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12月7日cnn 10笔记

kickstart=provide the initial impetus(动力)to…,推动,vt

These proposals are aimed to kickstart the advancement of education.

permissive= allowing or characterized by great or excessive freedom of behavior.宽容的(注意和pervasive的不同,后者=(especially of an unwelcome influence or physical effect)spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people,普遍的(略带贬义)

China has become increasingly permissive since 1978.

status symbol= a possession that is taken to indicate a person’s wealth or high social or professional status,地位(身份)象征,可数

A luxurious car is less a mobility tool than a status symbol.

reign supreme= someone or something that reigns supreme is the most important or powerful element in a situation or period of time.独占鳌头?

Among all IELTS teachers in Beijing, Joe reigns supreme.

terrestrial bird陆禽,可数;aquatic bird水禽,可数

the gray-crowned crane is a terrestrial bird while the swan is an aquatic bird.

emblazon= conspicuously inscribe or display a design on…醒目地展示,vt

Five symbolic five-pointed stars are proudly emblazoned on our national flag.

emblem徽章,可数(emblematic 象征的)

Five-pointed stars and Tiananmen Gate Tower (天安门城楼)are two significant elements of our national emblem(国徽).

colony= a community of animals or plants of one kind living close together or forming a physically connected structure.(生物学角度的)群体,可数

Colonies of birds in this region are threatened to go extinct because of their loss of habitats.

upgrade 表示升级,可以作vt,也可以做可数名词;downgrade 表示降级,和upgrade 一样可以作vt 和可数名词;degrade表示恶化,作vt 或者vi 都可,但是不能作名词,其名词形式是degradation,不可数

The degradation of our ecosystem will take its toll.

endemic=(of a plant or animal)native and restricted to a certain place,地方性的

Giant pandas are endemic to China.

electrocution= the injury or killing of someone by electric shock(shock有电击的意思),触电受伤或触电死亡,不可数

Some birds die tragically due to electrocution from power lines(电线).?

incentivize= provide someone with an incentive for doing sth.激励,vt

I am incentivized less by money than by self-realization.

Custodian= a person who has responsibility for or looks after sth,管家,可数

The owner of this nature reserve is hiring some custodians to look after its valuable avian species.

brick-and-mortar(mortar本身指砂浆,建筑材料,不可数)= used to describe a traditional business that operates in a building, when compared to one that operates over the internet.实体的

Ghost kitchens refer to restaurants that don’t have a brick-and-mortar location where you can take a seat to eat and that only deliver food based on online orders.

unflagging= persistent,不懈的

Joe’s unflagging effort to learn English is impressive.

