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鸿蒙ArkTS Tabs组件开发底部导航栏,可自适应平板和手机,相当于Android开发中的MainActivity+Fragment的底部导航栏模式。




import { BreakpointSystem, BreakpointConstants, StyleConstants, PageConstants, } from '@ohos/common';? // 通用工具

import { Chat } from '@ohos/chat';? // 子模块 相当于Android 的Fragment

import { Contact } from '@ohos/Contact';? // 子模块

import { Work } from '@ohos/Work';? //? 子模块

import { Mine } from '@ohos/Mine';? //? 子模块

import { buttonInfo, ButtonInfoModel } from '../viewmodel/MainPageData'; // 底部导航数据



struct MainPage {

? @StorageProp('currentBreakpoint') currentBreakpoint: string = 'sm';

? @State currentPageIndex: number = 0;

? private breakpointSystem = new BreakpointSystem();

? aboutToAppear() {

? ? this.breakpointSystem.register();

? }

? aboutToDisappear() {

? ? this.breakpointSystem.unregister();

? }

? @Builder BottomNavigation(button: ButtonInfoModel) {

? ? Column({ space: PageConstants.BUTTON_SPACE }) {? //? static readonly BUTTON_SPACE: string = '6vp';

? ? ? Image(this.currentPageIndex === button.index button.selectImg : button.img)

? ? ? ? .objectFit(ImageFit.Contain)

? ? ? ? .width($r('app.float.main_image_size'))

? ? ? ? .height($r('app.float.main_image_size'))

? ? ? Text(button.title)

? ? ? ? .fontColor(this.currentPageIndex === button.index $r('app.color.focus_color') : $r('app.color.un_focus_color'))

? ? ? ? .opacity(this.currentPageIndex === button.index StyleConstants.FULL_OPACITY : StyleConstants.SIXTY_OPACITY)

? ? ? ? .fontWeight(StyleConstants.FONT_WEIGHT_FIVE)

? ? ? ? .textAlign(TextAlign.Center)

? ? ? ? .fontSize($r('app.float.micro_font_size'))

? ? }

? ? .width(StyleConstants.FULL_WIDTH)

? ? .height(StyleConstants.FULL_HEIGHT)

? ? .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Center)

? ? .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center)

? }

? build() {

? ? Column() {

? ? ? Tabs({

? ? ? ? barPosition: this.currentBreakpoint === BreakpointConstants.BREAKPOINT_LG

? ? ? ? BarPosition.Start : BarPosition.End,

? ? ? ? index: this.currentPageIndex,

? ? ? }) {

? ? ? ? TabContent() {

? ? ? ? ? Chat() // 子模块

? ? ? ? }.tabBar(this.BottomNavigation(buttonInfo[0]))

? ? ? ? TabContent() {

? ? ? ? ? Contact() // 子模块

? ? ? ? }.tabBar(this.BottomNavigation(buttonInfo[1]))

? ? ? ? TabContent() {

? ? ? ? ? Work() // 子模块

? ? ? ? }.tabBar(this.BottomNavigation(buttonInfo[2]))

? ? ? ? TabContent() {

? ? ? ? ? Mine() // 子模块

? ? ? ? }.tabBar(this.BottomNavigation(buttonInfo[3]))

? ? ? }

? ? ? .barWidth(this.currentBreakpoint === BreakpointConstants.BREAKPOINT_LG

? ? ? $r('app.float.bar_width') : StyleConstants.FULL_WIDTH)

? ? ? .barHeight(this.currentBreakpoint === BreakpointConstants.BREAKPOINT_LG

? ? ? StyleConstants.SIXTY_HEIGHT : $r('app.float.vp_fifty_six'))

? ? ? .vertical(this.currentBreakpoint === BreakpointConstants.BREAKPOINT_LG)

? ? ? .scrollable(false)

? ? ? .onChange((index: number) => {

? ? ? ? this.currentPageIndex = index;

? ? ? ? // 提前查询数据

? ? ? ? // if (index === 1) {

? ? ? ? //? this.queryShopCart();

? ? ? ? // } else if (index === 2) {

? ? ? ? //? this.queryOrderList();

? ? ? ? // }

? ? ? })

? ? }

? ? .backgroundColor($r('app.color.page_background'))

? }




* Constants for common style.


export class StyleConstants {

? /**

? * Component width percentage: 100%.

? */

? static readonly FULL_WIDTH: string = '100%';

? /**

? * Component height percentage: 100%.

? */

? static readonly FULL_HEIGHT: string = '100%';

? /**

? * Component height percentage: 70%.

? */

? static readonly SEVENTY_HEIGHT: string = '70%';

? /**

? * Component height percentage: 60%.

? */

? static readonly SIXTY_HEIGHT: string = '60%';

? /**

? * Component width percentage: 60%.

? */

? static readonly SIXTY_WIDTH: string = '60%';

? /**

? * Component height percentage: 50%.

? */

? static readonly FIFTY_HEIGHT: string = '50%';

? /**

? * Component height percentage: 50%.

? */

? static readonly HUNDRED_FIFTEEN_WIDTH: string = '115%';

? /**

? * Component space vp : 4.

? */

? static readonly FOUR_SPACE: string = '4vp';

? /**

? * Component space vp : 12.

? */

? static readonly TWELVE_SPACE: string = '12vp';

? /**

? * Component space vp : 14.

? */

? static readonly ITEM_SPACE: string = '14vp';

? /**

? * Component space vp : 15.

? */

? static readonly FIFTEEN_SPACE: string = '15vp';

? /**

? * Font weight value: 700.

? */

? static readonly FONT_WEIGHT_SEVEN: number = 700;

? /**

? * Font weight value: 500.

? */

? static readonly FONT_WEIGHT_FIVE: number = 500;

? /**

? * Font weight value: 400.

? */

? static readonly FONT_WEIGHT_FOUR: number = 400;

? /**

? * Text line value: 2.

? */

? static readonly TWO_TEXT_LINE: number = 2;

? /**

? * Component opacity value: 1.

? */

? static readonly FULL_OPACITY: number = 1;

? /**

? * Component opacity value: 0.6.

? */

? static readonly SIXTY_OPACITY: number = 0.6;

? /**

? * Component opacity value: 0.8.

? */

? static readonly EIGHTY_OPACITY: number = 0.8;

? /**

? * Component layout value: 1.

? */

? static readonly LAYOUT_WEIGHT: number = 1;

? /**

? * Flex basic value: 1.

? */

? static readonly FLEX_BASIC: number = 1;

? /**

? * Flex shrink value: 1.

? */

? static readonly FLEX_SHRINK: number = 1;

? /**

? * Flex grow value: 1.

? */

? static readonly FLEX_GROW: number = 1;

? /**

? * Swiper or list display count value: 1.

? */

? static readonly DISPLAY_ONE: number = 1;

? /**

? * Swiper or list display count value: 2.

? */

? static readonly DISPLAY_TWO: number = 2;

? /**

? * Swiper or list display count value: 3.

? */

? static readonly DISPLAY_THREE: number = 3;

? /**

? * Swiper or list display count value: 4.

? */

? static readonly DISPLAY_FOUR: number = 4;

? /**

? * Image aspect ratio value: 2.23.

? */

? static readonly IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO: number = 2.25;

? /**

? * Number of value: 0.5.

? */

? static readonly HALF_ONE: number = 0.5;

? /**

? * Number of value: -1.

? */

? static readonly MINUS_ONE: number = -1;



import mediaQuery from '@ohos.mediaquery';

import { BreakpointConstants } from '../constants/BreakpointConstants';

declare interface BreakPointTypeOption<T> {

? sm?: T

? md?: T

? lg?: T

? xl?: T

? xxl?: T



* 媒体查询(mediaquery)

* 响应式设计的核心


export class BreakPointType<T> {

? options: BreakPointTypeOption<T>

? constructor(option: BreakPointTypeOption<T>) {

? ? this.options = option

? }

? getValue(currentBreakPoint: string): T {

? ? return this.options[currentBreakPoint] as T

? }


export class BreakpointSystem {

? private currentBreakpoint: string = '';

? private smListener?: mediaQuery.MediaQueryListener;

? private mdListener?: mediaQuery.MediaQueryListener;

? private lgListener?: mediaQuery.MediaQueryListener;

? private updateCurrentBreakpoint(breakpoint: string) {

? ? if (this.currentBreakpoint !== breakpoint) {

? ? ? this.currentBreakpoint = breakpoint;

? ? ? AppStorage.Set<string>(BreakpointConstants.CURRENT_BREAKPOINT, this.currentBreakpoint);

? ? }

? }

? private isBreakpointSM = (mediaQueryResult: mediaQuery.MediaQueryResult) => {

? ? if (mediaQueryResult.matches) {

? ? ? this.updateCurrentBreakpoint(BreakpointConstants.BREAKPOINT_SM);

? ? }

? }

? private isBreakpointMD = (mediaQueryResult: mediaQuery.MediaQueryResult) => {

? ? if (mediaQueryResult.matches) {

? ? ? this.updateCurrentBreakpoint(BreakpointConstants.BREAKPOINT_MD);

? ? }

? }

? private isBreakpointLG = (mediaQueryResult: mediaQuery.MediaQueryResult) => {

? ? if (mediaQueryResult.matches) {

? ? ? this.updateCurrentBreakpoint(BreakpointConstants.BREAKPOINT_LG);

? ? }

? }

? public register() {

? ? this.smListener = mediaQuery.matchMediaSync(BreakpointConstants.RANGE_SM);

? ? this.smListener.on('change', this.isBreakpointSM);

? ? this.mdListener = mediaQuery.matchMediaSync(BreakpointConstants.RANGE_MD);

? ? this.mdListener.on('change', this.isBreakpointMD);

? ? this.lgListener = mediaQuery.matchMediaSync(BreakpointConstants.RANGE_LG);

? ? this.lgListener.on('change', this.isBreakpointLG);

? }

? public unregister() {

? ? this.smListener?.off('change', this.isBreakpointSM);

? ? this.mdListener?.off('change', this.isBreakpointMD);

? ? this.lgListener?.off('change', this.isBreakpointLG);

? }



export class BreakpointConstants {

? /**

? * Breakpoints that represent small device types.

? */

? static readonly BREAKPOINT_SM: string = 'sm';

? /**

? * Breakpoints that represent middle device types.

? */

? static readonly BREAKPOINT_MD: string = 'md';

? /**

? * Breakpoints that represent large device types.

? */

? static readonly BREAKPOINT_LG: string = 'lg';

? /**

? * Current breakpoints that to query the device types.

? */

? static readonly CURRENT_BREAKPOINT: string = 'currentBreakpoint';

? /**

? * Range of the small device width.

? */

? static readonly RANGE_SM: string = '(320vp<=width<520vp)';

? /**

? * Range of the middle device width.

? */

? static readonly RANGE_MD: string = '(520vp<=width<840vp)';

? /**

? * Range of the large device width.

? */

? static readonly RANGE_LG: string = '(840vp<=width)';



export class ButtonInfoModel {

? index: number ;? // 序号

? img: Resource;? // 未选中图片

? selectImg: Resource ; // 选中图片

? title: Resource; // 按钮名称


const buttonInfo: ButtonInfoModel[] = [

? {

? ? index: 0,

? ? img: $r('app.media.ic_chat_off'),

? ? selectImg: $r('app.media.ic_chat_on'),

? ? title: $r('app.string.chat')

? },

? {

? ? index: 1,

? ? img: $r('app.media.ic_contact_off'),

? ? selectImg: $r('app.media.ic_contact_on'),

? ? title: $r('app.string.contact')

? },

? {

? ? index: 2,

? ? img: $r('app.media.ic_work_off'),

? ? selectImg: $r('app.media.ic_work_on'),

? ? title: $r('app.string.work')

? },

? {

? ? index: 3,

? ? img: $r('app.media.ic_mine_off'),

? ? selectImg: $r('app.media.ic_mine_on'),

? ? title: $r('app.string.mine')

? }


export { buttonInfo }

