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How to change from World Memory Heritageto Human literature reader



By Lanxin(Lanxin?Samei)

(Chinese bestselling author)

( The only female descendant of Dongba culture)



In ancient times, the ancestor Chongrenlien went to heaven to marry the heavenly daughter?Chenhengbaobai, He said to the Heavenly Father,“Please give me your daughter in marriage.”The Father asked him,“Of what race are you descended?”He said proudly,


“I am the descendant of the nine brothers who opened heaven, I am the descendant of the seven sisters who opened earth. I am the offspring of a race that everyone praised when I climbed ninety-nine hills; I am the offspring of a race admired in the seventy-seven places when I went to climb the seventy-seven hills; I am descended from a race of white conch lions; I am descended from the golden elephant race; I am the descendant of a race that can swallow three buckets of fried noodles without choking. I am the off?spring of a race that will not be satisfied even after eating mountains, nor quench its thirst even after drinking sea water; I am a descendant of a race that cannot be killed or broken.”


The descendants of this race isthe Naxi nationality. This nationality has the world-shaking Dongba culture, and the ancient books of Dongba have been listed as the Memory of the World Heritage by the United Nations.


It crosses the Jinsha River, jumps over the Yulong Snowmountain, and crosses the long river of years. It always dances with the sun and moon and shines with heaven and earth with the most vivid charm. It links all things, respects heaven, loves people, guards all beings.


This symbol freehand culture, through time and space, from the ancient Dongba sutra, with a mysterious seal, has always affected the life of modern people, life, and even spirituality, how profound the culture and tough vitality!


For Yunnan and Naxi people, I used to be a foreigner and stranger,but now I have a strange relationship with Naxi people. In 2017, I was invited to preside over the opening ceremony of the National Touring Exhibition of the Centennial Art Exhibition of Naxi Dongba Painting, a project of the National Art Fund. I had the honor to get acquainted with Ahengdongta, the 17th generation of Dongba inheritor, and thus formed a deep relationship with Dongba culture,he investigated and tested me for a year,he broke the system of inheriting the ancestors of Dongba culture, which is “no transmission from inside to outside, no transmission from male to female”, and made me officially the only female inherator in the history of Dongba culture.


I was moved by Master Ahengdongta's broad-minded, forward-looking vision, bold open source innovation and adherence to Dongba culture. I was also moved by Mr. Bai Gengsheng, also of Naxi nationality, for his great love and responsibility for the country, nation, people and national culture. They cherish the world, they are compassionate, they are virtuous, they are wise men in the world, like a lotus lamp, they light up the way forward of Dongba culture.


One day, when I was talking with Master Ahengdongta Dongba about the living situation of the inheritors of Dongba culture, I could not help crying for a whole morning. What touched my strong heartWhat shook my soulWhat inspired my great wish


The protection and inheritance of Dongba culture benefit from the persistence of generations of Dongba over thousands of years. They are the wise men of the nation and the guardians of the culture. They are also worldly philosophers. It was he who devoted his life to protecting the heritage of the Memory of the world, protecting the people. Between serving all living beings for free and supporting their families, between the impact of commodity economy and cultural adherence, between eager for quick success and instant benefits and the endless cultural protection, they resolutely chose the hard material life, choose generation after generation of cultural inheritance and adherence.


When they put on the Dongba costume, wear the crown, holding the scriptures, they are solemn, lofty, boundless power. At that time, they were the medium of man and God and were worshiped by all beings. When they take off their Dongba clothes and crown, they instantly turn into ordinary people. Like the?ordinary people, they work by themselves. They rely on their status outside Dongba to support their families and live by their own supplies, and they are struggling to hold on to this cultural heritage passed down for thousands of years.


People say that Dongba people are rare, but how many people really know their real living conditionsHow many people have truly felt with their own and other people's hearts the difficulty of their persistenceHow many people can truly understand their dilemma between preserving their cultural heritage and living a hard lifeHow many people can really read the transition between their roles as humanand godHow many people have repaid what they have done for the living


In Yunnan, China, the world's tourism mecca, some people admire the glory of Dongba culture as a “Memory of the World Heritage”recognized by the United Nations, and Dongba culture has become their vanity to show off. Some people name the reputation of Dongba culture, combined with some elements of Dongba culture to do superficial article, Dongba culture has become their coats to gu for fame and fame; Some people use Dongba culture to develop tourism, and Dongba culture becomes a cover for them to seek benefits; Some people integrate Dongba for their own use at the lowest cost, to gain fame and wealth, after the use, there is no news, Dongba has become their use…


Despite their silent persistence, after all, the power of the individual can not withstand the impact of The Times. As far as I know, in recent years, under the impact of globalization, commercialization and economic tide, a handful of Dongba descendants have passed away one by one. In recent years, I have attended the funerals of several great Dongba members and felt deeply sorry for each of them. The descendants of Dongba are also difficult to inherit due to many reasons, so that the protection, inheritance and development of Dongba culture is facing a great crisis and is gradually on the verge of being lost. If we cannot carry forward the blood source of Dongba culture in recent decades, then the precious heritage left by our ancestors will eventually disappear from the world. Despite their silent persistence, after all, the power of the individual can not withstand the impact of The Times. As far as I know, in recent years, under the impact of globalization, commercialization and economic tide, a handful of Dongba descendants have passed away one by one. In recent years, I have attended the funerals of several great Dongba members and felt deeply sorry for each of them. The descendants of Dongba are also difficult to inherit due to many reasons, so that the protection, inheritance and development of Dongba culture is facing a great crisis and is gradually on the verge of being lost. If we cannot carry forward the blood source of Dongba culture in recent decades, then the precious heritage left by our ancestors will eventually disappear from the world.


After I learned about the living conditions of Dongba masters and the current situation of Dongba culture, I vowed to protect, inherit, carry forward and spread Dongba culture as another important mission for the rest of my life. I am fully aware that such an important historical mission cannot be accomplished by one person and requires the efforts of all. In 2019, I dropped everything in Beijing, China, and went to Lijiang, China, where I linked several colleagues with profound cultural feelings, such as philanthropist Mr. Wan Yilong, high-level wisdom communicator Mr.Liu Feng, and Mr.Shangguan Changfeng, master of Chinese studies, to my dongba master. They were influenced by Dongba's wisdom. They also vowed to spare no effort to help preserve and carry forward Dongba culture. In 2021, with the help of relevant government departments, the care from all walks of life, and our joint efforts, “Yulong Wenbi Dongba Culture Academy” came into being in the past Xinghua Temple in Lijiang. The Academy is non-profit in nature, and we contribute to the operation of the academy. We hope to try our best to support the living Dongba masters, and everyone around the world who loves Dongba culture can come to learn Dongba culture free of charge.


Mr. Bai Gengsheng, member of the Standing Committee of the 13th?CPPCC National Committee, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, President of the Chinese Society of Documentary Literature and president of the International Association of Naxi Studies, he said,“I am responsible for everything that is conducive to our country and people.”Therefore, he was the honorary dean of the our Academy, such spirit and responsibility, is the ancestor said that the race and the inheritance of the future character!


Since becoming the inheritor of Dongba, I have made up my mind to learn Dongba culture in depth. My Master Ahengdongta has treated me as his daughter, teaching me by word and example. Our academy has 100 volumes of Dongba ancient books, which are like a mountain and recognized by the United Nations as a “Memory of the World Heritage”. I began to study the first volume. Each volume covers more information than people can imagine, condensing the essence of how many ancient scripture! The wisdom of this ancient culture, which has been inherited so far, is very well understood by many people. If we cannot study it intensively, we will find it dull and difficult to understand. However, I was immersed in it, not wanting to be disturbed by the vulgar, eager to read through it, and to bury myself in the ancient books. As if through the ancient times, with the gods and ancestors dialogue, is really beautiful!


This is the slowest book I've ever read in the world, eating slowly and taking notes. Each book was read at least twice. After reading it, Master was asked to tell it again from beginning to end, check it, discuss the details, and sometimes correct the discrepancies between some of the 100 volumes and the original Dongba Scriptures.

前段时间,意大利作家Fiori Picco费沃里·皮克采访我,其中一个问题是谈我眼中的东巴文化,我说:通常,世人认为东巴文化是供于神龛之上的文化,深不可测,遥不可及。而我在研读东巴文化过程中发现,东巴文化其实是普世的文化。人类的生存方式,世间的万事万物,生活中的万千现象,风土人情,民俗民风,都能在东巴经书中找到出处、源起和释义。万物皆是“化相”,而我们能从东巴经书中懂得“化相”背后的深义,能从东巴经书中领悟“化相”中的大智慧。

Some time ago, the Italian writer Fiori Picco interviewed me, and one of the questions was about Dongba culture in my eyes. I said: Usually, the world thinks of Dongba culture as a culture on shrine, unfathomand unreachable.In the process of studying Dongba culture, I found that Dongba culture is actuallya universal culture. The way of living of human beings, everything in the world, thousands of phenomena in life, local customs and folk customs can all be found in the source, origin and interpretation of Dongba Sutra.All?things?are “transformed into phases”, and we can understand the deep meaning behind “transformed into phases” and comprehend the great wisdom of “transformed into phases” from Dongba sutras.


From the perspective of literature, the 100 volumes of Dongba ancient books take Dongba rituals as the main line in form, and contain too many materials of poems, essays and novels. However, these materials are hidden in every detail of the ancient books and complicated Dongba rituals. If there is no firm belief, no determination to stick to the end, and no certain spiritual and literary foundation, If there is no power to overcome all difficulties, it is impossible to read a whole volume, let alone understand the deep meaning of ancient books, and finally cannot establish a deep link. Then, this culture is really just a culture for the shrine, which can only be looked up to but far away. Many factors destined that this culture is only a minority can master.


The phrase “the land inhabited by human beings” often appears in the Dongba Sutra, referring not only to the Naxi ethnic group, but to all mankind. The same goes for the phrase “the land covered by heaven” in the Dongba Sutra, which focuses on all mankind. It can be seen that Dongba culture speaks of the sense of community with a shared future for all mankind under the heavens, which is the great love of blessing mankind. It can be seen that this culture is never just a national culture, but the cultural inheritance and development of all mankind.


Life and death, love and beauty are the eternal themes of human beings and the common elements of human literature. The ancient books of Dongba cover rituals such as praying for good luck, offering sacrifices (natural gods), eliminating disasters and solving difficulties, and funerals, as well as divination, etc. In each complicated Dongba ritual, there are great wisdom of “life and death”“love and beauty”.


About life. For example, the Dongba Sutra begins with an emphasis on this phrase: “If you don't know where something comes from, don't say it.” It reminds us not only to “know what”, but also to “know why”, which is also a respect for everything in the world. All things have spirit, all things are one, all things have an originand source, we should understand the way to respect heaven and love.


For example, the origin of the year, the origin of the zodiac, the origin of fighting, the origin of pollution, the origin of human beings, the origin of the nature god, the origin of the Dongba Sutra, the origin of the eight diagramsof the frog, the origin of the five elements, the origin of the sacred mountain, sacred tree, sacred stone, sacred lake, the origin of turquoise, ink jade, gold, silver, the origin of the distribution of human longevity; How the universe came into being, how the weakness of human nature came into being; How was the first ancestor of East Bashro born, how was the god of war Youma born; Why butterflies are flat, ants have thin waists, pigeons can't make their voices out, wind-sucking eagles are always hungry in the sky, women smile with their sleeves hidden in ancient times, and people visit other people's homes or hold activities for three days.


Another example is that the answer to the question of the origin of life and the universe, “which came first, the chicken or the egg”, which was explored by ancient philosophers, can be found in the Dongba Sutra.


About death. For example, the Dongba Scriptures say that death is a“return”. After the death of the dead, the Dongba crossed over to the ancestral land or the land of the thirty-three gods. Life is just a passage from one world to another, to meet with long-missed ancestors in another world, or to ascend into the immortal, what a beautiful return! Instantly eliminate human fear of death. At the same time,it warned human beings in the epic “Lubanlurao”: Don't be infatuated with love, don't be seduced and commit suicide. If you are born a human being, you should cherish every day of your life. This is a good warning to those who want to commit suicide today: those who commit suicide do not die once and for all, and those who die abnormally can not even return to their ancestors, and will fall into a deeper abyss of pain. The“Divine Road Map”?tells people that the karma after death is true and leads people to be upward and good. We usually think that there is only one funeral ceremony, but there are more than a dozen funeral ceremonies in Dongba Sutra, which vary according to age, identity and way of death. Even cremation ceremony is divided according to different age stages, which reflects the ultimate respect for life.


About love. One of the important reasons why Dongba Sutra is a culture that benefits all mankind is that it is full of human love and humanity's concern. For example, the coexistence between man and the universe, man and nature, and man and all walks of life reflect the culture of harmony. Dongba Sutra says that human beings and nature are half brothers. At the time of creation, a contract of harmonious coexistence was made between human beings and nature. Human beings revere nature, takingcare of the natural environment they live on, be grateful and give back in time.


For example, the “medicine” is given to all beings in the ghost world in the ritual of offering sacrifices to the wind. Instead of killing and suppressing, they first cure the evil beings, then give food and property as compensation, and then send them to the return place for resettlement. This shows the great love and human concern of the Naxi people, as well as the great wisdom of understanding the harmonious way of the universe.


About beauty. Dongba Sutra satisfies human's desire for a better life. For example, the scriptures of praying for good fortune and keeping good fortune are chanted in the Dongba ceremony, which embodies all the good and auspicious blessings in the world. Today, the blessings we say have their sources in the sutra. For example, the Auspicious Day Sutra sung by Dongba during the blessing ceremony is so beautiful:There are stars in the sky, the most brilliant stars today; The grass grows on the earth, and the grass that grows today is the verdest. The sun rises on the left, the warmest today; The moon rose on the right, the brightest moon today. May the stars in the sky isbright, the grass on the ground be lush and the leaves on the trees be plentiful. To go out of the day, may there be a wide road easy to go; May there be wide bridges to cross the days when you want to cross the rivers. May his steeds climb hills, his hounds chase them. May you raise a capable son and a beautiful girl. May what you think comestrue, and what you plan come true. May everything isauspicious, the grain be plentiful and the six animals prosperous. Pray for peace and tranquility, happiness and good fortune, victory and agility, no disease, no pain,may you have long life.


On April 20th ,2021, the 12th Chinese Language Day of the United Nations selected “Mysterious Dongba Hieroglyphics” as one of the three major themes. Master Ahengdongta was specially invited to teach Dongba culture to the world. During the lecture, Master was specially invited to sing the“Auspicious Day Sutra”.


Another example is the Dongba Sutra, which says that the first union of man on earth is the union of heaven and earth. The sun and the moon unite, and Hesperus mateship; Mountain and Sichuan combination, gold matchmaking; The chestnut meets the pine, the bee makes a match; Pine and ink jade combination, gold thread matchmaking…These messages describe that everything in heaven and earth does not exist in isolation, they are one-to-one pairs, there are Yin and Yang, beautiful artistic conception and image presented in front of us, the world is a beautiful and auspicious image.


The literary value of Dongba ancient books is self-evident. Culture and literature have no borders. The more national, the more international. On the other hand, only by becoming the world, can national characteristics be interpreted to the extreme, so as to highlight the greatest value. Because Dongba culture is the great love culture of mankind and contains many eternal themes of human literature, it is worth thinking about how to shoulder the mission given by history and nation and make this “memory of the world heritage” become “human literature reader”in the future.


The curtain is opened and we move forward. Culture is the soul of generation after generation. To guard the source of culture is to guard the root of a nation.


To respect heaven and love the gesture, do such an event through the ages.


Full of deep feeling and love, but also moving, enough to pass down.





著有《只要最后是你就好》《遇见爱,遇见更好的自己》《遇见幸福,遇见爱》《幸福驾到》《宝宝驾到》《小心!男人就这样骗你》《天使之舞》《一朵灵魂叫兰》等,分别荣获“2014最具影响力图书”、当当网连续三年畅销书排行榜、当当网情感类图书排名第一名、“经典小说排行榜”第十名等。译著2016版世界名著《简爱》等,《简爱》被评为“震撼人心的世界名著”“深受读者喜爱的经典名著”前十名。作品被翻译成英语、西班牙语、意大利语、土耳其语、越南语等多国文字,在国际刊物上设有专栏,被美国《纽约时报》、土耳其《第三只眼》、法国、意大利、越南等国际媒体采访,并被誉为“爱的使者” “当代女性世界的向导”“中国文学的一朵花”等。



Brief introduction of Lanxin

Lanxin(Lanxin?Samei),internationally renowned writer and poet, a famous spiritual and emotional mentor, a member of the Chinese Writers Association, a famous emotional bestselling writer in China,the only female inheritor of Dongba Culture, a translator, a bilingual host in Chinese and English, a senior psychological consultant in China, the founder of Yulong WenbiDongba Culture Academy and Lanxin?Samei Academy.

She is the best-selling author of “As long as the last is you”“Meet love, meet better yourself”“Meet happiness, meet love”“Happiness comes”“Angel’s ?dance”“Asoul called Lan”and so on. She translated the 2016 version of the world famous “Jane Eyre”.

Her works have been translated into English, Spanish, French, Italian, Turkish, Vietnamese and other languages. She has columns in international publications. She has been interviewed by the New York Times of the United States, Turkey's Third Eye, France, Italy, Vietnam and other international media.

She has been praised as “messenger of love”“prophetess”“expert of Chinese Buddhism and Taoism”“guide of contemporary female world”“flower of Chinese literature”and so on.

Her original positive sayings“The wisdom of Lanxin”have been read hundreds of millions of times, and the program “Lanxin Says Love”has been popular on countless Internet audio and video platforms, with hundreds of millions of fans.

With her innate magical sense and extraordinary cultivation, she answers the spiritual and emotional questions for hundreds of millions of readers. With the mission of spreading “wisdom of love”,she conveys great love, great kindness and great wisdom,she is praised by readers as “the most beloved bosom sister of urban men and women”and the reincarnation of “Goddess of wisdom”.


