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apifox能查es吗 es查询api

本博文讲述的ES获取系统数据的API是基于Elasticsearch 2.4.1版本的。


0. overview

a. 下面将要介绍的所有的指令,都支持一个查询参数v(verbose),用来显示详细的查询结果。
b. cat的所有指令,都支持一个help参数查询,帮助用户了解cat相关指令都支持那些功能。
c. cat的所有指令,都支持一个h参数的查询,指定指定的列信息进行输出。
 查询输出master的ip以及node name
    [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/master?h=ip,n
  10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2


1.  help查询参数


[elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/master?help
id   |   | node id
host | h | host name
ip   |   | ip address
node | n | node name

上面的输出含义,解释一下,指的是查看master信息时,能得到的帮助内容,cat获取master信息,将会得到master的节点id,即第一行,id:node id;第二行,表示host,可以简写成h,表示host name,第三行,表示master的ip,描述信息ip address, 第四行,node,简写成n,表示节点名字(node name).


[elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/master?v
id                     host          ip            node
9gKBOPrEQ0mtGpq8H0mzDg 10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2



1 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat              #此指令与curl http://localhost:9200/_cat?help得到的结果一样
 2 =^.^=
 3 /_cat/allocation
 4 /_cat/shards
 5 /_cat/shards/{index}
 6 /_cat/master
 7 /_cat/nodes
 8 /_cat/indices
 9 /_cat/indices/{index}
10 /_cat/segments
11 /_cat/segments/{index}
12 /_cat/count
13 /_cat/count/{index}
14 /_cat/recovery
15 /_cat/recovery/{index}
16 /_cat/health
17 /_cat/pending_tasks
18 /_cat/aliases
19 /_cat/aliases/{alias}
20 /_cat/thread_pool
21 /_cat/plugins
22 /_cat/fielddata
23 /_cat/fielddata/{fields}
24 /_cat/nodeattrs
25 /_cat/repositories
26 /_cat/snapshots/{repository}


2. aliases指令


1 [root@localhost ~]# curl
2 alias index filter routing.index routing.search



3. allocation指令


1 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/allocation?v
2 shards disk.indices disk.used disk.avail disk.total disk.percent host          ip            node
3     10      295.7mb     4.4gb     44.6gb       49gb            9 10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es1
4     10      311.1mb     4.4gb     44.6gb       49gb            9 10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2


4. count指令


1 [root@localhost ~]# curl                   #获取当前系统有多少个index
 2 health status index            pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size 
 3 yellow open   megacorp           5   1          0            0       795b           795b 
 4 yellow open   tkssearch          5   1          1            0     18.2kb         18.2kb 
 5 yellow open   test               5   1          1            0      4.2kb          4.2kb 
 6 yellow open   tk-search11        5   1          2            0     25.2kb         25.2kb 
 7 yellow open   cms                5   1          2            0      7.1kb          7.1kb 
 8 yellow open   tksearch           5   1         12            0     53.3kb         53.3kb 
 9 yellow open   rest_index         5   1          3            0     11.5kb         11.5kb 
10 yellow open   3                  5   1          0            0       795b           795b 
11 yellow open   2                  5   1          0            0       795b           795b 
12 yellow open   1                  5   1          0            0       795b           795b 
13 yellow open   indexdemo          5   1          5            0     19.2kb         19.2kb 
14 yellow open   indexdemo——        5   1          0            0       795b           795b 
15 yellow open   tk-search-module   5   1          1            0     73.6kb         73.6kb 
16 yellow open   5                  5   1          0            0       795b           795b 
17 yellow open   4                  5   1          0            0       795b           795b 
18 yellow open   tksearch1          5   1          4            0     12.5kb         12.5kb 
19 yellow open   tk-search          5   1       5293          228     31.2mb         31.2mb
1 [root@localhost ~]# curl         #获取当前集群中有多少个document
2 epoch      timestamp count 
3 1482461588 02:53:08  5324
1 [root@localhost ~]# curl    #获取tksearch这个index的document数量
2 epoch      timestamp count 
3 1482461711 02:55:11  12


5. health指令


1 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/health?v
2 epoch      timestamp cluster  status node.total node.data shards pri relo init unassign pending_tasks max_task_wait_time active_shards_percent
3 1482461665 10:54:25  tksearch green           2         2     20  10    0    0        0             0                  -                100.0%


6. indices指令,master指令,上面的例子中有所反应,不再举例。


7. nodeattrs指令


1 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/nodeattrs?v
2 node host ip attr value



8. node指令


1 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl
2 host          ip            heap.percent ram.percent load node.role master name
3 10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx           16          44 0.00 d         m      node-es1
4 10.yyy.yy.yyy 10.yyy.yy.yyy            8          43 0.00 d         *      node-es2


9. pending_tasks指令


1 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/pending_tasks?v
2 insertOrder timeInQueue priority source



10. plugins指令


1 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/plugins?v
2 name component version type url


11. recovery指令


1 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/recovery?v
 2 index            shard time type    stage source_host   target_host   repository snapshot files files_percent bytes bytes_percent total_files total_bytes translog translog_percent total_translog
 3 tk-search-module 0     15   store   done  10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx n/a        n/a      0     0.0%          0     0.0%          0           0           0        100.0%           0
 4 tk-search-module 0     594  replica done  10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.yyy.yy.yyy n/a        n/a      1     100.0%        130   100.0%        1           130         0        100.0%           0
 5 tk-search-module 1     59   replica done  10.yyy.yy.yyy 10.xxx.xx.xxx n/a        n/a      1     100.0%        130   100.0%        1           130         0        100.0%           0
 6 tk-search-module 1     10   store   done  10.yyy.yy.yyy 10.yyy.yy.yyy n/a        n/a      0     0.0%          0     0.0%          0           0           0        100.0%           0
 7 tk-search-module 2     7    store   done  10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx n/a        n/a      0     0.0%          0     0.0%          0           0           0        100.0%           0
 8 tk-search-module 2     645  replica done  10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.yyy.yy.yyy n/a        n/a      1     100.0%        130   100.0%        1           130         1        100.0%           1
 9 tk-search-module 3     43   replica done  10.yyy.yy.yyy 10.xxx.xx.xxx n/a        n/a      1     100.0%        130   100.0%        1           130         0        100.0%           0
10 tk-search-module 3     8    store   done  10.yyy.yy.yyy 10.yyy.yy.yyy n/a        n/a      0     0.0%          0     0.0%          0           0           0        100.0%           0
11 tk-search-module 4     22   store   done  10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx n/a        n/a      0     0.0%          0     0.0%          0           0           0        100.0%           0
12 tk-search-module 4     533  replica done  10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.yyy.yy.yyy n/a        n/a      1     100.0%        130   100.0%        1           130         0        100.0%           0
13 tk-search        0     10   store   done  10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx n/a        n/a      0     0.0%          0     0.0%          0           0           0        100.0%           0
14 tk-search        0     533  replica done  10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.yyy.yy.yyy n/a        n/a      1     100.0%        130   100.0%        1           130         0        100.0%           0
15 tk-search        1     46   replica done  10.yyy.yy.yyy 10.xxx.xx.xxx n/a        n/a      1     100.0%        130   100.0%        1           130         0        100.0%           0
16 tk-search        1     25   store   done  10.yyy.yy.yyy 10.yyy.yy.yyy n/a        n/a      0     0.0%          0     0.0%          0           0           0        100.0%           0
17 tk-search        2     13   store   done  10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx n/a        n/a      0     0.0%          0     0.0%          0           0           0        100.0%           0
18 tk-search        2     587  replica done  10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.yyy.yy.yyy n/a        n/a      1     100.0%        130   100.0%        1           130         1        100.0%           1
19 tk-search        3     28   replica done  10.yyy.yy.yyy 10.xxx.xx.xxx n/a        n/a      1     100.0%        130   100.0%        1           130         0        100.0%           0
20 tk-search        3     31   store   done  10.yyy.yy.yyy 10.yyy.yy.yyy n/a        n/a      0     0.0%          0     0.0%          0           0           0        100.0%           0
21 tk-search        4     7    store   done  10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx n/a        n/a      0     0.0%          0     0.0%          0           0           0        100.0%           0
22 tk-search        4     536  replica done  10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.yyy.yy.yyy n/a        n/a      1     100.0%        130   100.0%        1           130         0        100.0%           0


12. repositories指令


1 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/repositories?v
2 id type



13.  thread_pool指令

该指令反应当前集群中的thread pool在每一个节点上的统计信息。 “By default the active, queue and rejected statistics are returned for the bulk, index and search thread pools

1 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/thread_pool?v
2 host          ip            bulk.active bulk.queue bulk.rejected index.active index.queue index.rejected search.active search.queue search.rejected
3 10.yyy.yy.yyy 10.yyy.yy.yyy           0          0             0            0           0              0             0            0               0
4 10.xxx.xx.xxx 10.xxx.xx.xxx           0          0             0            0           0              0             0            0               0


14. shards指令


1 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/shards?v
 2 index            shard prirep state    docs  store ip            node
 3 tk-search-module 4     p      STARTED     0   159b 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
 4 tk-search-module 4     r      STARTED     0   159b 10.yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
 5 tk-search-module 3     r      STARTED     0   159b 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
 6 tk-search-module 3     p      STARTED     0   159b 10.yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
 7 tk-search-module 1     r      STARTED     0   159b 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
 8 tk-search-module 1     p      STARTED     0   159b 10.yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
 9 tk-search-module 2     p      STARTED     1 79.4kb 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
10 tk-search-module 2     r      STARTED     1 79.4kb 10.yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
11 tk-search-module 0     p      STARTED     0   159b 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
12 tk-search-module 0     r      STARTED     0   159b 10.yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
13 tk-search        4     p      STARTED 10740 51.5mb 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
14 tk-search        4     r      STARTED 10740 61.8mb 10.yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
15 tk-search        3     r      STARTED 10655 64.5mb 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
16 tk-search        3     p      STARTED 10655 60.5mb 10.yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
17 tk-search        1     r      STARTED 10704 67.6mb 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
18 tk-search        1     p      STARTED 10704 66.3mb 10.yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
19 tk-search        2     p      STARTED 10705 64.5mb 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
20 tk-search        2     r      STARTED 10705   45mb 10.yyy.yy.yyy node-es1
21 tk-search        0     p      STARTED 10561 62.7mb 10.xxx.xx.xxx node-es2
22 tk-search        0     r      STARTED 10561 61.8mb 10.yyy.yy.yyy node-es1


15. segments指令


1 [elastic@t0-tkonline-cms-search01 ~]$ curl http://localhost:9200/_cat/segments?v
 2 index            shard prirep ip            segment generation docs.count docs.deleted    size size.memory committed searchable version compound
 3 tk-search-module 2     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _0               0          1            0  79.2kb        3061 true      true       5.5.2   true
 4 tk-search-module 2     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _0               0          1            0  79.2kb        3061 true      true       5.5.2   true
 5 tk-search        0     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1bd          1705       6248         4273  43.9mb       24975 true      true       5.5.2   false
 6 tk-search        0     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1ft          1865       1984            0   9.7mb        9274 true      true       5.5.2   false
 7 tk-search        0     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1jz          2015       1958            0   6.6mb       11137 true      true       5.5.2   false
 8 tk-search        0     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kt          2045        348            0   2.2mb        9141 true      true       5.5.2   true
 9 tk-search        0     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1ku          2046         13            0 125.6kb        3323 true      true       5.5.2   true
10 tk-search        0     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kv          2047          1            0  13.3kb        2802 true      true       5.5.2   true
11 tk-search        0     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kw          2048          9            0  75.1kb        3371 true      true       5.5.2   true
12 tk-search        0     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1bm          1714       6427         4105  43.8mb       24896 true      true       5.5.2   false
13 tk-search        0     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1g2          1874       1963            0   9.3mb        9474 true      true       5.5.2   false
14 tk-search        0     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1ki          2034       1028            0   4.2mb        9721 true      true       5.5.2   true
15 tk-search        0     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1ks          2044          3            0  37.7kb        3020 true      true       5.5.2   true
16 tk-search        0     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1kt          2045       1131            0   4.2mb        9681 true      true       5.5.2   true
17 tk-search        0     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1ku          2046          6            0  49.9kb        3156 true      true       5.5.2   true
18 tk-search        0     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1kv          2047          3            0  35.8kb        3063 true      true       5.5.2   true
19 tk-search        1     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _189          1593       5003         5676  44.8mb       26155 true      true       5.5.2   false
20 tk-search        1     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1ed          1813       2624            0  11.2mb        9764 true      true       5.5.2   false
21 tk-search        1     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1jd          1993       2388            0   8.1mb       11006 true      true       5.5.2   false
22 tk-search        1     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kr          2043        599            0   2.8mb       10310 true      true       5.5.2   true
23 tk-search        1     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1ks          2044          8            0  43.3kb        3146 true      true       5.5.2   true
24 tk-search        1     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kt          2045          7            0  60.1kb        3168 true      true       5.5.2   true
25 tk-search        1     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1ku          2046         19            0 102.9kb        3328 true      true       5.5.2   true
26 tk-search        1     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kv          2047         26            0 131.4kb        3256 true      true       5.5.2   true
27 tk-search        1     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kw          2048         20            0   129kb        3347 true      true       5.5.2   true
28 tk-search        1     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kx          2049         10            0  68.1kb        3368 true      true       5.5.2   true
29 tk-search        1     p      10.yyy.yy.yyy _193          1623       5413         5273  44.9mb       26169 true      true       5.5.2   false
30 tk-search        1     p      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1ee          1814       2265            0  10.2mb        9257 true      true       5.5.2   false
31 tk-search        1     p      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1jn          2003       2544            0   8.4mb       11517 true      true       5.5.2   false
32 tk-search        1     p      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1kr          2043        472            0   2.5mb        9466 true      true       5.5.2   true
33 tk-search        1     p      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1ks          2044         10            0  68.1kb        3368 true      true       5.5.2   true
34 tk-search        2     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1ar          1683       6097         4593  44.8mb       25864 true      true       5.5.2   false
35 tk-search        2     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1fh          1853       2102            0  10.1mb        9360 true      true       5.5.2   false
36 tk-search        2     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1ki          2034       1201            0   4.5mb       10397 true      true       5.5.2   false
37 tk-search        2     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kr          2043       1287            0   4.8mb       10632 true      true       5.5.2   false
38 tk-search        2     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1ks          2044         16            0 102.3kb        3243 true      true       5.5.2   true
39 tk-search        2     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kt          2045          1            0  20.9kb        2880 true      true       5.5.2   true
40 tk-search        2     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1ku          2046          1            0  14.1kb        2748 true      true       5.5.2   true
41 tk-search        2     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1kl          2037          5            0  51.7kb        3188 true      true       5.5.2   true
42 tk-search        2     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1km          2038          7            0  48.4kb        3132 true      true       5.5.2   true
43 tk-search        2     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1kn          2039          6            0  34.3kb        3052 true      true       5.5.2   true
44 tk-search        2     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1kr          2043      10678            9  44.8mb       25566 true      true       5.5.2   false
45 tk-search        2     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1ks          2044          8            0  66.9kb        3135 true      true       5.5.2   true
46 tk-search        2     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1kt          2045          1            0  14.1kb        2748 true      true       5.5.2   true
47 tk-search        3     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1a7          1663       5877         4759  44.5mb       25972 true      true       5.5.2   false
48 tk-search        3     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1ex          1833       2053            0   9.9mb        9164 true      true       5.5.2   false
49 tk-search        3     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1jd          1993       2066            0   6.7mb       10598 true      true       5.5.2   false
50 tk-search        3     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kr          2043        657            0   3.2mb       10707 true      true       5.5.2   true
51 tk-search        3     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1ks          2044          1            0  16.4kb        2808 true      true       5.5.2   true
52 tk-search        3     r      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kt          2045          1            0  13.4kb        2802 true      true       5.5.2   true
53 tk-search        3     p      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1c5          1733       6734         3896  44.3mb       25822 true      true       5.5.2   false
54 tk-search        3     p      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1gl          1893       1977            0   8.4mb        8786 true      true       5.5.2   false
55 tk-search        3     p      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1kh          2033        882            0   3.5mb        9236 true      true       5.5.2   true
56 tk-search        3     p      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1kr          2043       1047            0     4mb        9878 true      true       5.5.2   true
57 tk-search        3     p      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1ks          2044         13            0  89.9kb        3263 true      true       5.5.2   true
58 tk-search        3     p      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1kt          2045          2            0  23.6kb        2949 true      true       5.5.2   true
59 tk-search        4     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _17p          1573       4615            3    21mb       17758 true      true       5.5.2   false
60 tk-search        4     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1i0          1944       4783         1323  24.5mb       16636 true      true       5.5.2   false
61 tk-search        4     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1ki          2034        620            0   2.4mb        8300 true      true       5.5.2   true
62 tk-search        4     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kr          2043        645            0     3mb        8849 true      true       5.5.2   true
63 tk-search        4     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1ks          2044         17            0  95.8kb        3418 true      true       5.5.2   true
64 tk-search        4     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kt          2045         15            0 103.8kb        3408 true      true       5.5.2   true
65 tk-search        4     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1ku          2046         20            0 101.5kb        3206 true      true       5.5.2   true
66 tk-search        4     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kv          2047         21            0 133.5kb        3314 true      true       5.5.2   true
67 tk-search        4     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kw          2048          1            0  14.8kb        2838 true      true       5.5.2   true
68 tk-search        4     p      10.xxx.xx.xxx _1kx          2049          3            0  27.8kb        2956 true      true       5.5.2   true
69 tk-search        4     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1c5          1733       6839         3873  45.3mb       26305 true      true       5.5.2   false
70 tk-search        4     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1hf          1923       2370            0    10mb       10407 true      true       5.5.2   false
71 tk-search        4     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1kh          2033        759            0   3.1mb        9270 true      true       5.5.2   true
72 tk-search        4     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1kr          2043         20            0 129.6kb        3305 true      true       5.5.2   true
73 tk-search        4     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1ks          2044        749            0   3.1mb        9171 true      true       5.5.2   true
74 tk-search        4     r      10.yyy.yy.yyy _1kt          2045          3            0  27.8kb        2956 true      true       5.5.2   true



