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Spring Boot 2.6 Release Notes


1、Upgrading from Spring Boot 2.5

1.1 在Spring Boot 2.4弃用的代码

在Spring Boot 2.4中弃用的类、方法和属性将在这个版本中被移除。升级前请确保没有使用被弃用注解的方法。

1.2 默认禁止循环引用

缺省情况下,现在禁止bean之间的循环引用。如果您的应用程序由于' BeanCurrentlyInCreationException '而启动失败,强烈建议您更新配置以打破依赖循环。如果不能这样做,可以通过设置spring.main.allow-circular-references=true ,或者在SpringApplicationSpringApplicationBuilder 上使用新的setter方法。这将恢复2.5的行为并自动尝试打破依赖循环。

1.3 基于PathPattern的Spring MVC路径匹配策略

根据注册的Spring MVC处理程序映射匹配请求路径的默认策略已经从 AntPathMatcher 变为 PathPatternParser。使用PathPatternParser时,不支持自定义调度servlet路径(spring.mvc.servlet.path)。
如果你正在使用Spring Security,你应该检查你的mvcMatchers 的使用,以确保你的匹配器继续满足你的需求。对于AntPathMatcher, authorizeRequests.mvcMatchers("hello").permitAll() '将授予对' /hello '的访问权限。更精确地匹配 PathPatternParser需要使用authorizeRequests.mvcMatchers("/hello").permitAll()(注意前导/)来代替。
如果你需要将默认值切换回AntPathMatcher,你可以设置 spring.mvc.pathmatch.matching-strategy=ant-path-matcher

执行器端点现在也使用基于 PathPattern 的URL匹配。注意,执行器端点的路径匹配策略不能通过配置属性进行配置。如果您正在使用Actuator和Springfox,这可能会导致应用程序无法启动。请参见Springfox本期的详细信息。

1.4 Actuator Env InfoContributor默认禁用

缺省情况下,env 信息贡献者现在是禁用的。该贡献者公开了Spring Environment 中任何名称以 info开头的属性。如果您有任何以info 开头的属性,并希望它们显示在InfoEndpoint中,请将management.info.env.enabled=true

1.5 Application Startup

记录到ApplicationStartupspring.boot.application.running启动步骤已被重命名为spring.boot.application.ready。如果你正在处理从FlightRecorderApplicationStartupBufferingApplicationStartup 生成的文件,你将需要使用新的名称。

1.6 Web资源配合

直接注入Resources 不再有效,因为这个配置已经在WebProperties中得到了协调。如果你需要访问这些信息,你需要注入WebProperties来代替。

1.7 Dependency Management移除

JBoss Transaction SPI

Dependency management for org.jboss:jboss-transaction-spi has been removed. If you are using org.jboss:jboss-transaction-spi you should define your own dependency management that meets your application’s needs.

Nimbus DS

Dependency management for com.nimbusds:oauth2-oidc-sdk and com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt has been removed. If you are using Spring Security you should rely on the versions that it will pull in as transitive dependencies. If you are not using Spring Security you should define your own dependency management that meets your application’s needs.

HAL Browser

Dependency management for org.webjars:hal-browser has been removed. If you are using org.webjars:hal-browser you should define your own dependency management that meets your application’s needs.

1.8 Prometheus版本属性

控制Prometheus版本的属性已从prometheus-pushgateway.version 更改为prometheus-client.version。这是为了反映出该属性管理Prometheus客户端中每个模块的版本,而不仅仅是pushgateway。

1.9 嵌入式Mongo

要使用嵌入式mongo,spring.mongodb.embedded.version 必须设置的属性。这有助于确保MongoDB 版本。这有助于确保嵌入式支持使用的MongoDB版本与您的应用程序将在生产中使用的MongoDB版本相匹配。

1.10 Oracle数据库驱动依赖管理

Oracle数据库驱动程序的依赖管理已经简化。如果你仍然依赖旧的 com.oracle.ojdbc groupId,你需要升级到 com.oracle.database.jdbcgroupId,因为我们已经删除了前者的依赖管理。

1.11 Flyway Vault相关属性移除

Flyway的7.12版本将vault相关的设置移到了一个闭源扩展中。不幸的是,这妨碍了Spring Boot对它们进行配置。结果,对应的spring.flyway.vault-secrets, spring.flyway.vault-token, 和spring.flyway.vault-url的属性已被删除。如果您是Flyway Teams用户,可以通过FlywayConfigurationCustomizer bean, FluentConfigiguration.getExtensionConfiguration 和Vault ApiExtension配置设置。

1.12 WebFlux Session 属性


1.13 Elasticsearch 属性整合

用于配置Elasticsearch客户端的配置属性已经得到了统一。以前,配置阻塞高级REST客户端和响应式REST客户机的许多常用属性在 spring.elasticsearch.restspring.data.elasticsearch.clients.reactive中重复。


Deprecated Property Replacement
spring.elasticsearch.rest.uris spring.elasticsearch.uris
spring.elasticsearch.rest.username spring.elasticsearch.username
spring.elasticsearch.rest.password spring.elasticsearch.password
spring.elasticsearch.rest.connection-timeout spring.elasticsearch.connection-timeout
spring.elasticsearch.rest.read-timeout spring.elasticsearch.socket-timeout
spring.elasticsearch.rest.sniffer.interval spring.elasticsearch.restclient.sniffer.interval
spring.elasticsearch.rest.sniffer.delay-after-failure spring.elasticsearch.restclient.sniffer.delay-after-failureIf you are using the reactive client, the following table lists the old properties and their replacements:
Deprecated Property Replacement
spring.data.elasticsearch.client.reactive.endpoints spring.elasticsearch.uris
spring.data.elasticsearch.client.reactive.use-ssl https scheme when configuring spring.elasticsearch.uris
spring.data.elasticsearch.client.reactive.username spring.elasticsearch.username
spring.data.elasticsearch.client.reactive.password spring.elasticsearch.password
spring.data.elasticsearch.client.reactive.connection-timeout spring.elasticsearch.connection-timeout
spring.data.elasticsearch.client.reactive.socket-timeout spring.elasticsearch.socket-timeout
spring.data.elasticsearch.client.reactive.max-in-memory-size spring.elasticsearch.webclient.max-in-memory-size

1.14 Spring Data Couchbase不在考虑使用注解@Persistent

为了使默认行为与Spring Data Couchbase保持一致, @Persistent注解类型不再被考虑。如果您依赖于该注解,则可以使用@Document 代替。

1.15 Maven Build Info’s Default Time

Maven插件的构建信息支持现在使用 project.build.outputTimestamp属性作为默认的构建时间。如果未设置该属性,则使用构建会话的开始时间。和以前一样,时间可以通过设置为off来完全禁用。

1.16 Records and @ConfigurationProperties

如果你在一个Java 16类中使用 @ConfigurationProperties ,并且该类只有一个构造函数,那么它就不再需要用 @ConstructorBinding注解了。如果你的类有多个构造函数, @ConstructorBinding 仍然应该用来标识用于属性绑定的构造函数。

1.17 Deferred OpenID Connect Discovery

对于使用 spring-security-oauth2-resource-server配置了OpenID连接issuer-uri的资源服务器应用程序,Spring Boot现在会自动配置SupplierJwtDecoder 而不是NimbusJwtDecoder。这就启用了Spring Security的惰性OIDC发现支持,从而提高了启动时间。类似地,对于响应式应用程序,ReactiveSupplierJwtDecoder 是自动配置的。

1.18 Kafka 3.0

Spring Boot 2.6升级到Apache Kafka 3.0旨在默认启用最强的交付保证。由于一个Kafka bug,这些更改直到Kafka 3.0.1 (Spring Boot 2.6.5使用Kafka 3.0.1)才完全到位。
启用幂等会导致一些问题,例如在升级时出现 ClusterAuthorizationException。如果你遇到问题,想要禁用幂等(Kafka 3.0.1之前的默认值),设置以下属性:


1.19 最低要求的变化


2、New and Noteworthy

Check the configuration changelog for a complete overview of the changes in configuration. |

SameSite Cookie Attribute Servlet Support

You can now configure SameSite attributes on session cookies for servlet applications using the server.servlet.session.cookie.same-site property. This works with auto-configured Tomcat, Jetty and Undertow servers.

In addition, the CookieSameSiteSupplier interface can be used if you want to apply a SameSite attribute to other cookies. See the updated documentation for more details and some example code.

Reactive Server Session Properties

The session properties supported for reactive servers (previously under spring.webflux.session) have been expanded with this release. The new properties are available under server.reactive.session and now offer parity with the servlet versions.

Pluggable Sanitization Rules

Spring Boot sanitizes sensitive values present in the /env and /configprops endpoints. While it was possible to configure which properties get sanitized via configuration properties, users might want to apply sanitization rules based on which PropertySource the property originated from. For example, Spring Cloud Vault uses vault to store encrypted values and load them into the Spring environment. Since all values are encrypted, it would make sense to blank the values of every key in an entire property source. Such sanitization customizations can be configured by adding a @Bean of type SanitizingFunction.

Java Runtime Information

The info endpoint can now expose Java Runtime information under the java key, as shown in the following example:

  "java": {
    "vendor": "BellSoft",
    "version": "17",
    "runtime": {
      "name": "OpenJDK Runtime Environment",
      "version": "17+35-LTS"
    "jvm": {
      "name": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
      "vendor": "BellSoft",
      "version": "17+35-LTS"

To expose this information in the info endpoint’s response, set the management.info.java.enabled property to true.

Build Info Property Exclusions

It’s now possible to exclude specific properties from being added to the build-info.properties file generated by the Spring Boot Maven or Gradle plugin.

Maven users can exclude the standard group, artifact, name, version or time properties using the <excludeInfoProperties> tag. For example, to exclude the version property the following configuration can be used:


Gradle users can use null values with the properties block of the DSL:

task buildInfo(type: org.springframework.boot.gradle.tasks.buildinfo.BuildInfo) {
    destinationDir project.buildDir
    properties {
        version = null

Health Support

Additional Path on Main or Management Port

Health groups can be made available at an additional path on either the main or management port. This is useful in cloud environments such as Kubernetes, where it is quite common to use a separate management port for the actuator endpoints for security purposes. Having a separate port could lead to unreliable health checks because the main application might not work properly even if the health check is successful. A typical configuration would have all the actuator endpoints on a separate port and health groups that are used for liveness and readiness available at an additional path on the main port.

Composite Contributor Include/Exclude Support

Health groups can be configured to include/exclude parts of a CompositeHealthContributor. This can be done by specifying the fully qualified path to the component. For example, a component spring which is nested inside a composite named test, can be included using test/spring.

Metrics Support

Application Startup

Auto-configuration exposes two metrics related to application startup:

  • application.started.time: time taken to start the application.

  • application.ready.time: time taken for the application to be ready to service requests.

Disk Space

Micrometer’s DiskSpaceMetrics are now auto-configured. disk.free and disk.total metrics are provided for the partition identified by the current working directory. To change the path that is used, define your own DiskSpaceMetrics bean.

Task Execution and Scheduling

Micrometer’s ExecutorServiceMetrics are now auto-configured for all ThreadPoolTaskExecutor and ThreadPoolTaskScheduler beans, as long as the underlying ThreadPoolExecutor is available. Metrics are tagged with the name of the executor derived from its bean name.

Jetty Connection and SSL

Micrometer’s JettyConnectionMetrics are now auto-configured. Additionally, when server.ssl.enabled is set to true, Micrometer’s JettySslHandshakeMetrics are also auto-configured.

Exporting to the Dynatrace v2 API

Support for exporting metrics to the Dynatrace v2 API has been added. With a local OneAgent running on the host, a dependency on io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-dynatrace is all that is required. Without a local OneAgent, the management.metrics.export.dynatrace.uri and management.metrics.export.dynatrace.api-token properties must be configured. Other settings that are specific to the v2 API can be configured using the management.metrics.export.dynatrace.v2 properties. Please refer to the updated reference documentation for further details.

Docker Image Building Support

Additional Image Tags

The Maven and Gradle plugins now support applying additional tags to a generated image after it is built using a tags configuration parameter.

See the updated Gradle and Maven reference documentation for more details.

Network Configuration

A network configuration parameter has been added to the Maven plugin spring-boot:build-image goal and the Gradle bootBuildImage task. This parameter can be used to configure the network driver used by the container that runs the Cloud Native Buildpacks builder process.

Cache Configuration

The Maven and Gradle plugins now support customizing the names of the volumes used to cache layers contributed to a built image by buildpacks using buildCache and launchCache configuration parameters.

See the updated Gradle and Maven reference documentation for more details.

Auto-configuration for Spring Data Envers

Auto-configuration for Spring Data Envers is now provided. To use it, add a dependency on org.springframework.data:spring-data-envers and update your JPA repositories to extend from RevisionRepository.

Redis Connection Pooling

Redis (both Jedis and Lettuce) will now automatically enable pooling when commons-pool2 is on the classpath. Set spring.redis.jedis.pool.enabled or spring.redis.lettuce.pool.enabled to false to disable pooling if required.

Auto-configuration for spring-rabbit-stream

Auto-configuration for Spring AMQP’s new spring-rabbit-stream module has been added. A StreamListenerContainer is auto-configured when the spring.rabbitmq.listener.type property is set to stream. The spring.rabbitmq.stream.* properties can be used to configure access to the broker and spring.rabbitmq.listener.stream.native-listener can be used to enable native listener support.

Support for PEM format in Kafka SSL Properties

Previously, Kafka only supported file-based key and trust stores for SSL. With KIP-651, it is now possible to use the PEM format. Spring Boot has added the following properties that allow configuring SSL certificates and private keys using the PEM format:

  • spring.kafka.ssl.key-store-key

  • spring.kafka.ssl.key-store-certificate-chain

  • spring.kafka.ssl.trust-store-certificates

Improved Configuration of the Maven Plugin’s Start Goal

The Maven Plugin’s start goal has been made more configurable from the command line. Its wait and maxAttempts properties can be specified using spring-boot.start.wait and spring-boot.start.maxAttempts respectively.

Auto-configured Spring Web Service Server Tests

A new annotation, @WebServiceServerTest, that can be used to test Web Service @Endpoint beans has been introduced. The annotation creates a test slice containing @Endpoint beans and auto-configures a MockWebServiceClient bean that can be used to test your web service endpoints.

MessageSource-based Interpolation of Bean Validation Messages

The application’s MessageSource is now used when resolving {parameters} in constraint messages. This allows you to use your application’s messages.properties files for Bean Validation messages. Once the parameters have been resolved, message interpolation is completed using Bean Validation’s default interpolator.

Using WebTestClient for Testing Spring MVC

Developers could use WebTestClient to test WebFlux apps in mock environments, or any Spring web app against live servers. This change also enables WebTestClient for Spring MVC in mock environments: classes annotated with @AutoConfigureMockMvc can get injected a WebTestClient. This makes our support complete, you can now use a single API to drive all your web tests!

Spring Integration PollerMetadata Properties

Spring Integration PollerMetadata (poll unbounded number of messages every second) can now be customized with spring.integration.poller.* configuration properties.

Support for Log4j2’s Composite Configuration

Log4j2’s composite configuration is now supported. To use it, configure the logging.log4j2.config.override property with a comma-separated list of secondary configuration files that will override the main configuration. The main configuration is sourced from Spring Boot’s defaults, a well-known standard location such as log4j2.xml, or the location specified by the logging.config property as before.

Dependency Upgrades

Spring Boot 2.6 moves to new versions of several Spring projects:

  • Spring Security 5.6

  • Spring Data 2021.1

  • Spring HATEOAS 1.4

  • Spring Kafka 2.8

  • Spring AMQP 2.4

  • Spring Session 2021.1.0

Numerous third-party dependencies have also been updated, some of the more noteworthy of which are the following:

  • Apache Kafka 3.0

  • Artemis 2.19

  • Cassandra Driver 4.13

  • Commons DBCP 2.9

  • Commons Pool 2.11

  • Couchbase Client 3.2.2

  • Elasticsearch 7.15

  • Flyway 8.0.5

  • Hibernate 5.6

  • JUnit Jupiter 5.8

  • Jedis 3.7

  • Kafka 3.0

  • Kotlin 1.6

  • Liquibase 4.5

  • Micrometer 1.8

  • Mockito 4.0

  • MongoDB 4.4

  • Postgresql 42.3

  • QueryDSL 5.0

  • SnakeYAML 1.29

  • Thymeleaf Layout Dialect 3.0


Apart from the changes listed above, there have also been lots of minor tweaks and improvements including:

  • The failure analysis for a NoSuchMethodError now includes information about the location from which the calling class was loaded.

  • A ClientResourcesBuilderCustomizer bean can now be defined to customize Lettuce’s ClientResources will retaining the default auto-configuration.

  • Configuration properties for Flyway’s detectEncoding, failOnMissingLocations, and ignoreMigrationPatterns configuration settings have been added.

  • A custom ResourceLoader to be used by the application can be provided when creating a SpringApplicationBulder.

  • A WebSessionIdResolver can now be defined to customize the resolver that will be used by the auto-configured WebSessionManager.

  • Any RSocketConnectorConfigurer beans are now automatically applied to the auto-configured RSocketRequester.Builder.

  • spring-boot-configuration-processor can now generate metadata for classes annotated with Lombok’s @Value.

  • A new server.tomcat.reject-illegal-header configuration property can be set to true to configure Tomcat to accept illegal headers.

  • When using Stackdriver, labels can now be configured on the monitor resource by setting management.metrics.export.stackdriver.resource-labels.* configuration properties.

  • @EntityScan now supports comma-separated values in its basePackages attribute.

  • A new configuration property, server.netty.idle-timeout, that can be used to control Reactor Netty’s idle timeout has been added.

  • The location from which Devtools loads its global settings can now be configured using the spring.devtools.home system property or the SPRING_DEVTOOLS_HOME environment variable.

  • The setter methods on RabbitTemplateConfigurer are now public

  • The heapdump endpoint is now supported on OpenJ9 where it will produce a heap dump in PHD format.

  • New configuration properties are now supported for multipart support in WebFlux, under spring.webflux.multipart.*

  • Any ContainerCustomizer bean is now called to configure the auto-configured Spring AMQP MessageListenerContainer

  • Jackson’s default leniency can be configured using the spring.jackson.default-leniency property.

  • Distribution statistic’s expiry and buffer length are now configurable.

  • Command Latency metrics for Lettuce are now auto-configured.

  • Disk space metrics can be configured with one or more paths using the management.metrics.system.diskspace.paths property.

  • Users can take control over the Redis auto-configuration by providing a RedisStandaloneConfiguration bean.

  • The URLs of all available data sources is now logged when the H2 console is auto-configured.

  • A new configuration property, spring.integration.management.default-logging-enabled, can be used to disable Spring Integration’s default logging by setting its value to false.

  • Auto-configuration for UserDetailsService will now back off in the presence of an AuthenticationManagerProvider bean.

Deprecations in Spring Boot 2.6.0

  • AbstractDataSourceInitializer has been deprecated in favor of DataSourceScriptDatabaseInitializer. Similarly, subclasses of AbstractDataSourceInitializer have been deprecated in favour of new DataSourceScriptDatabaseInitializer-based equivalents.

  • SpringPhysicalNamingStrategy has been deprecated in favor of Hibernate 5.5’s CamelCaseToUnderscoresNamingStrategy

  • Three methods on AbstractApplicationContextRunner have been deprecated in favor of new RunnerConfiguration-based equivalents

  • The started and running methods in SpringApplicationRunListener have been replaced with versions that accept a Duration.

  • Constructors in ApplicationStartedEvent and ApplicationReadyEvent have been replaced with versions that accept a Duration.

  • The EnvironmentEndpoint.sanitize has been deprecated for removal.

