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Why Do We See Stars When We Rub Our Eyes?

来源: https://www.sciencefocus.com

These shapes and colours, called 'phosphenes', were reported as long ago as the time of the ancient Greeks. Rubbing your eyes increases the pressure within the eyeball and this pressure activates ganglion cells in the retina in the same way as light does. Your brain doesn't know the difference and so interprets the activation as though you were seeing light from the world outside.


Most common phosphenes are diffuse blobs of different colours that move with the rubbing. Then there are scintillating and rapidly moving grid-like patterns which probably reflect the organisation of cells higher up in the visual system.


Within our eyeballs, there's a type of neuron called the retinal ganglion cell whose job is to receive visual information from the light-sensitive photoreceptor cells in the retina, the lining inside the back of your eyeball. Usually, we see the world because the retinal ganglion cell receives information from photoreceptor cells that being stimulated by light entering the eye.


However, it's also possible to activate the retinal cells through applying pressure. Gently pressing into your eye will apply pressure to the cells within the retina, "tricking" them into firing off in a similar way to activation by light. Totally unable to differentiate the stimulation, the central nervous system will perceive it in the same way it would seeing light. Even a sneeze or a cough is enough for some people to spark up a small phosphene.


Other effects include an array of intense blue points of light. If you want to experience these, be careful and press gently for some time rather than pressing too hard and risking damage to the eye.


