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spark join shuffle 数据文件的读取


// 下面就是对这个shuffler中的分片数据进行读取并进行相关的aggregate操作了
val blockFetcherItr = new ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator(
  mapOutputTracker.getMapSizesByExecutorId(handle.shuffleId, startPartition, endPartition),
  // Note: we use getSizeAsMb when no suffix is provided for backwards compatibility
  SparkEnv.get.conf.getSizeAsMb("spark.reducer.maxSizeInFlight", "48m") * 1024 * 1024)

在类ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator.initialize 方法中

private[this] def initialize(): Unit = {
// Add a task completion callback (called in both success case and failure case) to cleanup.
context.addTaskCompletionListener(_ => cleanup())

// Split local and remote blocks.
// 拿到要远程拉取的数据信息了
val remoteRequests = splitLocalRemoteBlocks()
// Add the remote requests into our queue in a random order
fetchRequests ++= Utils.randomize(remoteRequests)

// Send out initial requests for blocks, up to our maxBytesInFlight
// 从队列里面拿出请求任务进行请求了

val numFetches = remoteRequests.size - fetchRequests.size
logInfo("Started " + numFetches + " remote fetches in" + Utils.getUsedTimeMs(startTime))

// Get Local Blocks
// 拉取本地数据了
logDebug("Got local blocks in " + Utils.getUsedTimeMs(startTime))


private[this] def splitLocalRemoteBlocks(): ArrayBuffer[FetchRequest] = {
// Make remote requests at most maxBytesInFlight / 5 in length; the reason to keep them
// smaller than maxBytesInFlight is to allow multiple, parallel fetches from up to 5
// nodes, rather than blocking on reading output from one node.
val targetRequestSize = math.max(maxBytesInFlight / 5, 1L)
logDebug("maxBytesInFlight: " + maxBytesInFlight + ", targetRequestSize: " + targetRequestSize)

// Split local and remote blocks. Remote blocks are further split into FetchRequests of size
// at most maxBytesInFlight in order to limit the amount of data in flight.
val remoteRequests = new ArrayBuffer[FetchRequest]

// Tracks total number of blocks (including zero sized blocks)
var totalBlocks = 0
for ((address, blockInfos) <- blocksByAddress) {
  // 一个一个地址去拉取数据了
  totalBlocks += blockInfos.size
  if (address.executorId == blockManager.blockManagerId.executorId) {
    // Filter out zero-sized blocks
    // 如果这个数据是在本地的
    localBlocks ++= blockInfos.filter(_._2 != 0).map(_._1)
    numBlocksToFetch += localBlocks.size
  } else {
    // 这里就是一些非本地的数据了
    val iterator = blockInfos.iterator
    var curRequestSize = 0L
    var curBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[(BlockId, Long)]
    while (iterator.hasNext) {
      val (blockId, size) = iterator.next()
      // Skip empty blocks
      if (size > 0) {
        curBlocks += ((blockId, size))
        remoteBlocks += blockId
        numBlocksToFetch += 1
        curRequestSize += size
      } else if (size < 0) {
        throw new BlockException(blockId, "Negative block size " + size)
      if (curRequestSize >= targetRequestSize) {
        // Add this FetchRequest
        // block 是 ShuffleBlockId
        remoteRequests += new FetchRequest(address, curBlocks)
        curBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[(BlockId, Long)]
        logDebug(s"Creating fetch request of $curRequestSize at $address")
        curRequestSize = 0
    // Add in the final request
    if (curBlocks.nonEmpty) {
      remoteRequests += new FetchRequest(address, curBlocks)
logInfo(s"Getting $numBlocksToFetch non-empty blocks out of $totalBlocks blocks")
// 返回要远程拉取的数据了

可以看到上面根据当前的 shuffleBlockId 的执行进程executorId是否和当前的一致,如果是一致,说明是本地数据,否则是远程数据。

private def fetchUpToMaxBytes(): Unit = {
// Send fetch requests up to maxBytesInFlight
while (fetchRequests.nonEmpty &&
  (bytesInFlight == 0 || bytesInFlight + fetchRequests.front.size <= maxBytesInFlight)) {
  // 通过这里进行限流请求了


private[this] def sendRequest(req: FetchRequest) {
logDebug("Sending request for %d blocks (%s) from %s".format(
  req.blocks.size, Utils.bytesToString(req.size), req.address.hostPort))
bytesInFlight += req.size

// so we can look up the size of each blockID
val sizeMap = req.blocks.map { case (blockId, size) => (blockId.toString, size) }.toMap
val blockIds = req.blocks.map(_._1.toString)
// 去这些地址拉取数据了,同时注意block对象是 ShuffleBlockId 里面包含着当前请求的是那个分片数据
//  在拉取的时候,还要对block块数据进行分片
val address = req.address
// NettyBlockTransferService 和 ExternalShuffleClient
shuffleClient.fetchBlocks(address.host, address.port, address.executorId, blockIds.toArray,
  new BlockFetchingListener {
    override def onBlockFetchSuccess(blockId: String, buf: ManagedBuffer): Unit = {
      // Only add the buffer to results queue if the iterator is not zombie,
      // i.e. cleanup() has not been called yet.
      if (!isZombie) {
        // Increment the ref count because we need to pass this to a different thread.
        // This needs to be released after use.
        results.put(new SuccessFetchResult(BlockId(blockId), address, sizeMap(blockId), buf))
      logTrace("Got remote block " + blockId + " after " + Utils.getUsedTimeMs(startTime))

    override def onBlockFetchFailure(blockId: String, e: Throwable): Unit = {
      logError(s"Failed to get block(s) from ${req.address.host}:${req.address.port}", e)
      results.put(new FailureFetchResult(BlockId(blockId), address, e))

可以看到主要使用NettyBlockTransferService 和 ExternalShuffleClient 两种客户端进行数据的拉取。

private[this] def fetchLocalBlocks() {
val iter = localBlocks.iterator
while (iter.hasNext) {
  val blockId = iter.next()
  try {
    // 拉取数据了
    val buf = blockManager.getBlockData(blockId)
    results.put(new SuccessFetchResult(blockId, blockManager.blockManagerId, 0, buf))
  } catch {
    case e: Exception =>
      // If we see an exception, stop immediately.
      logError(s"Error occurred while fetching local blocks", e)
      results.put(new FailureFetchResult(blockId, blockManager.blockManagerId, e))


override def getBlockData(blockId: BlockId): ManagedBuffer = {
if (blockId.isShuffle) {
  // 当是shuffle数据时
} else {
  val blockBytesOpt = doGetLocal(blockId, asBlockResult = false)
  if (blockBytesOpt.isDefined) {
    val buffer = blockBytesOpt.get
    new NioManagedBuffer(buffer)
  } else {
    throw new BlockNotFoundException(blockId.toString)

然后当前数据是 shuffle数据,所以调用了shuffleBlockResolver对象,然后实现类为FileShuffleBlockResolver和IndexShuffleBlockResolver 两个,现在查看FileShuffleBlockResolver 对象。

override def getBlockData(blockId: ShuffleBlockId): ManagedBuffer = {
// 拿到数据文件回来了
val file = blockManager.diskBlockManager.getFile(blockId)
// 返回这个文件读取对象了
  new FileSegmentManagedBuffer(transportConf, file, 0, file.length)

可以看到,该方法先去拿到该分片的文件,然后创建FileSegmentManagedBuffer 对象。
具体的 DiskBlockManager实现搜索文件为

def getFile(filename: String): File = {
// filename 包含着 shuffleid_index_part
var attempts = 0
val numLocalDirs = localDirs.length
val maxAttempts = numLocalDirs

val subDirsMap = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Array[File]]()
subDirs.zipWithIndex.foreach(s => subDirsMap.put(s._2, s._1))

// Figure out which local directory it hashes to, and which subdirectory in that
// 文件名称的hash
val hash = Utils.nonNegativeHash(filename)
// hash 到这些目录下面
var dirId = hash % subDirsMap.size
// 子目录下面
var subDirId = (hash / subDirsMap.size) % subDirsPerLocalDir

var dir: File = null
while (dir == null) {
  attempts += 1
  if (attempts > maxAttempts) {
    throw new IOException("Failed to create local dir after " +
      maxAttempts + " attempts!")

    logError("Failed to create local dir in root " + dirId + " after " +
      maxAttempts + " attempts!")

    if (subDirsMap.size == 0) {
      throw new IOException("Failed to create local dir after try in all root dir")
    // 有多个盘下面可以存储数据,所以这里这样操作了
    dirId = hash % subDirsMap.size
    subDirId = (hash / subDirsMap.size) % subDirsPerLocalDir

  try {
    // Create the subdirectory if it doesn't already exist
    dir = subDirs(dirId).synchronized {
      val old = subDirs(dirId)(subDirId)
      if (old != null) {
        new File(old, filename)
      } else {
        val newDir = new File(localDirs(dirId), "%02x".format(subDirId))
        if (newDir.exists() || newDir.mkdir()) {
          subDirs(dirId)(subDirId) = newDir
          new File(newDir, filename)
        else {
          logWarning(s"Failed to create local dir in $newDir.")
  } catch { case e: SecurityException => dir = null; }


然后FileSegmentManagedBuffer 文件就就是纯粹的nio文件的读取

public ByteBuffer nioByteBuffer() throws IOException {
FileChannel channel = null;
try {
  channel = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r").getChannel();
  // Just copy the buffer if it's sufficiently small, as memory mapping has a high overhead.
  if (length < conf.memoryMapBytes()) {
    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) length);
    while (buf.remaining() != 0) {
      // 不断读取到直接内存中去
      if (channel.read(buf) == -1) {
        throw new IOException(String.format("Reached EOF before filling buffer\n" +
          offset, file.getAbsoluteFile(), buf.remaining()));
    return buf;
  } else {
    // 直接文件的读取了
    return channel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, offset, length);



  1. 读取指定shuffleid的part分片的数据
  2. 通过拉取该分片数据的mapstatus信息,存放在那些节点当中
  3. 然后对这数据进行分类是远程还是本地数据
  4. 如果是远程数据就通用netty进行拉取,本地数据就读取数据文件
  5. 当是本地数据时,就通过 shuffleid + mapid + part 定位到具体存放的数据文件然后通过nio方式读取

