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雅思写作7.5分语料- 科技类:电脑和手机影响人们的读写技能吗?

雅思写作历年大作文真题:Some people think that the increasing use of computers and mobile phones for communication has a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skills.To what extent do you agree or disagree

has a negative effect on young people's reading and writing skills对年轻人的阅读和写作技能有负面影响digital communication数字通信involves informal language, abbreviations, and emoticons包括非正式语言、缩写和表情符号lead to carelessness, sloppiness, and a lack of attention to grammar and spelling导致粗心、马虎,以及对语法和拼写缺乏注意the constant exposure to social media, instant messaging, and online content不断接触社交媒体、即时通讯和在线内容distract young people from more traditional forms of reading让年轻人从更传统的阅读方式中分心require more concentration and critical thinking需要更多的专注力和批判性思维the overreliance on digital communication过度依赖数字通信can impair young people's ability to express themselves verbally and in writing, as well as their social skills and empathy会损害年轻人口头和书面表达自己的能力,以及他们的社交技巧和同理心miss the nuances of face-to-face interactions and body language错过面对面交流和肢体语言的细微差别

a powerful motivator for young people to read and write more是年轻人多读多写的强大动力connect with peers, communities, and resources around the world与世界各地的同行、社区和资源建立联系some digital media, such as e-books, audiobooks, and podcasts一些数字媒体,如电子书、有声书和播客offer new and engaging ways of learning and storytelling提供新的、吸引人的学习和讲故事的方式enhance young people's literacy and imagination提高青少年的读写能力和想象力foster new literacies, such as media literacy, information literacy, and digital citizenship培养新的素养,如媒介素养、信息素养和数字公民素养be essential for young people's participation in the global knowledge economy and democratic society对年轻人参与全球知识经济和民主社会至关重要

lead to some risks, such as the erosion of traditional literacy skills or the proliferation of misinformation导致一些风险,如传统文化技能的侵蚀或错误信息的扩散develop new literacies and creative expression发展新的文化和创造性表达see digital communication as a threat or a panacea视数字通信为威胁或灵丹妙药strive to balance its benefits and challenges努力平衡它的好处和挑战provide young people with the critical skills and support they need to navigate the digital age为年轻人提供他们在数字时代所需的关键技能和支持

雅思写作7.5分语料- 科技类:电脑和手机影响人们的读写技能吗?,第1张
雅思写作7.5分语料- 科技类:电脑和手机影响人们的读写技能吗?,第2张
雅思写作7.5分语料- 科技类:电脑和手机影响人们的读写技能吗?,第3张
雅思写作7.5分语料- 科技类:电脑和手机影响人们的读写技能吗?,第4张
雅思写作7.5分语料- 科技类:电脑和手机影响人们的读写技能吗?,第5张
雅思写作7.5分语料- 科技类:电脑和手机影响人们的读写技能吗?,第6张

