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EMQX - Kafka 插件(一)


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  • emqx_plugin_kafka


Kafka plugin for EMQX >= V5.4.0



> git clone https://github.com/jostar-y/emqx_plugin_kafka.git
> cd emqx_plugin_kafka
> make rel



> cat priv/emqx_plugin_kafka.hocon
plugin_kafka {
  // required
  connection {
    // Kafka client id: "emqx_plugin:kafka_client:${client_id}"
    // optional   default:"emqx_plugin:kafka_client:emqx_plugin_kafka_connection"
    client_id = "kafka_client"
    // Kafka address.
    // required
    bootstrap_hosts = ["", "", ""]

    // Reference type: kpro_connection:config().
    // https://github.com/kafka4beam/kafka_protocol/blob/master/src/kpro_connection.erl
    // optional   default:5s
    connect_timeout = 5s
    // enum: per_partition | per_broker
    // optional   default:per_partition
    connection_strategy = per_partition
    // optional   default:5s
    min_metadata_refresh_interval = 5s
    // optional   default:true
    query_api_versions = true
    // optional   default:3s
    request_timeout = 3s
    sasl {
      // enum:  plain | scram_sha_256 | scram_sha_512
      mechanism = plain
      username = "username"
      password = "password"
    ssl {
      enable = false

    //Emqx resource opts.
    // optional   default:32s
    health_check_interval = 32s

  // optional
  producer {
    // Most number of bytes to collect into a produce request.
    // optional   default:896KB
    max_batch_bytes = 896KB
    // enum:  no_compression | snappy | gzip
    // optional   default:no_compression
    compression = no_compression
    // enum:  random | roundrobin | first_key_dispatch
    // optional   default:random
    partition_strategy = random

    // Encode kafka value.
    // enum:  plain | base64
    // optional   default:plain
    encode_payload_type = plain

  // required
  hooks = [
      // Hook point.
      // required
      endpoint = message.publish
      // Emqx topic pattern.
      // 1. Cannot match the system message;
      // 2. Cannot use filters that start with '+' or '#'.
      // message required
      filter = "test/#"
      // Kafka topic, must be created in advance in Kafka.
      // required
      kafka_topic = emqx_test
      // Matching template, value = ${.} indicates that all keys match
      // optional default:{timestamp = "${.timestamp}", value = "${.}",key = "${.clientid}"}
      kafka_message = {
        timestamp = "${.timestamp}"
        value = "${.}"
        key = "${.clientid}"

Some examples in the directory priv/example/.

Hook Point

endpoint filter
client.connect /
client.connack /
client.connected /
client.disconnected /
client.authenticate /
client.authorize /
client.authenticate /
client.check_authz_complete /
session.created /
session.subscribed /
session.unsubscribed /
session.resumed /
session.discarded /
session.takenover /
session.terminated /
message.publish required
message.delivered required
message.acked required
message.dropped required


  • Default path: emqx/etc/emqx_plugin_kafka.hocon
  • Attach to path: set system environment variables export EMQX_PLUGIN_KAFKA_CONF="absolute_path"

