三章)said Grandpa Joe, and now he leaned closer to Charlie, and lowered his voice to a soft, secret whisper.

That’s a nasty idea. Still—a robin, you know. They’re good birds in all the stories I’ve ever read. I’m sure a robin wouldn’t be on the wrong side.

知更鸟属于英国的国鸟了,甚至雅思考题都出过相关话题。who killed Cock Robin也是鹅妈妈童谣里知名一首(个人不喜欢鹅妈妈,感觉好黑暗)另外英国小学课本和部分儿童著作(秘密花园)也都出现了知更鸟的章节。



