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fatfs架构文档 fatfs源码







  Low level disk I/O module is not included in this archive because the FatFs
  module is only a generic file system layer and not depend on any specific
  storage device. You have to provide a low level disk I/O module that written
  to control your storage device.主要是说不包含底层IO代码,这是个通用文件系统可以在各种介质





typedef int    INT;
typedef unsigned int UINT;
typedef signed char  CHAR;/* These types must be 8-bit integer */


#include "integer.h" 使用integer.h的类型定义
#ifndef _FATFS
#define _FATFS 0x007C  版本号007c,0.07c
#define _WORD_ACCESS 0 //如果定义为1,则可以使用word访问。

#define _CODE_PAGE 936
/* The _CODE_PAGE specifies the OEM code page to be used on the target system.
/   936  - Simplified Chinese GBK (DBCS, OEM, Windows)跟据这个中国应该是936.
打开option文件夹看一下。打开cc936.c文件,里面有一个很大的数组static const WCHAR uni2oem[] 。




#define _USE_LFN 1   //这个估计是长文件名支持了,以前的0.06版本好像是不支持。
#define _MAX_LFN 255 //最长支持255个双字节字符。#define _FS_RPATH 0  //是否文件相对路径选项。
/* When _FS_RPATH is set to 1, relative path feature is enabled and f_chdir,
/  f_chdrive function are available.  //有些函数会受影响。
/  Note that output of the f_readdir fnction is affected by this option. */#define _FS_REENTRANT 0  //如果要支持文件系统可重入,必须加入几个函数。
#define _TIMEOUT  1000 /* Timeout period in unit of time ticks of the OS */
#define _SYNC_t   HANDLE /* Type of sync object used on the OS. e.g. HANDLE,OS_EVENT*, ID and etc.. */
/* To make the FatFs module re-entrant, set _FS_REENTRANT to 1 and add user
/  provided synchronization handlers, ff_req_grant, ff_rel_grant, ff_del_syncobj
/  and ff_cre_syncobj function to the project. */#elif _CODE_PAGE == 936 /* Simplified Chinese GBK */
#define _DF1S 0x81
#define _DF1E 0xFE
#define _DS1S 0x40
#define _DS1E 0x7E
#define _DS2S 0x80
#define _DS2E 0xFE
接下来很大一部分都是与语言相关的因素,略过。/* Character code support macros */ 三个宏判断是否大写、小写、数字。
#define IsUpper(c) (((c)>='A')&&((c)<='Z'))
#define IsLower(c) (((c)>='a')&&((c)<='z'))
#define IsDigit(c) (((c)>='0')&&((c)<='9'))#if _DF1S     /* DBCS configuration */双字节编码相关的设定,暂时不理会它。
#if _MULTI_PARTITION         /* Multiple partition configuration */
typedef struct _PARTITION {
       BYTE pd;     /* Physical drive# */
       BYTE pt;      /* Partition # (0-3) */
Extern  const  PARTITION Drives[];//如果支持分区,则声明变量Drivers   
#define LD2PD(drv) (Drives[drv].pd)      /* 获得磁盘对应的物理磁盘
#define LD2PT(drv) (Drives[drv].pt)       /*获得磁盘对应的分区
#else                                         /* Single partition configuration */
#define LD2PD(drv) (drv)  /* Physical drive# is equal to the logical drive# */
#define LD2PT(drv) 0        /* Always mounts the 1st partition */
#if _MAX_SS == 512  //一般扇区长度取512字节。
#define   SS(fs)     512U
typedef WCHAR XCHAR;       /* Unicode */ XCHAR是文件名的码型所用。
typedef char XCHAR;        /* SBCS, DBCS */
typedef struct _FATFS_ {
       BYTE    fs_type;         /* FAT sub type */
       BYTE    drive;             /*对应实际驱动号01--- */
       BYTE    csize;             /* 每个簇的扇区数目 */
       BYTE    n_fats;           /* 文件分配表的数目 */
       BYTE    wflag;            /* win[] dirty flag (1:must be written back) */
       WORD  id;                 /* File system mount ID 文件系统加载ID*/
       WORD  n_rootdir;      /* 根目录区目录项的数目 */
       _SYNC_t     sobj;              /* 允许重入,则定义同步对象 */
#if _MAX_SS != 512
       WORD  s_size;           /* Sector size */
#if !_FS_READONLY  //文件为可写
       BYTE    fsi_flag;   /* fsinfo dirty flag (1:must be written back) */
       DWORD      last_clust;      /* Last allocated cluster */
       DWORD      free_clust;      /* Number of free clusters */
       DWORD      fsi_sector;      /* fsinfo sector */
       DWORD      cdir;              /* 使用相对路径,则要存储文件系统当前目录
       DWORD      sects_fat;       /*文件分配表占用的扇区
       DWORD      max_clust;     /* 最大簇数
       DWORD      fatbase;  /*文件分配表开始扇区
       DWORD      dirbase;  /*  如果是FAT32,根目录开始扇区需要首先得到。
       DWORD      database;       /* 数据区开始扇区
       DWORD      winsect;  /* Current sector appearing in the win[] */
       BYTE    win[_MAX_SS];/* Disk access window for Directory/FAT */
typedef struct _DIR_ {
       FATFS* fs;/* Pointer to the owner file system object */指向相应文件系统对象。
       WORD  id;                 /* 文件系统加载ID*/
       WORD  index;     /* Current read/write index number */目前读写索引代码
       DWORD      sclust;     /* Table start cluster (0:Static table) */文件数据区开始簇
       DWORD      clust;             /* Current cluster */ 目前处理的簇
       DWORD      sect;              /* Current sector */ 目前簇里对应的扇区
       BYTE*  dir;  /* Pointer to the current SFN entry in the win[] */
       BYTE*  fn;                 /* Pointer to the SFN (in/out) {file[8],ext[3],status[1]} */
#if _USE_LFN
       WCHAR*     lfn;   /* Pointer to the LFN working buffer */ 指向长文件名缓冲。
       WORD  lfn_idx;   /* Last matched LFN index number (0xFFFF:No LFN) */
} DIR;
typedef struct _FIL_ {
       FATFS* fs;                  /* Pointer to the owner file system object */
       WORD  id;                 /* Owner file system mount ID */
       BYTE    flag;        /* File status flags */文件状态标志
       BYTE    csect;            /* Sector address in the cluster */扇区偏移
       DWORD      fptr;        /* File R/W pointer */ 读写指针
       DWORD      fsize;              /* File size */
       DWORD      org_clust;      /* File start cluster */文件开始簇
       DWORD      curr_clust;     /* Current cluster */当前簇
       DWORD      dsect;            /* Current data sector */文件当前扇区
       DWORD      dir_sect; /* Sector containing the directory entry */该文件目录项对应所在的扇区
       BYTE*  dir_ptr;   /* Ponter to the directory entry in the window */
#if !_FS_TINY
       BYTE    buf[_MAX_SS];/* File R/W buffer */文件读写缓冲
} FIL;
/* File status structure */
typedef struct _FILINFO_ {
       DWORD      fsize;              /* File size */
       WORD  fdate;             /* Last modified date */
       WORD  ftime;             /* Last modified time */
       BYTE    fattrib;    /* Attribute */
       char fname[13];     /* Short file name (8.3 format) */
#if _USE_LFN
       XCHAR*      lfname;          /* Pointer to the LFN buffer */
       int   lfsize;             /* Size of LFN buffer [chrs] */
} FILINFO; 这个结构主要描述文件的状态信息,包括文件名13个字符(8+.+3+)、属性、修改时间等。
FRESULT f_mount (BYTE, FATFS*);    //加载文件系统,BYTE参数是ID,后一个是文件系统定义。
FRESULT f_open (FIL*, const XCHAR*, BYTE);//打开文件,第一个参数是文件信息结构,第二个参数是文件名,第三是文件打开模式
FRESULT f_read (FIL*, void*, UINT, UINT*);   //文件读取函数,参数1为文件对象(文件打开函数中得到),参数2为文件读取缓冲区,参数3为读取的字节数,参数4意义不清晰,等读到源代码就清楚了。
FRESULT f_write (FIL*, const void*, UINT, UINT*);//写文件,参数跟读差不多
FRESULT f_lseek (FIL*, DWORD); //移动文件的读写指针,参数2应该是移动的数目。
FRESULT f_close (FIL*);                /* Close an open file object */
FRESULT f_opendir (DIR*, const XCHAR*);      打开目录,返回目录对象
FRESULT f_readdir (DIR*, FILINFO*);              读取目录,获得文件信息
FRESULT f_stat (const XCHAR*, FILINFO*);                        /* Get file status */
FRESULT f_getfree (const XCHAR*, DWORD*, FATFS**);   /* Get number of free clusters on the drive */
FRESULT f_truncate (FIL*);                   /* Truncate file */
FRESULT f_sync (FIL*);   /* Flush cached data of a writing file */将缓冲区数据写回文件
FRESULT f_unlink (const XCHAR*);            删除目录中的一个文件
FRESULT     f_mkdir (const XCHAR*);        /* Create a new directory */
FRESULT f_chmod (const XCHAR*, BYTE, BYTE); /* Change attriburte of the file/dir */
FRESULT f_utime (const XCHAR*, const FILINFO*);      /* Change timestamp of the file/dir */
FRESULT f_rename (const XCHAR*, const XCHAR*);    /* Rename/Move a file or directory */
FRESULT f_forward (FIL*, UINT(*)(const BYTE*,UINT), UINT, UINT*); /* Forward data to the stream */ 这个函数还要提供一个回调函数。
FRESULT f_mkfs (BYTE, BYTE, WORD);          /* Create a file system on the drive */
FRESULT f_chdir (const XCHAR*);      /* Change current directory */改变当前目录
FRESULT f_chdrive (BYTE);           /* Change current drive */
int f_putc (int, FIL*);                                                    /* Put a character to the file */
int f_puts (const char*, FIL*);                                       /* Put a string to the file */
int f_printf (FIL*, const char*, ...);                         /* Put a formatted string to the file */
char* f_gets (char*, int, FIL*);                              /* Get a string from the file */
#define f_eof(fp) (((fp)->fptr == (fp)->fsize) ? 1 : 0)
#define f_error(fp) (((fp)->flag & FA__ERROR) ? 1 : 0)
#if _FS_REENTRANT  //如果定义了重入,则需要实现以下四个函数
BOOL ff_cre_syncobj(BYTE, _SYNC_t*); 创建同步对象
BOOL ff_del_syncobj(_SYNC_t);  删除同步对象
BOOL ff_req_grant(_SYNC_t);  申请同步对象
void ff_rel_grant(_SYNC_t); 释放同步对象。
typedef BYTE      DSTATUS;
typedef   DRESULT;  //首先定义了两个变量,各个函数都有用到。
BOOL assign_drives (int argc, char *argv[]); //这个函数不知道干吗
DSTATUS disk_initialize (BYTE); //磁盘初始化
DSTATUS disk_status (BYTE); //获取磁盘状态
#if   _READONLY == 0
DRESULT disk_write (BYTE, const BYTE*, DWORD, BYTE);
DRESULT disk_ioctl (BYTE, BYTE, void*); //磁盘控制
DSTATUS disk_initialize (   BYTE drv     /* Physical drive nmuber (0..) */)
       DSTATUS stat;
       int result;
       switch (drv) {
       case ATA :
              result = ATA_disk_initialize();
              // translate the reslut code here
              return stat;
       case MMC :
              result = MMC_disk_initialize();
              // translate the reslut code here
              return stat;
       case USB :
              result = USB_disk_initialize();
              // translate the reslut code here
              return stat;
       return STA_NOINIT;
#include "ff.h"                     /* FatFs configurations and declarations */
#include "diskio.h"              /* Declarations of low level disk I/O functions */
#define   ENTER_FF(fs)           { if (!lock_fs(fs)) return FR_TIMEOUT; } //获取文件系统同步对象,不成功返回超时,成功,继续执行。
#define   LEAVE_FF(fs, res)     { unlock_fs(fs, res); return res; } //释放文件系统同步对象。
Static  FATFS *FatFs[_DRIVES]; //定义一个文件系统对象指针数组,当然一般我们也就用到一个元素。
Static WORD LfnBuf[_MAX_LFN + 1];  //这个是与长文件名支持相关的。
#define   NAMEBUF(sp,lp)      BYTE sp[12]; WCHAR *lp = LfnBuf
#define INITBUF(dj,sp,lp) dj.fn = sp; dj.lfn = lp
Static  void mem_cpy (void* dst, const void* src, int cnt) {
       char *d = (char*)dst;
       const char *s = (const char *)src;
       while (cnt--) *d++ = *s++;
} //接下来还定义了几个内存操作的函数,这个函数实现了从一块内存到另一块的复制,下面还有mem_set()对一块内存进行清0或设置操作;mem_cmp()比较内存的多个字节是否相同,相同返回0;chk_chr()检测字符串中是否存在某个字符,存在则返回该字符。
FRESULT move_window (
       FATFS *fs,           /* File system object */
       DWORD sector   /* Sector number to make apperance in the fs->win[] */
FRESULT sync (  /* FR_OK: successful, FR_DISK_ERR: failed */
       FATFS *fs     /* File system object */
DWORD get_fat (       /* 0xFFFFFFFF:Disk error, 1:Interal error, Else:Cluster status */
       FATFS *fs,    /* File system object */
       DWORD clst       /* Cluster# to get the link information */
       if (move_window(fs, fsect + (clst / (SS(fs) / 4)))) break; 获取簇号码对应的FAT扇区
       return LD_DWORD(&fs->win[((WORD)clst * 4) & (SS(fs) - 1)]) & 0x0FFFFFFF; //这个函数应该是获取簇的下一个连接簇。
FRESULT put_fat (
       FATFS *fs,    /* File system object */
       DWORD clst,      /* Cluster# to be changed in range of 2 to fs->max_clust - 1 */
       DWORD val /* New value to mark the cluster */
FRESULT remove_chain (
       FATFS *fs,                  /* File system object */
       DWORD clst                     /* Cluster# to remove a chain from */
DWORD create_chain (     /* 0:No free cluster, 1:Internal error, 0xFFFFFFFF:Disk error, >=2:New cluster# */
       FATFS *fs,                  /* File system object */
       DWORD clst                     /* Cluster# to stretch. 0 means create a new chain. */
DWORD clust2sect (  /* !=0: Sector number, 0: Failed - invalid cluster# */
       FATFS *fs,           /* File system object */
       DWORD clst              /* Cluster# to be converted */
) //这个函数是将簇号转变为对应的扇区号。
clst * fs->csize + fs->database; //这个是算法
FRESULT dir_seek (
       DIR *dj,        /* Pointer to directory object */
       WORD idx           /* Directory index number */
FRESULT dir_next (   /* FR_OK:Succeeded, FR_NO_FILE:End of table, FR_DENIED:EOT and could not streach */
       DIR *dj,        /* Pointer to directory object */
       BOOL streach      /* FALSE: Do not streach table, TRUE: Streach table if needed /
) //移动当前目录项,根据索引,源代码简单看了一下,作用还不是很清晰,先放过。
FRESULT dir_find (
       DIR *dj                /* Pointer to the directory object linked to the file name */
FRESULT dir_read (
       DIR *dj                /* Pointer to the directory object that pointing the entry to be read */
FRESULT dir_register (      /* FR_OK:Successful, FR_DENIED:No free entry or too many SFN collision, FR_DISK_ERR:Disk error */
       DIR *dj                       /* Target directory with object name to be created */
FRESULT dir_remove (     /* FR_OK: Successful, FR_DISK_ERR: A disk error */
       DIR *dj                       /* Directory object pointing the entry to be removed */
FRESULT create_name (
       DIR *dj,               /* Pointer to the directory object */
       const XCHAR **path  /* Pointer to pointer to the segment in the path string */)
void get_fileinfo (         /* No return code */
       DIR *dj,               /* Pointer to the directory object */
       FILINFO *fno          /* Pointer to store the file information */)
FRESULT follow_path (     /* FR_OK(0): successful, !=0: error code */
       DIR *dj,               /* Directory object to return last directory and found object */
       const XCHAR *path   /* Full-path string to find a file or directory */
BYTE check_fs (  /* 0:The FAT boot record, 1:Valid boot record but not an FAT, 2:Not a boot record, 3:Error */
       FATFS *fs,    /* File system object */
       DWORD sect      /* Sector# (lba) to check if it is an FAT boot record or not */)
FRESULT auto_mount (     /* FR_OK(0): successful, !=0: any error occured */
       const XCHAR **path,       /* Pointer to pointer to the path name (drive number) */
       FATFS **rfs,              /* Pointer to pointer to the found file system object */
       BYTE chk_wp                   /* !=0: Check media write protection for write access */)
FRESULT validate (    /* FR_OK(0): The object is valid, !=0: Invalid */
       FATFS *fs,           /* Pointer to the file system object */
       WORD id                   /* Member id of the target object to be checked */
FRESULT f_mount (
       BYTE vol,            /* Logical drive number to be mounted/unmounted */
       FATFS *fs            /* Pointer to new file system object (NULL for unmount)*/)
if (vol >= _DRIVES)现在只支持卷号0.
FatFs[vol] = fs;将参数文件系统对象指针赋给全局文件对象指针。


