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JAVA接受RFID java rfid




RFID-based Airport Baggage Rapid Matching System

Abstract: The intelligence of airport equipment reflects China's level in the aviation field. The rapid development of modern technology has also laid the foundation for the upgrade of airport baggage matching. Nowadays, most of the airports are sorting baggage by bar code, which has already facilitated baggage matching. However, since the baggage terminal needs human eye recognition, it often causes too long time and even takes the wrong baggage. This paper introduces an airport baggage matching system, which uses RFID technology to attach an electronic tag to each piece of baggage. The tag contains personal information, flight number, etc., and the frequency of the reader membedded in the ticket is matched and issued. Prompt information, thus reducing waiting time and reducing the probability of error. The JAVA programming language is used to implement the system with the PC as the carrier. Through system debugging, it is necessary to improve the situation and lay the foundation for the next step.

Key words: Baggage detection; Baggage matching; Electronic Tag; RFID system; UHF reader

JAVA接受RFID java rfid,JAVA接受RFID java rfid_JAVA,第1张

JAVA接受RFID java rfid,JAVA接受RFID java rfid_sed_02,第2张

JAVA接受RFID java rfid,JAVA接受RFID java rfid_MySQL_03,第3张

JAVA接受RFID java rfid,JAVA接受RFID java rfid_JAVA_04,第4张

目 录

1 绪论    1

1.1 研究背景    1

1.2 研究意义    1

1.3 国内外研究现状    1

1.3.1 RFID技术研究现状    1

1.3.2 机场行李分拣匹配发展现状    2

1.4 研究内容    2

1.5 论文的组织结构    2

2 基本理论与方法    3

2.1 RFID概述    3

2.2 RFID基本组成    3

2.2.1 阅读器(读写器)    4

2.2.2 电子标签    4

2.2.3 天线    5

2.2.4 中间件    5

2.3 RFID频率特性    5

2.4 RFID工作原理    6

2.5基于射频识别技术的定位方法    6

2.5.1  LANDMARC定位方法    6

2.5.2  VIRE定位方法    7

2.6 RFID的数据传输    7

3 需求分析    8

3.1可行性分析    8

3.1.1经济可行性    8

3.1.2技术可行性    8

3.1.3社会可行性    8

3.2 系统需求分析    8

3.2.1 RSSI定位算法    8

3.2.2 MySOL数据库    9

3.2.3 RFID标签防碰撞问题    9

4 系统设计与实现    10

4.1系统的总体设计    10

4.2 数据库设计    11

4.3 RFID标签处理过程    12

4.4 标签信息传输系统    14

4.5 系统实现    15

4.5.1前端实现    15

4.5.2后端实现    16

4.5.3模拟RFID实现模块    18

5 总结与展望    19

参考文献    20

致谢    21

