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Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1


  1. Jetpack Compose 鍩虹鐭ヨ瘑

  2. Compose 缂栫▼鎬濇兂

  3. 娣卞叆璇﹁В Jetpack Compose | 瀹炵幇鍘熺悊


  1. JetTheme

    A flexible theme provider for Jetpack Compose. Supports dynamic theme changes and saving theme preference.

  2. compose-richtext

    DSL for rendering fancy text with Compose.

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第1张
  3. ComposeViewPager

    ViewPager for Jetpack Compose

  4. ComposeDateTimePicker

    A date and time picker for Jetpack Compose

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第2张
  5. neon

    Provides Jetpack Compose support for different image loading libraries.

  6. ComposeDataTable

    DataTable View using Jetpack Compose

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第3张
  7. compose-material-dialogs

    Common material dialogs for Jetpack Compose

  8. compose-backstack

    Simple composable for rendering transitions between backstacks.

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第4张
  9. ComposeFillableLoaders

    Port of AndroidFillableLoaders library to Jetpack Compose.

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第5张
  10. ComposeDrawer

    DebugDrawer for and made by Jetpack Compose

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第6张
  11. compose-to-edge

    a small library allowing you to easily setup edge-to-edge configurations for your Jetpack Compose app.

  12. compose-jb

    Jetpack Compose for Desktop, a modern UI framework for Kotlin that makes building performant and beautiful user interfaces easy and enjoyable.

  13. Dark-Toggle-Button-Sample-Jetpack-Compose

    Animated dark mode toggle button with Jetpack Compose. 馃殌

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第7张
  14. svg-to-compose

    Converts SVG and Android Vector Drawable in Jetpack Compose code

  15. CardStack

    Tinder-like swipe cards using Jetpack Compose

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第8张
  16. ColoredShadow.kt

    Draw a colored shadow in Android Jetpack Compose


  1. ColorfulBorders.kt

    A modifier that add colorful border around your composables


  1. JetDelivery

    JetDelivery is a sample food delivery app, built with Jetpack Compose

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第9张
  2. StarbucksCoffeeJetpackComposeUI

    Starbucks Coffee made with Jetpack Compose, Kotlin's UI Toolkit

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第10张
  3. MoviesKotlinDemo

    PoC of an application to book a ticket to watch a movie with JetPack Compose.

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第11张
  4. AndroidComposeSamples

    An Android app which provides examples for Android Jetpack Compose

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第12张
  5. JetpackComposeParkinho

    Uma documenta莽茫o sobre o Jetpack Compose totalmente em Portugu锚s(BR)

  6. JetpackCompose

    Jetpack compose sample to create a Travel Application

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第13张
  7. compose-weather-forecast

    Weather forecast built with Jetpack Compose

    ![](Weather forecast built with Jetpack Compose)

  8. Jetpack-Compose-MVI-Demo

    Demo / Sample Android Project created with Jetpack Compose and MVI Architecture Pattern

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第14张
  9. ComposeCodelab

    An implementation of Compose Codelab and creation of Gmail App UI in Jetpack Compose live coding at 360Andev Conference

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第15张
  10. BikeShare

    Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI based Kotlin Multiplatform sample project

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第16张
  11. JetHub

    Sample App with Jetpack components(LiveData, Navigation, ViewModel) + MVVM + coroutine + single activity

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第17张
  12. Retrogamer-Compose

    Retro games implemented using Jetpack Compose

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第18张


  1. Cheddar

    Hacker News reader for Android, written in Compose

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第19张
  2. bmi-compose

    Jetpack Compose app based on inspiration from the flutter app BMI-Calculator

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第20张
  3. NotyKT

    NotyKT is the complete Kotlin-stack note taking 馃枈锔?application 馃摫 built to demonstrate a use of Kotlin programming language in server-side and Modern Android development tools. Dedicated to all Android Developers with 鉂わ笍.

  4. android-2048-compose

    2048 implemented using Jetpack Compose

    Jetpack Compose Weekly Issue#1,第21张


