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rest 接收json restful json



对于客户端请求的表征格式,是否使用文件扩展名风格格式、query-string参数等来组成Accept 头,这是个问题。理想情况下,服务端可以支持所有的这些方法。但是,现在行业内更倾向于使用一种类似文件扩展名的格式说明。因此,建议至少服务端需要支持使用文件拓展名,例如“.json”,“.xml”及其被封装选项“.wjon”,“.wxml”。

使用这种技术时,在URI中指定表现形式可以提高可见性。例如,GET http://www.example.com/customers.xml 将返回XML格式的客户表征。同样,GET http://www.example.com/customers.json 将返回一个JSON格式的表征。即使是在基本的客户端(例如“curl”)使用,这也使得服务端更易操作,因此推荐使用这种方式。


GET http://www.example.com/customers/12345 GET http://www.example.com/customers/12345.json


GET http://www.example.com/customers/12345.xml

如果服务端支持的话,以上请求返回给客户端XML格式的资源12345。如果该服务器不支持XML格式的资源,将返回一个HTTP 404的错误。

使用HTTP Accept头被广泛认为是一种更优雅的方式,并且符合HTTP规范和含义,可以达到表明客户端如何告知HTTP服务端它们支持哪些内容类型的目的。但是,服务器为了同时支持封装和未封装的响应,为了使用Accept头,必须实现自定义类型–因为这些格式没有标准的类型。这大大增加了客户端和服务端的复杂性。请参见RFC 2616的14.1节有关Accept头的详细信息(http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.1)。支持文件扩展名风格格式说明是简单直接的,用最少的字符数就可以做到,并且易于支持脚本–无需利用HTTP头。



一个REST的指导原则(根据“统一接口”原则)是:应用状态通过超文本传输。正如上述“什么是Rest?”章节提到的,这通常被称为Hypertext As The Engine of Application State (HATEOAS,超文本表示应用程序状态)。

根据Roy Fielding的博客(http://roy.gbiv.com/untangled/2008/rest-apis-must-be-hypertextdriven),REST接口中最重要的部分是超文本的作用。此外,他还指出,在给出一个API没有预先知识和外带信息的初始URI时,应该是可用的、可理解的。也就是说,一个API应当通过其链接,连接到数据的各个组件。不建议只返回纯数据。











一些XML Atom格式的概念对JSON表示的链接来说是无用的。例如,“方法”属性对于一个RESTful资源来说是不需要的,因为对给定资源来说,在所有支持的HTTP方法(CRUD行为)中,资源的URI都是相同的¬–所以单独列出这些是没有必要的。


POST http://api.example.com/users


HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Status: 201 Connection: close Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Location: http://api.example.com/users/12346



  "data": [
      "user_id": "42",
      "name": "Bob",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://api.example.com/users/42"
      "user_id": "22",
      "name": "Frank",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://api.example.com/users/22"
      "user_id": "125",
      "name": "Sally",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://api.example.com/users/125"



  "data": [
      "user_id": "42",
      "name": "Bob",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://api.example.com/users/42"
      "user_id": "22",
      "name": "Frank",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://api.example.com/users/22"
      "user_id": "125",
      "name": "Sally",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://api.example.com/users/125"
  "links": [
      "rel": "first",
      "href": "http://api.example.com/users?offset=0&limit=3"
      "rel": "last",
      "href": "http://api.example.com/users?offset=55&limit=3"
      "rel": "previous",
      "href": "http://api.example.com/users?offset=3&limit=3"
      "rel": "next",
      "href": "http://api.example.com/users?offset=9&limit=3"





OmniTI 实验室有一个这样的提议,称为JSEND响应。更多的信息请参照http://labs.omniti.com/labs/jsend。另外一个提案是由Douglas Crockford提出的,可以在这里阅读http://www.json.org/JSONRequest.html。


  • Code(状态码)– 包含HTTP响应状态码的整型
  • Status(状态)– 包含文本:“成功”、“失败”或“错误”。HTTP状态响应值在500-599之间为“失败”,状态码400-499之间为“错误”,其他为“成功”(例如:响应为1XX、2XX和3XX)。
  • Message(信息)– 仅用于存放“失败”和“错误”状态的错误消息。参照国际化(il8n)标准,它可能包含信息号或者代码,可以单独使用,也可以用分隔符隔开同时包含。
  • Data(数据)– 包含响应主体。在“失败”和“错误”的状态下,data包含了错误原因或异常名称。


  "code": 200,
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "lacksTOS": false,
    "invalidCredentials": false,
    "authToken": "4ee683baa2a3332c3c86026d"


  "code": 401,
  "status": "error",
  "message": "token is invalid",
  "data": "UnauthorizedException"


    <data class="AuthenticationResult">

    <message>token is invalid</message>
    <data class="string">UnauthorizedException</data>





在服务端实现CORS很简单,只要在发送响应时附带HTTP头,例如: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *


Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://example.com:8080 http://foo.example.com


Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true








  1. 响应体必须封装成一个参数传递给jsonp参数中指定的JavaScript函数(例如:jsonp_callback(“”))。
  2. 始终返回HTTP状态码200(OK),并且将真实的状态作为JSON响应中的一部分返回。



  'code': '404',
  'status': 'error',
  'headers': [],
  'message': 'resource XYZ not found',
  'data': 'NotFoundException'


  'code': '201',
  'status': 'error',
  'headers': [
      'Location': 'http://www.example.com/customers/12345'
  'data': '12345'


Returning Representations

As mentioned earlier, it is desirable for a service to support multiple representations of resources, including JSON and XML, as well as wrapped JSON and XML. As the default representation, the recommendation is JSON, but services should allow clients to specify alternative representations.

For a client to request a representation format, there is a question around whether to use the Accept header a file-extension-style format specifier, query-string parameter, etc. Optimally, services would support all of those methods. However, industry is currently converging on using a format specifier, which looks more like a file extension. Therefore, the recommendation is that, at a minimum, services support the use of file extensions such as ‘.json’, ‘.xml’ and wrapped options, ‘.wjson’ and ‘.wxml’.

Using this technique, the representation format is specified in the URI, enhancing visibility. For example, GET http://www.example.com/customers.xml would return the list of customer representations in XML format. Likewise, GET http://www.example.com/customers.json would return a JSON representation. This makes the services simple to use from even the most basic client (such as ‘curl’) and is recommended.

Also, services should return the default representation format (presumably JSON) when a format specifier is not included on the url. For example:

GET http://www.example.com/customers/12345 GET http://www.example.com/customers/12345.json

Both of the above return the 12345 customer resource in a JSON representation, which is the default format for this service.

GET http://www.example.com/customers/12345.xml

Returns the 12345 customer resource in an XML representation, if supported. If an XML representation of this resource is not supported by this service, an HTTP 404 error should be returned.

Use of the HTTP Accept header is considered by many to be a more elegant approach, and is in keeping with the meaning and intent of the HTTP specification with regards to how clients notify HTTP servers of which content types they support. However, to support both wrapped and unwrapped responses from your services, in order to utilize the Accept header, you must implement your own custom types—since there are no standard types for these formats. This increases the complexity of both clients and services greatly. See Section 14.1 of RFC 2616 (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.1) for details on the Accept header. Supporting file-extension-style format specifiers is simple, straight-forward, gets the job done in the fewest number of characters, and easily supports scripting—without having to leverage HTTP headers.

In general, when we talk about REST services, XML is largely irrelevant. Barely anyone uses XML with REST although supporting XML is recommended. XML standards and conventions are really not in play. In particular, namespaces are not, nor should they be use in a RESTful service context. It just muddies the waters and makes things more complicated. So the XML that is returned is more JSON like—simple and easy to read, without the schema and namespace constraints—non-standard in other words, but parse-able.

Resource Discoverability Through Links (HATEOAS cont’d)

One of the guiding principals of REST (via the Uniform Interface constraint) is that application state is communicated via hypertext. This is often referred to as Hypertext As The Engine of Application State (HATEOAS) as mentioned above in the What is Rest? Section.

According to Roy Fielding’s blog (at http://roy.gbiv.com/untangled/2008/rest-apis-must-be-hypertextdriven), the most important part of a REST interface is its usage of hypertext. Further, he states that an API should be usable and understandable given an initial URI without prior knowledge or out-of-band information. That is, an API should be navigable via its links to various components of the data. Returning only data representations is discouraged.

This practice is not often followed by current industry leaders in services, reflecting that HATEOAS usage is higher on the maturity model. Looking around at many services, convention is to return more data and less (or no) links. This is contrary to Fielding’s REST constraints. Fielding says, “Every addressable unit of information carries an address… Query results are represented by a list of links with summary information, not by arrays of object representations.”

On the other hand, simply returning collections of links can be a major cause of network chattiness. In the real world, depending on requirements or use cases, chattiness of the API interface is managed by balancing how much “summary” data is included along with the relational hypertext links in service responses.

Also, full use of HATEOAS can increase implementation complexity and impose a significant burden on service clients, decreasing developer productivity on both client and server ends of the equation. Consequently, it is imperative to balance hyperlinking service implementations with available development resources.

A minimal set of hyperlinking practices provides major gains in service usability, navigability and understandability while minimizing development impact and reducing the coupling between client and server. These minimal recommendations are resources created via POST and for collections returned from GET requests, with additional recommendations for pagination cases, which are described below.

Minimal Linking Recommendations

In create use cases, the URI (link) for the newly-created resource should be returned in the Location response header and the response body be empty—or contain only the ID of the newly-created resource.

For collections of representations being returned from a service, each representation should minimally carry a ‘self’ link property in its own links collection. Other links may be present in the returned as a separate links collection to facilitate pagination, with ‘first’, ‘previous’, ‘next’, ‘last’ links where applicable.

See the examples in the Link Format section below for more information.

Link Format

Regarding overall link format standards it is recommended to adhere to some semblance of the Atom, AtomPub, or Xlink style. JSON-LD is getting some traction too, but is not widely adopted yet (if it ever will be). Most widespread in the industry is usage of the Atom link style with a “rel” element and an “href” element that contains the full URI for the resource without any authentication or query-string parameters. The “rel” element, can contain the standard values “alternate”, “related”, “self”, “enclosure”, and “via”, plus “first”, “last”, “previous”, “next” for pagination links. Use them where they make sense and add your own when needed.

Some of the XML Atom format concepts are somewhat irrelevant for links being represented in JSON. For instance, the METHOD property is not needed for a RESTful resource since the URIs are the same for a given resource, with all of the HTTP methods being supported (for CRUD behavior)–so listing them individually is overkill.

Let’s make all this talk a little more concrete with some examples. Here’s what the response would look like after creating a new resource with a call to:

POST http://api.example.com/users

And here’s an example set of response headers with the Location header set containing the new resource URI:

HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED Status: 201 Connection: close Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Location: http://api.example.com/users/12346

The body is either empty, or contains a wrapped response (see Wrapped Responses below).

Here is an example JSON response to a GET request that returns a collection of representations without pagination involved:

  "data": [
      "user_id": "42",
      "name": "Bob",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://api.example.com/users/42"
      "user_id": "22",
      "name": "Frank",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://api.example.com/users/22"
      "user_id": "125",
      "name": "Sally",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://api.example.com/users/125"

Note the links array containing a single reference to “self” for each item in the collection. This array could potentially contain other relationships, such as children, parent, etc.

The final example is a JSON response to a GET request that returns a collection where pagination is involved (we’re using three items per page) and we’re on the third page of the collection:

  "data": [
      "user_id": "42",
      "name": "Bob",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://api.example.com/users/42"
      "user_id": "22",
      "name": "Frank",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://api.example.com/users/22"
      "user_id": "125",
      "name": "Sally",
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://api.example.com/users/125"
  "links": [
      "rel": "first",
      "href": "http://api.example.com/users?offset=0&limit=3"
      "rel": "last",
      "href": "http://api.example.com/users?offset=55&limit=3"
      "rel": "previous",
      "href": "http://api.example.com/users?offset=3&limit=3"
      "rel": "next",
      "href": "http://api.example.com/users?offset=9&limit=3"

In this example, the links collection in the response is populated for pagination purposes along with the link to “self” in each of the items in the collection. There could be additional links here related to the collection but not related to pagination. The simple summary is, there are two places to include links in a collection. For each item in the collection (those in the data object, which is the collection of representations requested), include a links collection that, minimally, would contain a “self” reference. Then, in a separate object, links, include links that apply to the entire collection as applicable, such as pagination-related links.

For the create use case—create via POST, include a Location header with a link to the newly-created object.

Wrapped Responses

Services have the opportunity to return both HTTP status codes along with a body in the response. In many JavaScript frameworks, HTTP status response codes are not returned to the end-developer, often preventing the client from determining behavior based on that status code. Additionally, with the myriad response codes in the HTTP spec, often there are only a few that clients care about—frequently boiling down to ‘success’, ‘error’, or ‘failure’. Consequently, it is beneficial to wrap responses in a representation that contains information about the response as well as the response itself.

One such proposal is that from OmniTI Labs, the so-called JSEND response. More information can be found at http://labs.omniti.com/labs/jsend. Another option is proposed by Douglas Crockford and can be read about at http://www.json.org/JSONRequest.html.

In practice neither of these proposals adequately covers all cases. Basically, current best practice is to wrap regular (non-JSONP) responses with the following properties:

  • code – contains the HTTP response status code as an integer.
  • status – contains the text: “success”, “fail”, or “error”. Where “fail” is for HTTP status response values from 500-599, “error” is for statuses 400-499, and “success” is for everything else (e.g. 1XX, 2XX and 3XX responses).
  • message – only used for “fail” and “error” statuses to contain the error message. For internationalization (i18n) purposes, this could contain a message number or code, either alone or contained within delimiters.
  • data – that contains the response body. In the case of “error” or “fail” statuses, this contains the cause, or exception name.

A successful response in wrapped style looks similar to this:

  "code": 200,
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "lacksTOS": false,
    "invalidCredentials": false,
    "authToken": "4ee683baa2a3332c3c86026d"

An example error response in wrapped style looks like this:

  "code": 401,
  "status": "error",
  "message": "token is invalid",
  "data": "UnauthorizedException"

In XML, these two wrapped responses would correspond to:

    <data class="AuthenticationResult">


    <message>token is invalid</message>
    <data class="string">UnauthorizedException</data>

Handling Cross-Domain Issues

We’ve all heard about working around the browser’s same origin policy or common-source requirement. In other words, the browser can only make requests to the site it’s currently displaying. For example, if the site currently being displayed is www.Example1.com, then that site cannot perform a request against www.Example2.com. Obviously, this impacts how sites access services.

Presently, there are two widely-accepted methods to support cross-domain requests: JSONP and CrossOrigin Resource Sharing (CORS). JSONP or “JSON with padding” is a usage pattern that provides a method to request data from a server in a different domain. It works by the service returning arbitrary JavaScript code instead of JSON. These responses are evaluated by the JavaScript interpreter, not parsed by a JSON parser. CORS, on the other hand, is a web browser technology specification, which defines ways for a web server to allow its resources to be accessed by a web page from a different domain. It is seen as a modern alternative to JSONP and is supported by all modern browsers. Therefore, JSONP is not recommended. Choose CORS whenever and wherever possible.

Supporting CORS

Implementing CORS on a server is as simple as sending an additional HTTP header in the response, for example:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

An access origin of ‘*’ should only be set if the data is meant for public consumption. In most cases the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header should specify which domains should be able to initiate a CORS request. Only URLs that need to be accessed cross-domain should have the CORS header set.

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://example.com:8080 http://foo.example.com

Allow only trusted domains in Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true

Use this header only when necessary as it will send the cookies/sessions if the user is logged into the application.

These headers can be configured via the Web server, proxy or sent from the service itself. Implementing it within the services is not recommended as it’s not flexible. Instead, use the second form, a space delimited list of appropriate domains configured on your Web server. More about CORS can be found at: http://enable-cors.org/.

Supporting JSONP

JSONP gets around the browser limitation by utilizing GET requests to perform all service calls. In essence, the requester adds a query-string parameter (e.g. jsonp=”jsonp_callback”) to the request, where the value of the “jsonp” parameter is the name of a javascript function that will be called when the response is returned.

There severe limitations to the functionality enabled by JSONP, since GET requests do not contain a request body and, therefore, information must be passed via query-string parameters. Also, to support PUT, POST and DELETE operations, the effective HTTP method must also be passed as a query-string argument, such as _method=POST. Tunneling the HTTP method like this is not recommended and can open services up to security risks.

JSONP works on legacy browsers which preclude CORS support, but affects how services are built if they’re going to support it. Alternatively, JSONP can be implemented via a proxy. Overall, JSONP is being de-emphasized in favor of CORS. Favor CORS whenever possible.

To support JSONP on the server side, when the JSONP query-string parameter is passed in, the response must be manipulated a bit as follows:

  1. The response body must be wrapped as the parameter to the given javascript function in the jsonp parameter (e.g. jsonp_callback(“”)).
  2. Always return HTTP status 200 (OK) and return the actual status as part of the JSON response.

Additionally, it’s also often necessary to include headers as part of the response body. This enables the JSONP callback method to make decisions on response handling based on the response body since it’s not privy to the information in response headers and status.

An example error response following the above wrapped response recommendations is as follows (note: HTTP response status is 200):

  'code': '404',
  'status': 'error',
  'headers': [],
  'message': 'resource XYZ not found',
  'data': 'NotFoundException'

A successful creation response looks like this (still with an HTTP response status of 200):

  'code': '201',
  'status': 'error',
  'headers': [
      'Location': 'http://www.example.com/customers/12345'
  'data': '12345'

